Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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Just want to say this, my mother in law has a statue of David and she is baptist. I wonder why that is ok, but not Mary.?
Who said it isn’t ok? I recently had prostate cancer and carry a picture of St. Peregrine - I’m Lutheran. Non-Catholics everywhere - Mary is the Mother of God, and worthy of our honor and respect!
They(baptist) dont think Mary is holy and does not need any recognition. But David is worth more?
True, Protestants have Mary in their nativity scenes at Christmas. Protestants have nothing against Mary. They admire her as the mother of Christ, as being at the foot of the cross, etc.
  What most Protestants feel is that many Catholics have gone overboard with their Mariology. Take the rosary, for example? I believe that for every time the Lord's Prayer is said, there are ten Hail Marys. That strikes Protestants as a lack of proper perspective.

   How often is Mary mentioned in the Gospels? And sometimes Jesus seems to all but rebuke her - see John 2:4, Luke 8:19-21. 

   How often is Mary mentioned in Acts or in the letters of St. Paul or in the rest of the New Testament? If she were supposed to be idolized as she is in much of Catholicism, why doesn't Paul make reference to her?
Jesus is not “IN” any bread.

The unleavend wheat bread, that is, it’s entire substance becomes that of Jesus Christ’s own glorified flesh and blood, truly.

hence “transubstantiation” the changing of substance.

Jesus never rose from the cross, he died ON it, and was taken off of it by Mary and John and others.

Jesus rose from a TOMB. you should have an empty tomb on your walls if you want biblical accuracy of rising again.
Jesus is not “IN” any bread.

The unleavend wheat bread, that is, it’s entire substance becomes that of Jesus Christ’s own glorified flesh and blood, truly.

hence “transubstantiation” the changing of substance.

Jesus never rose from the cross, he died ON it, and was taken off of it by Mary and John and others.

Jesus rose from a TOMB. you should have an empty tomb on your walls if you want biblical accuracy of rising again.
Why bother bashing the cross anyhow?? Half the catholic churchs have a empty cross on their steeples. I get the impression this is jsut a protesstant bashing party.
Jesus is not “IN” any bread.

The unleavend wheat bread, that is, it’s entire substance becomes that of Jesus Christ’s own glorified flesh and blood, truly.
I think you need to do a little study on this JM. Catholics believe the Host is a re-presentation of Christ’s sacrifice, hence, it’s cannot be His glorified body. He was raised to new life, an “indestructible life,” in fact (Heb. 7:16). Hence it cannot be His glorified body that is being sacrificed in the Eucharist. Now how all this is suppose to work is truly beyond me because it defies all reason, since Jesus must be both non-glorified and glorified at the same time.
Jesus rose from a TOMB. you should have an empty tomb on your walls if you want biblical accuracy of rising again.
Actually, a vacant cross reminds us of the fact that the work He accomplished on the cross was “finished.” Hence, it must be vacant. And now “He is risen.” As the Scriptures say, “delivered up because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification” (Rom. 4:25).
I think you should purchase a good history book.#103
I can guarantee you, with 100% confidence, that I not only currently own and have read more history books then you and more theology books then you but that I can take you to task on any historical issue you want to bring up. What is more, the really important bits of hisorty, say like the Bible, histories of the Roman Empire and even KiRiShiTen History I read in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGES.

Protestant says “We can’t find Purgatory in the Bible”
I say “That is because you are reading it in ENGLISH and a pretty bad translation of it at that”

Protestant “But the two Peters in Greek are different”
I say “Try reading the Aramaic original, there are copies of it. Look it up.”

You claim that you get together to honor Jesus on Sunday but do you WORSHIP Jesus. Before you answer, why don’t you look up the word in the DICTIONARY. My original thought I think was best, you don’t put Jesus on the Cross because you don’t actually believe in Jesus. If you put Jesus on the Cross then some of your people may actually start to think about worshipping him. Catholic WORSHIP Jesus. As such it makes perfect sense to have him there on the cross as well as to have statues of him and of the saints. I will say what I have said before, It seems to me that protestants PRAY to Jeus but do not worship him.

Getting back to the other point, every protestant has their issue and as there are 40 thousand different kinds of protestants there are 40 thousand pet issues. Every place where protestants disagree with the Catholic Church, The Church has proved you wrong time and again. So then you go off and make up another pet issue and cling to it until the Catholic Church again refutes it totally. SDA go on Saturday, not because of a tortured reading of the Bible but to make themselved different from Catholics. By the way the Catholic Church does still honor the Sabbath but we WORSHIP on Sunday. There is a difference.

