Why is Catholic Bashing soooo popular?

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You have typed a whole bunch of words, but on critical analysis, you have not said anything objective. You are proceeding on incorrect assumptions you say you have been indoctrinated in. For this I am sorry and I pray for you. You say you do not pray. Even the bible says that Jesus prayed frequently, and he was God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. This we accept on faith. Or do you deny this also. How Catholic are you? If you accept this, what is the empirical reasoning behind your accepting it. There is none. It is a matter we accept as a mystery of faith. i.e., the existence of the Trinity.

You ask where is the soul. I ask you show me justice, beauty, goodness. You ask me to show you something spiritual and immaterial. I cannot. I ask you to show me justice, beauty, good, all abstract terms, yet you understand the meaning. Does that mean they do not exist? Therein lies the errors of your secular logic. As long as you cling to secularism, which I sense very strongly, you will be on the path to no answers.

Do me one favor. Pray for me that I do God’s will in my life. Not a prayer for riches, health, possessions or anything. Merely that I be a good and faithful servant for him to whom I owe everything.
Prayers & blessings
Deacon Ed B
I was taught by several nuns and priests that there was a limbo. NEVER told it was a theory. Probably told this to put more fear into us.
You talk about your catholic education.  I am sure there are millions who have educational crudentials much better then yours that have a different belief or no belief at all and can sight why their way is the right way.   Saying that your educated in catholic doctrine doesn't mean catholicism is correct.  It just means thats your belief.   The catechism is the catholic play book.  Its not the book of God.

 You often throw around the terms heaven/hell.   You should have a good understanding of what you speak.   Where is heaven?  Where is hell?   Where in your body is your soul?  How does your soul leave your body?

 Christianity in most western culture democracies is fast disappearing in believers.  Yes there are millions of baptized cathlics/protestants but few attend mass anymore.  Countries such as England, Germany, France, Holland, Spain even Italy and Canada are  moving towards secularism.  During the past  simpletons in the church did what they were told and feared reprisals from the church if they disagreed in doctrine.  The church grew in numbers mostly by family tradition, handed down generation to generation.  The church is evolving.  Thank goodness those days are behind us. 

I can't explain all the answers to why there is catholic bashing but it has nothing to do with jealousy as someone wrote.  If that is what is was they would become catholic.
For those that have become a catholic through their own learned experiences I applaud you. For the millions (including myself) who were indoctrinated into the faith because our parents wanted us to be just like them…thats not really a faith. You have to learn about all faiths or no belief at all to really get an understanding of what you find suitable for your own needs and comforts…not needs and comforts that our parents wanted us to have to be like them. Their job is to teach us the laws of the land.
You say saints that died have gone to heaven. In the bible it says these two statements 2KI 2:11 And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

John 3:13 says: "NO man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven,…the son of Man.

Genesis 1:11.13 God created plants on the 3rd day. 1 day before the sun was created. We all know that plants need sunlight through photosyntheses to exist.

More paradoxes in the bible. I don’t make this stuff up, its there for all to read. You just have to sort out what suits your comfort level in what you actually want to believe. Consistancy is of upmost importance. Not in the bible.

Take a little time and learn to look up words in order to spell correctly. Learn to use contractions where necessary.

Clean up the expression of your thought so that others can respect what you write.

Read Scott Hahn.
This is where you are wrong. The Church never taught *de fide *the existence of limbo. It was something that was put forward to try and understand what happens to unbaptized Children. Obviously they, through no fault of their own not being baptized, do not deserve eternal damnation. What was put forth was a theory that one could believe or reject, that a place, called Limbo existed for these souls where they would enjoy perfect natural happiness, instead of supernatural happiness. It was not and has never been dogma. Simply a possibility, because there was nothing which answered this question and because the damnation of these innocent souls would be contrary to God’s infinite Mercy and justice. There still is no official position on this.

**Wrong again. **The Church does not and never taught that you go to purgatory until the time of judgment day. If this were true, there would be no saints, as a saint is anyone who has died and has gone to heaven, whether canonized or not. Go back to your childhood. Remember All Saints and All Souls day. November 1 & 2 All saints day celebrates those souls who are in heaven and have not been canonized. All Souls celebrates those souls in purgatory who are serving temporal punishment (for purgation i.e., to be made perfect) . These souls know they have salvation and will end up in heaven. Lets call them saints in waiting. As they will be saints. You either misunderstood what was taught, or you had an awful poor teacher.

