Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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I was told that Protestants don’t use crucifixes because Jesus isn’t on the cross anymore.
That is one of those canned answers people have, they just mean that they are focusing on the ressurection. I said a couple times already my opinion on it (and the one I was taught at church.) there could be no resurrection without His Death, therefore both are very important.
Also, they claimed it was idolatry (yet they had pictures of their pastors, both past an present) on their walls.
I have heard this before too (though mostly only here and on some anti-Catholic sites) It is a misunderstanding of Catholics. No need to be harsh back, just explain it.
Im all for open and frank conversation.
Let the truth be revealed for better or for worse.
Good me too. 😃
Like when I used to have theological debates Protestants where I was proving my point and proving them incorrect, somehow, within the blink of an eye, they would inject the sex scandal of The American Catholic Church.
As I would try to get an answer on our original topic of debate, they’d insist on sticking to the sexual scandal refusing to revisit the theological debate we were engaged in.
I have been on the other side and have had random other things thrown at me too. Keeping debates on toppic is always an issue in debating. This is an emotional rather than a logical response it’s the classic “I don’t have an answer for what you jsut said so I’ll jsut complain bitterly about something general” defense. People do it even when the dabte isn’t even religious. no point in holding it againse everyone, just call the person who does it out and point out what they did.
If people leave the site because they are insulted, then the insulters win. If their theology or points are strong, then all the insulting in the world won’t stop them from telling the trtuth.
I agree. However, At least for me, I WANT to know if something I said was insulting, cause I’m not here to insult. God calls us to love our neighbors as ourselves. And that, I think is something Catholics and Protestants can agree on. So If I call someone out and say “Hey I thought that was rude!” I’m only treating others as I’d want to be treated and assuming they didn’t intend to be rude, but would want to know it was taken that way.
I remember being insulted and literally cursed at by the MODERATORS of the non-Catholic Christians sites I visited. Not because I was being insulting or rude, but just because I asked questions they couldn’t respond to or that they never though of (like “who” canonized The Holy Bible). I’ve been rebuked and called Satan just for quoting a scripture when I was asked “Where is that in The Bible?”
That is unfortunate, and also one reason I am not posting on those sites. Please don’t judge all protestant by the ones who insulted you. And likewise, I don’t judge all Catholics by the Priest who was rude to me.
I bet the biggest complainers against me here are Catholics that disagree with my questions or answers. They get enraged because they cannot discuss something then they run and tell the moderators and cry to them.
I will be frank with you. Your manner often comes off as harsh, when i suspect youa re simply passionate, so this does not surprise me. All I can say is to consider your purpose behind your posts and be sure it matches your tone. 🙂
This is by far the fairest site I’ve encountered. They are more ready to “moderate” one of their own (i.e. me! 😃 ) than to moderate those of non-Catholic religions. Which is fine by me.
I agree CAF is very fair, and that is why I support it. my goal is not to whine and complain.
I probably need to have my leash yanked in more often than not.
I think we all do at times.
But I want more non-Catholic Christians to come here and to debate, to share, to engage, to exchange beliefs.
Above I said my goal wasn’t to whine and complain. This hits on what my goal IS. I want to have debates, share my beliefs and engage with the people here. If all my attempts to do so are beat with the same hammer over and over or I’m told this is not my forum to be in, why would I want to stay? Should it become like those other forums? Most of the time CAF is not like those other forums. I’d jsut like to see it stay that way.
We both learn. The weak become stronger. The false are corrected. The wrong are righted.
This is the goal. Just remember Jesus said to do it in love.
Those who can stand the heat are tested as if by fire and like gold, they are more preacious because they are know more and nobody has to leave their Protestantism at the door. 🙂
:grouphug: Sunday before last, the teaching at my church was about debate and defending ones faith. You definatly have to know what you believe to do that. and it definately does make it more precious!
Have any of you been on Churchusa.com? The protestants on there are all about attacking the catholic faith. There is only a handlfull of Catholics on there that try to defend our beliefs. :mad:
Since your church has only defined a handful of verses authoratively, aren’t you pretty much stuck with personal interpretation for the rest of them?
Since you addressed me, I’ll give an answer. I am not trying to evade your question, but it doesn’t have to do with this thread.
Do you want to argue, or do you really want the answer?
If you want to argue, I’m not going to play.
If you want the answer, start another thread. You could call it “personal interpretation of scripture” and we can discuss it there. :yup:
You know, it just dawned on me, Protestants do not have crosses in there church, but they SURE do have them in there homes. What is up with that? Kinda contradicts there beliefs, right?
The crosses we wear around our necks are usually empty, but crosses hanging in church or crosses on the altar usually have Jesus on them. At least that’s my experience.
You know, it just dawned on me, Protestants do not have crosses in there church, but they SURE do have them in there homes. What is up with that? Kinda contradicts there beliefs, right?
Um my Church has crosses, My home does, and so does my neck (necklace). Nothing about it contradicts my beliefs.
You know, it just dawned on me, Protestants do not have crosses in there church, but they SURE do have them in there homes. What is up with that? Kinda contradicts there beliefs, right?
I don’t know which Protestants you are talking about, but in my case this is untrue.
I dont remember seeing a cross in the FBC in my neighborhood. I could be wrong though.
I dont remember seeing a cross in the FBC in my neighborhood. I could be wrong though.
I have only been in one Protestant church that did not have one and I think the reason behind that situation was due to the fact that they were saving up for a really nice Cross to put up. Then again I could be wrong because this church was very charismatic. This was the type of church with people runnning up and down the isles, people speaking in toungues, people screaming “JESUS”,one lady looked like she was shadow boxing, and most people took their shoes off during the praise hour.🤷 I was amazed to say the least. This was the last church I attended on my road to Rome
Since you addressed me, I’ll give an answer. I am not trying to evade your question, but it doesn’t have to do with this thread.
Do you want to argue, or do you really want the answer?
If you want to argue, I’m not going to play.
If you want the answer, start another thread. You could call it “personal interpretation of scripture” and we can discuss it there. :yup:
I don’t want to argue but you did bring the subject up, not me.
:grouphug: Sunday before last, the teaching at my church was about debate and defending ones faith. You definatly have to know what you believe to do that. and it definately does make it more precious!
I know I come off as harsh to both Catholics and to Protestants because I like to get to the point and if someone suggests something to me and I’m not sure about what their trying to say, I like to get it out.

