Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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Your verses are great. Your argument however is weak. Catholics believe everything you are suggesting by these verses that we don’t. Your argument is called a “Straw Man Argument.”
There is no strawman because there is no argument.
Get your facts straight, learn first of all what Catholics believe, then you can at least have a worthwhile discussion. Setting up a “straw man” and attempting to knock it down with Scripture that we Catholic believe will not persuade anyone with half a brain. Suggesting that Catholics don’t believe the Resurrection is hogwash.
Don’t forget that if it weren’t for Catholics, you wouldn’t have a Bible, and you wouldn’t know about the Resurrection.
You have completely read something into my post(s) that isn’t there. I never even implied that Catholics didn’t believe in the resurrection. I posted the vereses I did to show that no one should have an issue with using an empty cross.
He is more than in our Bread, He is in us, and not just at Communion.

Matthew 18:20

Matthew 28:20
John 14:20
John 14:23
Hebrews 2:12
Romans 8:10
Galatians 2:20
This is true, christ can be in a person whether they are explicitly Catholic or not. if they are In Christ then therefore Christ is in them if they remain in a state of grace.

Yet non catholic(explicitly) cannot have Christ in them in the form of His glorified flesh and blood as he gave the apostles at the last supper. this is confined to those who are explicitly catholic and in good standing with the Church(the Body of Christ). this is how we much more fully and literally become partakers of the Divine nature, as scripture states. That Christ would humble Himself, to want us to love Him so much that we just cannot get close enough to Him Spiritually, but that we want to gobble Him up and have Him THAT close to us! Especially after He already loved us so dearly He died for us while we were yet sinners!

Thank you for your flsh to eat and your blood to drink, True food and True drink, of which we have eternal life within us and you will raise us up on the last day! JN 6:54
Jesus is only in the unleavened bread that is consecrated by one like He (an ordained “Priest”). No Priest, no consecration, no consecration, no blessing…no blessing of the bread, no Jesus in the bread.

Jesus is “not” in the Protestant bread because they don’t have The Priesthood instituted by Jesus, ordained by Apostolic Tradition!

Jesus was not a “pastor”…He was a Priest!

He didn’t “symbolically” bless the bread (there’s nothing symbolic about Jesus saying “This ‘is’ my body…”).

 	 		 			 				 					Originally Posted by **Namesake** 					[forums.catholic-questions.org/images/buttons_cad/viewpost.gif](http://forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?p=3284938#post3284938) 				
			*It is insulting to state that we just want to be different than Catholics. We actually believe that our faith is superior to yours, just as you believe that your faith is superior to ours. So quit with the slams already.*
A rose by any other name…

First of all, this is our website—😛 😉

Funny, I was just told that protestants are welcome here. Perhaps we are only welcomed as guests, not as regular participants? If as guests, do you you always insult your guests or just online?

I wear a cross every day of my life. Never take it off. It means all to me a crucifix means to any Catholic. I actually looked at some crucifixes when I was shopping for the cross I have now. Choosing a Cross did not Deny Jesus death and suffering any more than chosing a crucifix would have denied His resurrection. All this bickering over such a minor point is really ‘out there’. Everyone should take a deep breath and think a bit about if you are representing Jesus in a way He’d want you to.
My wife’s Lutheran church says the “Lamb of God…” three times right before communion (wish we could say just that, three times).

I feel they’re thaaat close to recognzing that Christ’s sacrifice, happening outside of time, continues to pour saving grace on us.

Then they’d see a crucifix as something extra-special.

Funny, I was just told that protestants are welcome here. Perhaps we are only welcomed as guests, not as regular participants? If as guests, do you you always insult your guests or just online?

