Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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Just wondering why christ is never hung on a cross in a Protestant church? Are they simply ignoring the Passion? After all, He died for all and to focus on just the Ressurection is not right at all. The way He died and suffered, I would think you might emphasize it a little more. Yes, He did come back and it is great, but not to focus on His suffering is awful.
What you claim, is simply not true. I’ve been to more churches than I can remeber, where Christ was on the cross. Most notably, the church I was Confirmed in.
Because the OP has a thing about Protestants and wants to stir things a bit. Wants to show people how empty Protestants are, like their crosses.
No, Mr. Protestant, I do not have a thing against you. Do you not notice the threads started here by Protestants alone?? Please…
This is to JonNC. Of course Paul was right when he spoke of preaching Christ crucified. It was His shed blood on Calvary’s cross that gives us the hope of eternal life. You are absolutely right, and I, like I said already…thank my Lord every day for what he did by dying on the cross. We cant ever let that stray from our mind, but also, MawmawRae and I are on the same page, that He is not on the cross anymore. He is risen, and that does give us something to sing praises about…as does his death on the cross. Im just glad he is a risen saviour. I am not putting down anyone with a crucifix…He DID die on the cross.
Bless ya!
Good. Agreed. Then you have no problem with those of us, Catholic and non-catholic, who choose to have crucifixes - we are not idolaters.

**Originally Posted by cradlecathlic26 **
The Catholic Church praises, bare crosses, risen crosses, and crucifixes. They all have meaning and the cross is a symbol of what jesus did for us. There should be nothing wrong with this, and im puzzled to why this is even being debated.

As do Lutherans. Well said!
Well, I visited 7 Protestant churches, or auditoriums what ever you want to call them and none of them, not one had Christ on the cross. That’s what my conclusion came too. Of course I visited them off service b/c wouldn’t be comfortable in their church with the services.
Well, I visited 7 Protestant churches, or auditoriums what ever you want to call them and none of them, not one had Christ on the cross. That’s what my conclusion came too. Of course I visited them off service b/c wouldn’t be comfortable in their church with the services.
You would be uncomfortable worshipping God with your brothers and sisters in Christ? 🤷 To each his own…
You would be uncomfortable worshipping God with your brothers and sisters in Christ? 🤷 To each his own…
Yes, I’d be comfortable only in my Catholic church. Why would I go anywhere else? I believe Catholics and Protestants can one day become brothers and sisters in Christ if we agree on the same things. Otherwise it will never happen.
Sorry, but I only feel comfortable with my own people. When I went to Rome there were priests roaming the streets just talking and it was like no Catholic bashing, no anti-Catholicism, just my own kind and it felt good.
I have Protestant friends who I like as people, but I could never go to their services.
Just like they don’t have statues of saints, they think that putting a figure of Christ on a cross is like worshipinh an idol 🤷 oh well! Hope this helps!
Yes, I’d be comfortable only in my Catholic church. Why would I go anywhere else? I believe Catholics and Protestants can one day become brothers and sisters in Christ if we agree on the same things. Otherwise it will never happen.
Sorry, but I only feel comfortable with my own people. When I went to Rome there were priests roaming the streets just talking and it was like no Catholic bashing, no anti-Catholicism, just my own kind and it felt good.
I have Protestant friends who I like as people, but I could never go to their services.
The statement you wrote (which I bolded above) is contrary to what the catholic church teaches in the catechism. We are separated brothers and sisters. There is no BECOMING we already are. 👍

As for the rest… stating that you are only comfortable with ‘your own kind’ says a lot about what you think of protestants.

There are a lot of catholics who try to convince me that I should go to a catholic mass but if you guys can’t be comfortable in mine, why should I be in yours?
The statement you wrote (which I bolded above) is contrary to what the catholic church teaches in the catechism. We are separated brothers and sisters. There is no BECOMING we already are. 👍

As for the rest… stating that you are only comfortable with ‘your own kind’ says a lot about what you think of protestants.