I’ve been told to be more charitable when defending myself. Believe that? I’m attacked an insulted and slandered, and I get called out on it.

But if telling the truth gets me booted, so be it. If the truth is uncharitable to someone’s feelings because it proves them wrong, so be it. The truth is worth cyber death (I’m sure the martyrs would’ve felt the same).

I’m the sweetest guy you could know. I just have a low threshold for hypocrites (both Protestants and especially Catholics). I can’t endure “holier than thou’ers” who cast stones and who are always on the prowl for other’s logs.

I’ve debated with the best of them here and the one thing I can honestly say is that I’ve made friends of my greatest adversaries. We still may disagree, but we have developed a common respect for each other.

And finally, get to know me long enough…you’ll see that 90% of what I say is tongue in cheek, joking around, trying to keep the exchanges lighthearted.

Unfortunately, there are sore losers who take things personal and just get bent out of shape.

But hey, it’s good to know you’re cool.


Hey, im marcie over there! I think that kingskid gave up on ya! lol
Hey, im marcie over there! I think that kingskid gave up on ya! lol
Gave up?

He’s in a corner somewhere weeping, licking his wombs, getting stitches and sucking his thumb.

How dare he!

Knoweth not with whom he messeth with?


It actually looks like a nice community generally speaking. I look forward to fellowshipping with the nice people there tomorrow.

You have a brother there now.

I like your opening thread topic at that site “Hail Mary…The Anatomy Of A Prayer” 👍
Thank you.


I can’t take credit for it though.

It came to me at 3:00 in the morning and I just jotted it down.

It is beautiful (I’m not bragging because I didn’t write it…something used me to write it, it had to be The Holy Spirit, because the could never come from me).


Oh…“Welcome Home.”

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