I wear a cross every day of my life. Never take it off. It means all to me a crucifix means to any Catholic. I actually looked at some crucifixes when I was shopping for the cross I have now. Choosing a Cross did not Deny Jesus death and suffering any more than chosing a crucifix would have denied His resurrection. All this bickering over such a minor point is really ‘out there’. Everyone should take a deep breath and think a bit about if you are representing Jesus in a way He’d want you to.
Trust me, you will “not” find a non-Catholic Christian website where you can express yourself as you do here.

Take the “Crucifix/Cross” exchange and watch it get booted.

I love it that you guys are here.

I wish there were more.

Catholics need to be challenged on their faith so that they look at why they believe what they believe.

We are like Israel…blessed and most of us are unappreciative of the gifts we’ve been given while other other Christians are starving to know what we know.

I always think of Catholics (not all, just most, including myself most times) when I here Jesus say…

Matthew 11:20-24

20 Then he began to denounce the cities where most of his mighty works had been done, because they did not repent.

21 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

22 But I tell you, it will be more bearable on the day of judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you.

23 And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven? You will be brought down to Hades. For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day.

24 But I tell you that it will be more tolerable on the day of judgment for the land of Sodom than for you.”
Funny, I was just told that protestants are welcome here. Perhaps we are only welcomed as guests, not as regular participants? If as guests, do you you always insult your guests or just online?

Who was insulting who? I tried reading both quotes you put up and it seemed as if neither were. One was insulting in the beginning of this. Just read from the beginning and see where it first leads.

I am new to this site and have enjoyed reading your post. I hope you continue to post and disregard a couple loose people. I think we can all get ahead of ourselves from time to time. I know I can for the simple reason I would want nothing more than for people to see the Catholic Church for what it is. I hated this institution at one point and one day God opened my eyes and heart. I was by no means looking to learn about the Catholic Faith. It has been the most amazing experiences of my life. It’s like I went " Holy Smoke!!! It’s Real!!!" except I did not use the word “smoke”.😉
I agree that the two can’t be separated. I disagree with you when you say that Christ’s death on the cross destroyed our death. His death paid the ransom for our sins, and his resurrection promised our eternal life in Him. Pretty close to the same thing as you said.
Well, I think you misinterpret when I said that Jesus Christ dying destroyed our death.

In the Mass we recite these words. “Dying you destroy our death, rising, you restored our life. Jesus come in glory.”

When we recite that Jesus destroyed our death, I mean our death in sin. Jesus destroyed sin. Remember, just as one man’s sin, death came into the world, with one righteous man, all are made saved.

I don’t see how you could possibly disagree with my statement. The death I speak of is the death of sin. I don’t see any disagreement here. I do think you misinterpret my words.
But he’s not “in” the bread in the Catholic Church either, right? 😉
I think he meant to say, they are no real presence of Jesus Christ in most Protestant churches (those churches which deny real presence).

Who was insulting who? I tried reading both quotes you put up and it seemed as if neither were. One was insulting in the beginning of this. Just read from the beginning and see where it first leads.

I am new to this site and have enjoyed reading your post. I hope you continue to post and disregard a couple loose people. I think we can all get ahead of ourselves from time to time. I know I can for the simple reason I would want nothing more than for people to see the Catholic Church for what it is. I hated this institution at one point and one day God opened my eyes and heart. I was by no means looking to learn about the Catholic Faith. It has been the most amazing experiences of my life. It’s like I went " Holy Smoke!!! It’s Real!!!" except I did not use the word “smoke”.😉
No worries, I’m not going anywhere. 🙂

from my point of view I saw one part of the conversation going something like:
Catholic: Protestants don’t use Crucifixes just cause they like to do everything opposite Catholics.
Protestant: That is rude. We don’t do everything for that reason.
Catholic: It’s our website, we can say what we like about Protestants.

