No, PJM, I am saying that God isn’t in the realm of being mean or not mean; so the question is, in practice, irrelevant. People may read OT scriptures and say “that is a mean god, to act that way.” But I don’t believe that the OT delineation of god is about God. I don’t know what it is about, possibly what those folks conjured up out of necessity to be a god. Or it was their misinterpretation of what they had been told about God by those who had actually seen. Please read my note to JK above regarding that dynamic. And, as always, how accurate can an interpretation be of the infinitude of Being, especially by someone who is otherwise stuck in a subject/object awareness?
Please remember, religions are about God/god, and usually are lines of explication or exegesis made by those who are speculating on the experience of the original Realizer. No matter how clear the words were of the original Realizer, they could not necessarily engender the actual experience in the life of the listeners. They might engender a practice or a belief (hello!) but not the experience. If someone had a subsequent realization, then they have different ears to listen with than the ordinary faithful. Remember as well Mark 4:33,34.
As to spreading the faith, I would rather spread good than faith. The good that missionaries of any faith or political system have done lives after them. Their faith or belief has in many case destroyed lives, if not entire cultures that had valuable experiential maps of the human heart and awareness. I’m sure that the Amerind tribe whose hands were cut off by Columbus were happy to receive the Christian God. K of C, indeed!
As for intelligence and common sense, of course you are right. It does not take a particular kind or degree of intelligence to realize, as far as I know. It has to do with Grace. In the Church it is called in one of its forms Sanctifying Grace.
But as far as you spreading the faith, I think it is wonderful for you that you are doing it. My sister is a Mormon. I have had many opportunities to listen to the adventures of their returning missionaries, a nephew included. I am amazed at the stories they tell, the encounters they have had, and the maturity they have gained. Have they been spreading the Word of God? What do you think, PJM? Were they? Yet, they did what they did completely convinced that that is what they were doing. My sister was a Moonie. Were they spreading the Word of Gog? What do you think? Were they convinced they were? You can bet on it. So do your work, grow in maturity, and learn about yourself. Do so with all the energy you can muster. It may be your only way through belief. God as IS is not a matter of belief or of religion or of philosophy. God as God simply IS ALL, and we call it All knowing, All Present, All whatever. But that is for us. It touches not nor describes God, though for the sincere it may point that way.
Is faith fruitless? NO! It has great value if it is in the hands and practice of someone who is on another level good. They may use their religion as a necessary ad hoc explanation of why they are Good, and if they continue in that Good they will discover a God they never imagined. But it will be because they were Good, virtuous, and ardent, not because they were religious, however sincere.
Sincerity, like Charity, covers a multitude of evils and errors. It is why we love children and forgive puppies. I admire it in everyone who has it, as I admire you, greatly, in that virtue. So, just love, and spread good, and the gospel if you feel it necessary, but remember that actions are louder than words. Is saving a drowning man a Catholic act? Is giving food or goods to the needy a Catholic act? Is being there for the sick and dying a Catholic act? If it was, only Catholics would do those things. Yet, they are common in the world over time and space. Why is that? What is non-Catholic, yet good and Universal? Why would you necessarily want the good I do to be a Catholic good, thus removing it from the context of the Universal body of all those who have done Good, simply because they Loved? Isn’t that where religions get divisive and meanness ensues? Perhaps this is why some people feel that god, or a god is mean.
I mean, think about it. Are you against childhood? Of course not. Did you do anything to “destroy” your own? No.What happened? You naturally and rightfully did what your life brought you to grow into maturity. But what if say at 5th grade someone said "This way and level of knowing is the one, true and only way. The principle of the school has said so and he and his staff have researched the way of our school. Accept that or suffer forever!’ hmmm… I wonder if…
Am I against Catholicism? NO! I am for maturity, sanity, critical thinking, and considering the significance of one’s experience and being. That ought, I think, be done in the widest, deepest ways possible, in order to invite Grace, or as I call it now, Realization. It is in this regard that I continue to offer sources and make connections so that all whom I contact might have what I can give them as an opportunity to reduce the limits habit and ignorance place on the experience of Soul. My fear is that what I do sometimes entrenches people further into their religion, and I ask forgiveness for that. Am I being a missionary? Perhaps some may think so. But I have no agenda as to what someone might discover as a result of their own inquiry. I only know that it will be wonder-ful. I am not asking anyone, either, to believe what I say or anything about it, or that thy ought use belief as a means. No. I only wish everyone to deeply engage an inner quest beyond belief, to discover (K)nowledge.
Bindar Doondat, FZPC