Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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Since Jesus arose —it is obvious He isn’t any longer on the Cross.
The Bible says He is at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.
We serve a Risen Saviour!!! Hallelujah!!!
And to think I left the Catholic faith for twenty years of this.
The protestants really are our separated brethren.:hug1:
But Catholicism really does have the fullness of faith.
Come Home.
There is SO much more. God wants to fill you to full with good things.
be thankful for what He did, but I am thankful that because He lives, I can have eternal life
Yes, Catholics think so too.

But there’s SO much more. Outside of the true church, everything else seems so “least common denominator.”
“Jesus rose, praise the Lord, and pass the potato salad!”

It makes me sad to know how much you’re all missing.
How beautiful, how deep, and how TRUE is the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic church.

"seek ye first the kingdom of God, and ALL these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33
MawmawRae and I are on the same page, that He is not on the cross anymore. He is risen, and that does give us something to sing praises about…
And you’re telling this to Catholics, why?
Do you really think we don’t believe this?

I only wish for you that you could be Catholic with us for one Lent.
To focus on Christ’s suffering, to suffer just a little bit with Him, and to LIVE His resurrection with Him on Easter Sunday!

Did you know that many of us spend hours at Church on the night before Easter, waiting and praying and listening to all the Scriptures from the OT and the NT that lead up to the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus?
As for the rest… stating that you are only comfortable with ‘your own kind’ says a lot about what you think of protestants.
I disagree. The poster said he couldn’t “worship” with them.
Neither can I. I spent 20 years as an adult in protestant evangelical churches. What we did there was called worship. (Think Darlene Zsech)
Worship means something more to me now as a Catholic, and what I experienced as a protestant doesn’t even come close.
You couldn’t make me miss Mass to attend a protestant service.
One thing I have seen a whole lot in this thread as well as a few others is how all Protestants are lumped together like we all believe exactly the same thing and would react to you in the exact same way. Meaning not be be ugly, but I get a little worn out hearing what I would do or what I wouldnt listen to and so on…
Dont the rules of being considerate of the beliefs of others go both ways?? Im a Baptist, so our beliefs are very different, but please dont just assume that I will or will not do something based on that.
And yes, many have been martyred for their faith…Catholic and Protestant alike…the dark ages was not a nice time.
God bless you:)
And today some Christians are still martyred for their faith, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox, for example in Erythrea …
And today some Christians are still martyred for their faith, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox, for example in Erythrea …
You are absolutely right. There are many who pay the ultimate price for their faith still today.
Because it looks too Catholic.
I’m late to this thread, but that’s the best answer so far.

Another poster said that … the Catholic Church keeps the crucifix to remind us that it is ALL because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us.

It’s all about Jesus.

It’s nice to want to show that Jesus rose from the dead … and the Resurrection is absolutely essential … but it is the Resurrection of Jesus … but then … perhaps we should have in Christian churches models of Jesus’ tomb with the stone rolled back.

It’s about Jesus. Not Jesus the carpenter or itinerant preacher … but Jesus, God, Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Judge who will judge each of us.

And also, you want to be nice to His Mother. Get on her good side, as well. Mary at the foot of the cross. Mary holding the dead body of her Son.

The last two of the Glorious Mysteries are the Assumption of Mary into Heaven and the Coronation of Mary … because Mary is the one who is doing all the “work” these days … with all of the Marian apparitions … alerting and warning folks to shape up.

So, it’s about the work of Jesus in redeeming us from our sins.

That the cross is now empty is not the issue.