There are a lot of catholics who try to convince me that I should go to a catholic mass but if you guys can’t be comfortable in mine, why should I be in yours?
No, you misunderstood. You always take these things as a personal attack when all I’ve said was I am only comfortable with my Catholic kind at church. I have nothing againt Protestants. I just couldn’t go to a Protestant church. There is no need to if I’ve already got the truth in my own. This has nothing to do with the Catechism as you state, it is just my own feelings.
Being Catholic is not easy, that is why I love my faith. People tend to pick it apart, the worn out secularism and hatred of Catholicism is prevalent today as we know it. Therefore when I am with my own, I can relax and have a conversation without constantly defending my faith and putting up with digs anti-Catholics throw at you. Understand?
No, you misunderstood. You always take these things as a personal attack when all I’ve said was I am only comfortable with my Catholic kind at church. I have nothing againt Protestants. I just couldn’t go to a Protestant church. There is no need to if I’ve already got the truth in my own. This has nothing to do with the Catechism as you state, it is just my own feelings.
Being Catholic is not easy, that is why I love my faith. People tend to pick it apart, the worn out secularism and hatred of Catholicism is prevalent today as we know it. Therefore when I am with my own, I can relax and have a conversation without constantly defending my faith and putting up with digs anti-Catholics throw at you. Understand?
How do you know that it would be constant? Not every protestant is anti-catholic. In fact, a lot of them do not wish to debate on religion. They are at church to shock WORSHIP. :bigyikes: 👍

At any rate, you said that we WOULD be brothers and sisters if we could just agree on some things. Your own catechism says that we already are.

I am not saying that you need to go to a protestant church. Only that you shouldn’t feel uneasy about being in one.

I think one way you could get protestants to feel welcome to go to a catholic mass is to not act like you wouldn’t touch a protestant church with a ten foot pole. It’s a thought.
How do you know that it would be constant? Not every protestant is anti-catholic. In fact, a lot of them do not wish to debate on religion. They are at church to shock WORSHIP. :bigyikes: 👍

At any rate, you said that we WOULD be brothers and sisters if we could just agree on some things. Your own catechism says that we already are.

I am not saying that you need to go to a protestant church. Only that you shouldn’t feel uneasy about being in one.

I think one way you could get protestants to feel welcome to go to a catholic mass is to not act like you wouldn’t touch a protestant church with a ten foot pole. It’s a thought.
Sorry but that’s the way I feel. I am very passionate about my Catholic faith, it is what it is. I can’t go to a Protestant church to know they don’t recognize Jesus as the Real Presence, just some symbol. And they don’t receive it every day. I just cannot do it. I cannot walk in not seeing the Mother of God in prayer and I cannot walk in without my beloved saints and martyrs who have died for the faith. I know there are many Protestants who love God with all their hearts and souls. I love that. But I cannot go in knowing these things. Do you still understand?
I cannot go in without kneeling in prayer in quiet and meditating on Jesus…I could go on and on but I think you get the gist of it all.
Sorry but that’s the way I feel. I am very passionate about my Catholic faith, it is what it is. I can’t go to a Protestant church to know they don’t recognize Jesus as the Real Presence, just some symbol. And they don’t receive it every day. I just cannot do it. I cannot walk in not seeing the Mother of God in prayer and I cannot walk in without my beloved saints and martyrs who have died for the faith. I know there are many Protestants who love God with all their hearts and souls. I love that. But I cannot go in knowing these things. Do you still understand?
I cannot go in without kneeling in prayer in quiet and meditating on Jesus…I could go on and on but I think you get the gist of it all.
Then I think you miss some great experiences that God may have in store for you. 😊

But do you understand why some protestants, then, cannot walk into a catholic mass? Because what they perceive as worship of Mary and the Saints, or idolatry?

Your preconceived notions that are obviously leaving a bad taste in your mouth about protestant churches will discourage protestants from accepting an invitation to go to Mass. 🤷
Then I think you miss some great experiences that God may have in store for you. 😊

But do you understand why some protestants, then, cannot walk into a catholic mass? Because what they perceive as worship of Mary and the Saints, or idolatry?

Your preconceived notions that are obviously leaving a bad taste in your mouth about protestant churches will discourage protestants from accepting an invitation to go to Mass. 🤷
No it won’t because Protestants can read that I write about holiness in the church. I would think a Protestant would like to experience that. You can tell Protestants that we do not worship Mary but they do not listen. It seems they only have that to go by as being evil or something. The saints, thousands have been martyred for their Catholic faith. Doesn’t that tell you something? That it must be from God? We as Catholics practice NO idolatry whatsoever, but this is why I love being with my own because they know this already. I truly am Blessed as a Catholic. I would die for my faith.
No it won’t because Protestants can read that I write about holiness in the church. I would think a Protestant would like to experience that. You can tell Protestants that we do not worship Mary but they do not listen. It seems they only have that to go by as being evil or something. The saints, thousands have been martyred for their Catholic faith. Doesn’t that tell you something? That it must be from God? We as Catholics practice NO idolatry whatsoever, but this is why I love being with my own because they know this already. I truly am Blessed as a Catholic. I would die for my faith.
I am not saying that you worship Mary and such. I AM saying that in the same way that you don’t enter a protestant church due to your notions of what they do or don’t believe - whether they deny it or not - they may not want to enter a catholic church due to their notions.

