Why is it not a sin to eat meat, fish, eggs?

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And this is why you cook pork. Meats have bacteria and parasites. And this is why you cook meat, “unclean” or not.

Read this. The words of the Gospel.
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It boggles the mind how you become selectively illiterate. I say that because it’s the only way you could miss what we’ve been repeating.

Thus He declared all foods clean.
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So you do not agree with Sacred Scripture? You are not Catholic?
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Not every species of animal is considered food for humans according to scripture.
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Christ says that things which enter man from the outside cannot defile them. Pork fits this description. Pork is food but its consumption under Mosaic Law defiled man. Christ declared it clean.
I just wanted to say a Deacon is a man ordained to holy orders and knows about these things. One of the roles of Deacons is to teach us about our faith.
We can ask Deacons any question , even though we think it might be trivial, and the Deacon will set us straight on it.

Listen to the Deacon.
Human flesh is food, yeah. It does not defile a man to eat it.

That being said, it’s gross and only able to be obtained through sinful means, so…
Why do you believe it does not defile another man to eat a human?
So let me get this straight. You, a layman, know better than the Church, the clergy, Sacred Tradition, and Sacred Scripture?
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