“To be steeped in HISTORY is to cease to be protestant.”

I would also venture most protestants avoid reading a lot of history and the Bible because it directly contradicts what they want to believe. Little facts like Luther trying to excommunicate the Pope way before the Pope ever took action to stop his heresies. There is also the interesting fact the when Catholic pray using the words that are right there in Sacred Sripture, protestants get upset because it is from a part of the Bible they don’t like but do still retain. Angelus anyone?

But really, there is the idea of this “we can’t be like them” going on in the protestant mind. I have seen it so many times on so many issues, the cross being the list of it. I have heard it said that protestants drink Coke while Catholic drink Pepsi. Being originally from the South myself I can tell you that I drink Coke and I am not going to stop just because people say it is the protestant drink. I on the other hand have seen people do just this sort of thing. A few years ago at the beginning of Lent I happened to tell a protestant woman that lived in the same apartment building as me that I was giving up Chocolate for Lent. He was disgusted at the idea of it not knowing that such a practice is completely Scriptural. She kept asking me why I wanted to put myself under law. Then she made a point of eating Chocolate every time I saw her. She kept telling me how good it was and how I was sinning to not eat some. Not to be rude but I can almost imagine that she went to her Sunday protestant prayor service and was promoting the eating of Chocolate to everyone as a form of resistance against “those evil Catholics”.
I can guarantee you, with 100% confidence, that I not only currently own and have read more history books then you and more theology books then you but that I can take you to task on any historical issue you want to bring up.
You know I can’t take you seriously, Claudius? You guarantee with 100 percent confidence something you’ve never seen.
What is more, the really important bits of hisorty, say like the Bible, histories of the Roman Empire and even KiRiShiTen History I read in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGES.
Sure, and next you’re going to tell me you’re over nineteen hundred years old.
Protestant says “We can’t find Purgatory in the Bible” I say “That is because you are reading it in ENGLISH and a pretty bad translation of it at that”
So then tell me, what’s the Greek word for purgatory and show me where that Greek word is used in Scripture.
Protestant “But the two Peters in Greek are different”
I say “Try reading the Aramaic original, there are copies of it. Look it up.”
And yet, no one has ever been able to find this theoretical, “original,” Aramaic gospel account of Matthew. But you found it and read it fluently. No doubt you must be the greatest magician in the world as well as the greatest scholar. And of course you can guarantee me this one hundred percent.
You claim that you get together to honor Jesus on Sunday but do you WORSHIP Jesus. Before you answer, why don’t you look up the word in the DICTIONARY. My original thought I think was best, you don’t put Jesus on the Cross because you don’t actually believe in Jesus.
Brilliant deduction there, Claud.
If you put Jesus on the Cross then some of your people may actually start to think about worshipping him.
My people? Do you mean put Him back on the cross? He is risen, you know.
Catholic WORSHIP Jesus.
No doubt.
As such it makes perfect sense to have him there on the cross as well as to have statues of him and of the saints.
This makes “perfect” sense how? And of course you have original pictures of Jesus and the saints so your statues are made accurately, according to the “original.”
I will say what I have said before, It seems to me that protestants PRAY to Jeus but do not worship him.
And you can guarantee me this one hundred percent? Right?
By the way the Catholic Church does still honor the Sabbath but we WORSHIP on Sunday. There is a difference.
Then it must be based on your impeccable reading of the original Hebrew. Can you show me where in your Hebrew Scriptures it talks about keeping a Sunday Sabbath and on that Sunday Sabbath you’re not suppose to “rest” but worship?
“To be steeped in HISTORY is to cease to be protestant.”
In which original language did you read this?
Little facts like Luther trying to excommunicate the Pope way before the Pope ever took action to stop his heresies.
I didn’t know monks could excommunicate the Pope. Where is this in canon Law? Is it in Latin?
But really, there is the idea of this “we can’t be like them” going on in the protestant mind.
And you can guarantee this one hundred percent because you not only read all the original languages fluently, you’re over 1900 years old, the world’s greatest scholar and have a copy of Matthew in Aramaic, but you can read Protestant minds as well.
I have heard it said that protestants drink Coke while Catholic drink Pepsi.
In which theology or history book was this first taught? Was it in Latin, Greek, Hebrew or Aramaic?
A few years ago at the beginning of Lent I happened to tell a protestant woman that lived in the same apartment building as me that I was giving up Chocolate for Lent. He was disgusted at the idea of it not knowing that such a practice is completely Scriptural. She kept asking me why I wanted to put myself under law.
Did you point out to him/her exactly where in the Bible giving up chocolate was mentioned? Did you show him/her where the word “Lent” was in the original Greek?
I think the point to which you are responding is that Jesus is not “in” the consecrated “bread,” which is true. In fact it is not even bread anymore, it is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. When the priest says the words of consecration, the substantial nature of the bread (that is, that which it is) is changed into the body of Christ. Jesus is not “somewhere” inside of the bread; He is the bread.