But, to each his own…
Sorry but that’s the way I feel. I am very passionate about my Catholic faith, it is what it is. I can’t go to a Protestant church to know they don’t recognize Jesus as the Real Presence, just some symbol. And they don’t receive it every day. I just cannot do it. I cannot walk in not seeing the Mother of God in prayer and I cannot walk in without my beloved saints and martyrs who have died for the faith. I know there are many Protestants who love God with all their hearts and souls. I love that. But I cannot go in knowing these things. Do you still understand?
I cannot go in without kneeling in prayer in quiet and meditating on Jesus…I could go on and on but I think you get the gist of it all.
Distinguendum est between Protestants!
The “lutheran” (Luther himself loathed when people called themselves “lutherans”) branch of Christendom has always said clearly that in the Holy Communion, Christ is “really present”, = Real Presence. See Confessio Augustana, article X for documentation:
I believe Catholics and Protestants can one day become brothers and sisters in Christ if we agree on the same things. Otherwise it will never happen.
Would you be willing to compromise some of your beliefs? Or would you insist that Protestants accept all of your beliefs? In other words, is it a one sided issue? Is the Catholic church the only correct church, and are the Protestant churches wrong?
No it won’t because Protestants can read that I write about holiness in the church. I would think a Protestant would like to experience that. You can tell Protestants that we do not worship Mary but they do not listen. It seems they only have that to go by as being evil or something. The saints, thousands have been martyred for their Catholic faith. Doesn’t that tell you something? That it must be from God? We as Catholics practice NO idolatry whatsoever, but this is why I love being with my own because they know this already. I truly am Blessed as a Catholic. I would die for my faith.
One thing I have seen a whole lot in this thread as well as a few others is how all Protestants are lumped together like we all believe exactly the same thing and would react to you in the exact same way. Meaning not be be ugly, but I get a little worn out hearing what I would do or what I wouldnt listen to and so on…
Dont the rules of being considerate of the beliefs of others go both ways?? Im a Baptist, so our beliefs are very different, but please dont just assume that I will or will not do something based on that.
And yes, many have been martyred for their faith…Catholic and Protestant alike…the dark ages was not a nice time.
God bless you:)
Would you be willing to compromise some of your beliefs? Or would you insist that Protestants accept all of your beliefs? In other words, is it a one sided issue? Is the Catholic church the only correct church, and are the Protestant churches wrong?
I would insist that Protestants accept the beliefs of Jesus Christ, the Catholic church he started, and yes, the Protestant churches only have half-truths. It is what it is.
One thing I have seen a whole lot in this thread as well as a few others is how all Protestants are lumped together like we all believe exactly the same thing and would react to you in the exact same way. Meaning not be be ugly, but I get a little worn out hearing what I would do or what I wouldnt listen to and so on…
Dont the rules of being considerate of the beliefs of others go both ways?? Im a Baptist, so our beliefs are very different, but please dont just assume that I will or will not do something based on that.
And yes, many have been martyred for their faith…Catholic and Protestant alike…the dark ages was not a nice time.
God bless you:)
Could you name at least 5 Protestants who were martyred for the faith?
Just wondering why christ is never hung on a cross in a Protestant church? Are they simply ignoring the Passion? After all, He died for all and to focus on just the Ressurection is not right at all. The way He died and suffered, I would think you might emphasize it a little more. Yes, He did come back and it is great, but not to focus on His suffering is awful.
As I began to study Liturgical worship I was still the pastor of a Church having Baptist on the sign out front. It was a bit more Pentecostal than your general Baptist Church and didn’t adhere or believe as the SBC’s OSAS doctrine taught. I was given a crusifix by a dear catholic sister along with the rosary I now used. It was silver but not a priest’s crusifix as it was much smaller. I was a bit rambuncious while preaching and the crusifix slipped into view coming between the buttons of my shirt. I spent the next week having to explain why I was wearing such a thing. “Jesus isn’t still on the cross”. was the cry of my deacons. “How very catholic”, said an elderly sister. I’d been there for years and never realised the trouble a Crusifix under my outer garment could cause.
The point they where mainly making was the ressurection but I finally got the real reason out of them. It appeared Catholic. See, there is not a believing evangelical who hasn’t thanked Christ for dying on the cross. The cross it’s self is a reminder to them. It’s simply how they’ve been taught that the split from the catholic churcvh was a good thing. Even though the most of their ancestors left not because of Luther but of a king being denied a divorce for lack of grounds. And yes some because of Luther’s fit. The unmanned cross is a symbol that shows all they are not Catholic. It’s not in truth the ressurection as the empty cross doesn’t denote that. The empty grave does.
Just another case of throwing out the babe with the bathwater.
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