That is what I was addressing. I admit I might have misinterpreted what I read, but that was how it came off to me. I’m not upset,🙂 but I have taken to calling people on certian things:tsktsk:. Many Protestant have left the forum becuse of certian things that get said often that sound insulting. When I brought it up, some of the Catholics here encouraged me to call people on it when they do these things. It’s perfectly possible that it wasn’t meant how I took it. But if people don’t realize things sound rude, they will keep putting them that way. Maybe it makes me sound over sensitive, I don’t know. But since I was encouraged to “call people out” on such things, I’m trying it a bit.
My wife’s Lutheran church says the “Lamb of God…” three times right before communion (wish we could say just that, three times).
But we do. Remember the Lutherans got their liturgy from us.
*Lamb of God You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God You take away the sin of the world, grant us peace.

There is no strawman because there is no argument.

You have completely read something into my post(s) that isn’t there. I never even implied that Catholics didn’t believe in the resurrection. I posted the vereses I did to show that no one should have an issue with using an empty cross.
It’s very possible I read something into your post.
Thus is the problem with personal interpretation of Scripture.
No worries, I’m not going anywhere. 🙂

from my point of view I saw one part of the conversation going something like:
Catholic: Protestants don’t use Crucifixes just cause they like to do everything opposite Catholics.
Protestant: That is rude. We don’t do everything for that reason.
Catholic: It’s our website, we can say what we like about Protestants.

That is what I was addressing. I admit I might have misinterpreted what I read, but that was how it came off to me. I’m not upset,🙂 but I have taken to calling people on certian things:tsktsk:. Many Protestant have left the forum becuse of certian things that get said often that sound insulting. When I brought it up, some of the Catholics here encouraged me to call people on it when they do these things. It’s perfectly possible that it wasn’t meant how I took it. But if people don’t realize things sound rude, they will keep putting them that way. Maybe it makes me sound over sensitive, I don’t know. But since I was encouraged to “call people out” on such things, I’m trying it a bit.
I was told that Protestants don’t use crucifixes because Jesus isn’t on the cross anymore.

Also, they claimed it was idolatry (yet they had pictures of their pastors, both past an present) on their walls.

Im all for open and frank conversation.

Let the truth be revealed for better or for worse.

Like when I used to have theological debates Protestants where I was proving my point and proving them incorrect, somehow, within the blink of an eye, they would inject the sex scandal of The American Catholic Church.

As I would try to get an answer on our original topic of debate, they’d insist on sticking to the sexual scandal refusing to revisit the theological debate we were engaged in.

If people leave the site because they are insulted, then the insulters win. If their theology or points are strong, then all the insulting in the world won’t stop them from telling the trtuth.

I remember being insulted and literally cursed at by the MODERATORS of the non-Catholic Christians sites I visited. Not because I was being insulting or rude, but just because I asked questions they couldn’t respond to or that they never though of (like “who” canonized The Holy Bible). I’ve been rebuked and called Satan just for quoting a scripture when I was asked “Where is that in The Bible?”

I bet the biggest complainers against me here are Catholics that disagree with my questions or answers. They get enraged because they cannot discuss something then they run and tell the moderators and cry to them.

This is by far the fairest site I’ve encountered. They are more ready to “moderate” one of their own (i.e. me! 😃 ) than to moderate those of non-Catholic religions. Which is fine by me.

I probably need to have my leash yanked in more often than not.

But I want more non-Catholic Christians to come here and to debate, to share, to engage, to exchange beliefs.

We both learn. The weak become stronger. The false are corrected. The wrong are righted.

And if some just can’t stand the truth…then hey, don’t log on.

I have the same sentiment for my Church…I only want people who “want to” be Catholic to convert to Catholicism. And I only want people here who can hear the truth and be corrected and not get all sensitive about it.

If one can’t stand the heat…well, we all know how that saying ends.


Those who can stand the heat are tested as if by fire and like gold, they are more preacious because they are know more and nobody has to leave their Protestantism at the door. 🙂

It’s very possible I read something into your post.
Thus is the problem with personal interpretation of Scripture.
Since your church has only defined a handful of verses authoratively, aren’t you pretty much stuck with personal interpretation for the rest of them?
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