**Wrong again. ** I have had 10 years of Catholic schooling through high school, and Seven years Catholic College plus 4 years diaconate formation and then additional theological studies at a local school of theology when told by my bishop, “You have been enrolled in…” I was never taught this. Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church under the section of the 4 marks of the Catholic Church, i.e., One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic. It is paragraph numbers 830-856. You will get the correct teaching on this. Additionally, read St. Paul’s epistle to the Romans, Chapter 2:12-16. This segment is called "Judgment by the Interior Law"This also addresses this situation as to those who are not Catholic or Jewish, and their salvation. This is only 2000 years old, and believe it or not has always been the Church teaching.

This is an explanation of the biblical passages I cited above.

I believe the answers given above will also answer this last paragraph.
Prayers & blessings
Deacon Ed B
well said deacon! This is what my parish teaches on these matters also and it is the personal conclusion I have recieved from studying the catechism.
You say saints that died have gone to heaven.
You misquote me. I said, "A saint is one that has died and is in heaven.
John 3:13 says: "NO man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven,…the son of Man.
That is correct. No man ascends to heaven of his own will or power. We get to heaven when God so wills.
Genesis 1:11.13 God created plants on the 3rd day. 1 day before the sun was created. We all know that plants need sunlight through photosyntheses to exist.
Don’t forget how long ago this was written and the lack of scientific knowledge which we think we possess now. Also one of the first things I was taught in grade school is that the Bible tells us how to to to heaven, not how the heavens go. Either you were not taught this or you missed it. Having had several years of scripture courses, one thing I point out to you is that the Hebrew word YOM has several different meanings. Our scripture professor was fluent in Hebrew. ***YOM ***could mean either a day, (a 24 hour period_ a decade or a long indeterminate period of time. Those who first translated scripture used day. The variant meanings give a better understanding. For your information, I do not take the bible literally. Some things I do, some I do not. This is based on years of education in philosophy, theology scripture, etc.
More paradoxes in the bible. I don’t make this stuff up, its there for all to read. You just have to sort out what suits your comfort level in what you actually want to believe. Consistancy is of upmost importance. Not in the bible.
Call it what you will, but taking it literally will only confuse you. Don’t forget that all languages use idioms. If I tell you I am caught between a rock and a hard spot, you will understand that I am having a difficult time with something. Those not familiar with English, two or three thousand years from now will be looking for a literal rock and trying to find something hard that pinned me in. This is one of the problems with just picking up the bible and taking it literally. You point out some of the problems well. Learn from them. You also miss the major fact that those who wrote scripture are of an oriental, not occidental mindset. This plays a huge difference. Part of understanding scripture is understanding the oriental mindset, not easy.
you should get an edjamacation before debating with an Deacon, even I who study biblical history and language in college now better than to argue with an Deacon!
Now that’s a good post, Deacon Ed.

For every rip there’s an unsown seem.
you should get an edjamacation before debating with an Deacon, even I who study biblical history and language in college now better than to argue with an Deacon!
Jake......Jake  Jake!

 edjamacation you say.  Interesting.   After the word college that you wrote above I believe it should read  KNOW better not NOW better.........there's Jake criticizing someone else for edjamacation and he makes grammar mistakes himself.  What are we to think?   The pot calling the kettle black.  

Don't  debate with a deacon you say.   OOOOOOH!  Interesting.     

Remember that spelling Jake  its  KNOW  not NOW.
You just gave ONE perfect reason of many. why people bash catholics. “Jesus told me to do that” you say. Jesus never told you ANYTHING! A big LIE! Better go to confession my friend. From a former catholic. UNBELIEVABLE! The BS keeps comin’ I have seen it for years.(LOL)
Dear impalass. I am sorry you are not practicing your Faith. Is that one reason that you are so angry? Re-read the post. It starts, “Use a little humour”, so I don’t think the poster was seriously saying s/he has a DIRECT connection to Jesus. But then, who knows, stranger things have happened in God’s time.😉
Having been warned to stay on topic but not having the warning heeded, this thread is now closed.
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