It’s Jesus and the work of Jesus.
Could you name at least 5 Protestants who were martyred for the faith?
oh dear…5?? lets not narrow it down there…just go to your library and pick up Foxes Book of Martyrs.
From what I understand…this is not a popular book in your church
oh dear…5?? lets not narrow it down there…just go to your library and pick up Foxes Book of Martyrs.
From what I understand…this is not a popular book in your church
Well, Foxes Book of Martyrs just describes the lives of Wycliff, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley. These men were not ‘martyrs’. They all went against the church and the bible.
It also talks about persecution of Protestants in the 16th century. Nothing new to Catholics since we’ve been persecuted since the beginning of time.
I’m talking about people like the saints. The thousands of saints who were martyred for their faith in the church, in the bible, the correct bible, and for God. These people died holy, holding on to their Catholic faith.
Well, Foxes Book of Martyrs just describes the lives of Wycliff, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley. These men were not ‘martyrs’. They all went against the church and the bible.
It also talks about persecution of Protestants in the 16th century. Nothing new to Catholics since we’ve been persecuted since the beginning of time.
I’m talking about people like the saints. The thousands of saints who were martyred for their faith in the church, in the bible, the correct bible, and for God. These people died holy, holding on to their Catholic faith.
so for you the only people who can be “admired” are the Catholics who died for their faith, and you don’t care about the Orthodox or Protestants who are persecuted now …
In China all Christians are persecuted, Catholics of course, but Protestants too …( I’ve never heard about Orthodox but maybe there aren’t any Orthodox in China … ), and I feel the same for ALL Christians that are persecuted …
For you there are no “Protestant martyrs” because they didn’t die /don’t die for the Catholic faith … well of course they didn’t since they are not / were not Catholics …
What you say about the persecution of Protestants “nothing new to Catholics, we were persecuted from the beginning”, or something of that kind, seems to justify, in your eyes, what the Catholics did to some Protestants …
since I am French and Protestant, I can tell you we came very close to extermination, why do you think we make up only about 2% of the population in my country now ???
Ah but of course they were not martyrs, since they died for their faith, but it was a “wrong” faith …
I personally make no difference between the Protestant victims of some French kings and the Catholic victims of, for instance, Cromwell in Ireland …
And even in France, apart from periods when Protestants were really persecuted, there were also “religious wars” during which both Protestants and Catholics committed what would now be considered war crimes against one another, this was one of the obstacles I had to overcome before becoming a Christian ( I was an atheist before ) : how could two Christian groups hate each other so much as to kill each other in Jesus’s name ???
This song is sung in Protestant churches everywhere and, like the crucifix, focuses on the dying Christ. The only difference is that one symbol is visual and the other is audible.
I totally agree; they have songs about the passion of the Lord, sermons about the passion of the Lord (though they don’t focus on that too much) but then they turn around and say, “You Catholics need to take that crucifix off the wall!” Even though St.Paul said, “we preach Christ crucified, a stumblingblock to the Jews and Gentiles,” (that’s a paraphrase, and not exactly what he said; I can’t remember the exact verse) So, in essence, it seem that Protestants are comparable to the “Jews and Gentiles” of this verse, at least in regards to the image of the crucifixion of our Lord.
so for you the only people who can be “admired” are the Catholics who died for their faith, and you don’t care about the Orthodox or Protestants who are persecuted now …
In China all Christians are persecuted, Catholics of course, but Protestants too …( I’ve never heard about Orthodox but maybe there aren’t any Orthodox in China … ), and I feel the same for ALL Christians that are persecuted …
For you there are no “Protestant martyrs” because they didn’t die /don’t die for the Catholic faith … well of course they didn’t since they are not / were not Catholics …
What you say about the persecution of Protestants “nothing new to Catholics, we were persecuted from the beginning”, or something of that kind, seems to justify, in your eyes, what the Catholics did to some Protestants …
since I am French and Protestant, I can tell you we came very close to extermination, why do you think we make up only about 2% of the population in my country now ???
Ah but of course they were not martyrs, since they died for their faith, but it was a “wrong” faith …
I personally make no difference between the Protestant victims of some French kings and the Catholic victims of, for instance, Cromwell in Ireland …
And even in France, apart from periods when Protestants were really persecuted, there were also “religious wars” during which both Protestants and Catholics committed what would now be considered war crimes against one another, this was one of the obstacles I had to overcome before becoming a Christian ( I was an atheist before ) : how could two Christian groups hate each other so much as to kill each other in Jesus’s name ???
Yes, I agree about Christian groups hating each other, but there are soooooooo many denominations of Protestanism. Protestant means PROTESTant against the one true faith, the Catholic church. It is a known fact that Catholics are targeted everywhere.
The priests are being killed in Turkey, in Africa, the Phillipines etc…yet they still go there and preach the Good News in their churches, knowing about the danger they are in.
I know some Protestants were killed in the 16th century, the ones I know were the ones that tried to change Scripture or cause trouble against the Catholic church. In those days, heresy was a crime.
  			Originally Posted by **Righteousone** 					[forums.catholic-questions.org/images/buttons_cad/viewpost.gif](http://forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?p=3343938#post3343938) 				
  		*Could you name at least 5 Protestants who were martyred for the faith?*
Jim Elliot
Nate Saint
Ed McCully
Pete Fleming
Roger Youderian
Graham, Timothy and Philip Staines
Rameswar Digal
Lipial Marandi
Tapan Kumar Roy
William E. Koehn
Kathleen A. Gariety
Martha C. Myers
Tilmann Geske,
Necati Aydin
Ugur Yuksel
John and Betty Stam
Manche Masemola
Wang Zhiming
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Che Kam Kong
Mehdi Dibaj
Haik Hovsepian Mehr
George N. Gordon
Bernard Mizeki
John Coleridge Patteson
Hanged in Boston

Marmaduke Stephenson
William Robinson
Mary Dyer

Hanged in Barbados

William Leddra

I know that only four, but I don’t have a list compliled from England or the Continent.
Jim Elliot
Nate Saint
Ed McCully
Pete Fleming
Roger Youderian
Graham, Timothy and Philip Staines
Rameswar Digal
Lipial Marandi
Tapan Kumar Roy
William E. Koehn
Kathleen A. Gariety
Martha C. Myers
Tilmann Geske,
Necati Aydin
Ugur Yuksel
John and Betty Stam
Manche Masemola
Wang Zhiming
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Che Kam Kong
Mehdi Dibaj
Haik Hovsepian Mehr
George N. Gordon
Bernard Mizeki
John Coleridge Patteson
Is that it? 😃
I am still surprised how some Catholics and some Protestants still feel the need bash eachother. I am Protestant, have a degree in Protestant theology, but am now studying the Catholic Church in order to join. There are just some issues we will never agree upon, so the name calling and bashing has got to stop. The Bible states non-believers will know we are followers of Christ by the love we show, but if Christians are always at eachother, how does that look? Does the Holy Father love people more than Billy Graham? I doubt it…both men are lovers of Christ and have brought others to the saving grace of Christ. Yes, they disagree in some major theological points, but they love God first and foremost. Let’s see where we get along first.
I am still surprised how some Catholics and some Protestants still feel the need bash eachother. I am Protestant, have a degree in Protestant theology, but am now studying the Catholic Church in order to join. There are just some issues we will never agree upon, so the name calling and bashing has got to stop. The Bible states non-believers will know we are followers of Christ by the love we show, but if Christians are always at eachother, how does that look? Does the Holy Father love people more than Billy Graham? I doubt it…both men are lovers of Christ and have brought others to the saving grace of Christ. Yes, they disagree in some major theological points, but they love God first and foremost. Let’s see where we get along first.
Just curious. With a degree in Protestant theology, you want to join the Catholic church. I like these stories about converts. Can you simply state the reason for the interest in the Catholic church? I am happy you have seen the truth in Jesus’s church. 🙂
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