Having said all of this, I don’t think you meant that he was inside of the bread in your original point anyway; I think someone is just trying to take your words too literally.
That’s the funniest thing…sometimes, I even go on and allow them to believe what they “think” I’m saying by responding with questions like “you don’t think that Jesus is “in” the bread?”

I’m not saying He is, but sometimes, I like giving overzealous anti-Catholics cyber anurysms! 😛

I watch as their own misguided fervor drives them into madness.

You are a wise person. 😃
Why bother bashing the cross anyhow?? Half the catholic churchs have a empty cross on their steeples. I get the impression this is jsut a protesstant bashing party.
This isn’t a cross bashing thread, but a crucifix elevating thread. I have and use crosses as do pretty much all Catholics.

We don’t have to bash The Cross to elevate The Crucifix.


Claudius, your post was excellent and right on point.

Having been Methodists our entire lives, my husband and I were what we called “religious”, but there always seemed to be something missing. One Sunday morning, we decided to attend Mass instead of our normal church service. We couldn’t explain really what happened but we both felt like we’d been hit with a wake up stick. Because we both experienced something we couldn’t explain, we decided to delve deeper into this religion they called “Catholic”. We met with the Priest who answered the myriad of questions we had and then I got down to the research.

My prayer would be that everyone do that research and not believe that the road they’re walking down is the right road just because their parents or friends took it; that they would not forfeit the truth because it would cause consternation from others. By the way, when my husband told his 85 year old mother that we had been confirmed Catholic, her first words…“Oh no”. And my husband smiled and responded “oh yes”.

Miracles don’t happen in our lives until the veils that are covering our eyes are removed. When we allow that, it’s amazing to see the truths that were hidden from us for years.
True, Protestants have Mary in their nativity scenes at Christmas. Protestants have nothing against Mary. They admire her as the mother of Christ, as being at the foot of the cross, etc.
  What most Protestants feel is that many Catholics have gone overboard with their Mariology. Take the rosary, for example? I believe that for every time the Lord's Prayer is said, there are ten Hail Marys. That strikes Protestants as a lack of proper perspective.

   How often is Mary mentioned in the Gospels? And sometimes Jesus seems to all but rebuke her - see John 2:4, Luke 8:19-21. 

   How often is Mary mentioned in Acts or in the letters of St.
Paul or in the rest of the New Testament? If she were supposed to be idolized as she is in much of Catholicism, why doesn’t Paul make reference to her?
Just a note and thought. How often is your mother mentioned in the Bible? How important is your mother to you? How important do you think Mary is to Christ? Some things are implicit aren’t they? Does everything important need to be spelled out with instructions in the Bible?
Q: I had a friend ask me why Catholics have Crucifixes in our churches…don’t we believe Jesus has risen? Why do we keep Him on the cross?
Tell him/her that they must rip out every book and passage prior to the Resurrection, since they “keep Him there on the cross”. See how *that *sits.

Christ’s peace.
Aren’t both sides right? The crucifix represents the Passion and the cross represents the Resurrection. You can’t have one without the other.

As a catholic, I want the best for my brothers and sisters in Christ, and that is the fullness of faith for the one true church of Jesus. The catholic church has been the only church for 15 centuries, give or take a hundred years. Then the divisions began, and I believe it started with the Reformation. I am not a historian, so please correct me if I am wrong. I would love to see our protestant brothers and sisters return to the catholic faith and receive all the sacrements, but I also respect their right to have a cross, without the corpus.

My reasoning falls in line with the teaching of the Magisterium, in that no Resurrection, no faith. According to the CCC 651: If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." The Ressurection above all constitutes the confirmation of all Christ’s works and teachings. All truths, even those most inaccessible to human reason, find their justification if Christ by his Ressurection has given the definitive proof of his divine authority, which he had promised.
That’s the funniest thing…sometimes, I even go on and allow them to believe what they “think” I’m saying by responding with questions like “you don’t think that Jesus is “in” the bread?”

I’m not saying He is, but sometimes, I like giving overzealous anti-Catholics cyber anurysms! 😛

I watch as their own misguided fervor drives them into madness.

You are a wise person. 😃
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