Why is Jesus never on the cross in a Protestant church?

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And now the Church wants to get more conservative with the new saints thing. JPII was responsible for something like 2200 new saints! That’s ridiculous.
Why is that ridiculous and you don’t have the correct figures, but what else is new. After all, he was the pope for over 25 years…
Well, Foxes Book of Martyrs just describes the lives of Wycliff, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley. These men were not ‘martyrs’. They all went against the church and the bible.
It also talks about persecution of Protestants in the 16th century. Nothing new to Catholics since we’ve been persecuted since the beginning of time.
I’m talking about people like the saints. The thousands of saints who were martyred for their faith in the church, in the bible, the correct bible, and for God. These people died holy, holding on to their Catholic faith.
Well…this is really exhausting me after a long day…I EXPECTED a reply just like this from you! I will not lower myself to tell you what Id like to when you say Wycliff, Calvin, Luther and Wesley went against the church and the Bible…omg…Oh…never mind…no…lets talk about the millions of Bible believers the Catholics burned at the stakes all those years. I DO know about church history, and I DO know how long the Catholic church has been around. I am truly sorry for ALL who have been martyed for their faith…Catholic alike…and I KNOW many Catholics have paid the price to, and I am not glad about that at all, but it does get under my skin that for your past several posts you have really seemed to want to argue. Thats really not what I was aiming for.
so for you the only people who can be “admired” are the Catholics who died for their faith, and you don’t care about the Orthodox or Protestants who are persecuted now …
In China all Christians are persecuted, Catholics of course, but Protestants too …( I’ve never heard about Orthodox but maybe there aren’t any Orthodox in China … ), and I feel the same for ALL Christians that are persecuted …
For you there are no “Protestant martyrs” because they didn’t die /don’t die for the Catholic faith … well of course they didn’t since they are not / were not Catholics …
What you say about the persecution of Protestants “nothing new to Catholics, we were persecuted from the beginning”, or something of that kind, seems to justify, in your eyes, what the Catholics did to some Protestants …
since I am French and Protestant, I can tell you we came very close to extermination, why do you think we make up only about 2% of the population in my country now ???
Ah but of course they were not martyrs, since they died for their faith, but it was a “wrong” faith …
I personally make no difference between the Protestant victims of some French kings and the Catholic victims of, for instance, Cromwell in Ireland …
And even in France, apart from periods when Protestants were really persecuted, there were also “religious wars” during which both Protestants and Catholics committed what would now be considered war crimes against one another, this was one of the obstacles I had to overcome before becoming a Christian ( I was an atheist before ) : how could two Christian groups hate each other so much as to kill each other in Jesus’s name ???
THANK YOU Huguneot…very well said! 👍
Is that it? 😃
So those lives didnt mean squat, huh?? Your attitude is certainly not reflecting the love of Christ in any way with that response!
Im sorry, and Im really not trying to be ugly here…but goodness… Im just amazed at your truly hateful attitude toward non Catholics
And now the Church wants to get more conservative with the new saints thing. JPII was responsible for something like 2200 new saints! That’s ridiculous.
You say that like it’s a BAD thing.
JPII wasn’t “responsible” for them.
They lived and died a holy life marked by heroic virtue.

If you’re interested in the makings of a Saint, look it up. I think it would be a remarkable word study for any protestant to learn about “heroic virtue.” That was something that was lacking among all the protestant churches I’ve attended. After all, “our righteousness is as filthy rags,” so God doesn’t care how we live our lives.
You say that like it’s a BAD thing.
JPII wasn’t “responsible” for them.
They lived and died a holy life marked by heroic virtue.

If you’re interested in the makings of a Saint, look it up. I think it would be a remarkable word study for any protestant to learn about “heroic virtue.” That was something that was lacking among all the protestant churches I’ve attended. After all, “our righteousness is as filthy rags,” so God doesn’t care how we live our lives.
What I was most interested in was the reaction of the Church. An article I read claimed that the Church wants to make sainthood less common than in JPII’s time at the helm.
Just curious. With a degree in Protestant theology, you want to join the Catholic church. I like these stories about converts. Can you simply state the reason for the interest in the Catholic church? I am happy you have seen the truth in Jesus’s church. 🙂
I have come to believe in the truth of the Catholic church and when the RCC and it’s doctrines are studied, it makes a lot of sense. Since I have been a life-long Protestant, I still have many questions, and we have been taught some negative things about the Catholic church, but on the other side, I think some Catholics have been taught we Protestants are just plain wrong on all accounts, which we are not. There are major differences and I believe the RCC is correct, but I think some Catholics need to study up a little more on what Protestants believe before making judgements about us.
After all, “our righteousness is as filthy rags,” so God doesn’t care how we live our lives.
From where (better: from whom - give me a name) did you learn the second half of your statement? Be truthful, please. I know the usual context of the first half of that statement, so I would like to know the person’s name who perverts it with the latter half. Or is it just a personal dig (perversion) on your part.

Hey guys, all the O.P. wanted to know is why PROTESTANTS don’t display Jesus on the cross. The question wasn’t why Catholics do.
I would like to know what “false” things Catholics have said about protestants? I have yet to hear a Catholic say anything that was not true. Please, i would love to know.
Yes, I agree about Christian groups hating each other, but there are soooooooo many denominations of Protestanism. Protestant means PROTESTant against the one true faith, the Catholic church. It is a known fact that Catholics are targeted everywhere.
The priests are being killed in Turkey, in Africa, the Phillipines etc…yet they still go there and preach the Good News in their churches, knowing about the danger they are in.
I know some Protestants were killed in the 16th century, the ones I know were the ones that tried to change Scripture or cause trouble against the Catholic church. In those days, heresy was a crime.
I know about a Catholic priest who’s been recently killed in Turkey, but some weeks before the same happened to a group of Protestants ( 3 men : two Turks and a German ) and the same happens in North Africa : in Algeria six ( Catholic ) monks were killed about ten years ago, maybe a bit more, perhaps you’ve heard about it, but some Protestants are killed too…
I don’t really see any difference : some CHRISTIANS are being killed for their faith in some Muslim countries, and in Communist countries too, the worst being North Korea …
and they belong to various groups of Christians, at least Catholics and Protestants, in some countries like the one I mentioned in a previous message ( Erythrea ) Orthodox believers too … and many Orthodox have been killed in some East European countries when communism still ruled there ( because in some of these countries like Russia or Romania and others, the most common form of Christianity is Orthodoxy )

In France some Muslims who have converted to Christianity ( and who have become either Catholics or Protestants ) have to hide from their families because they are in danger, I pray for all of them …

Protestant also means : pro-testant : testant : who testifies to his faith, pro : in front of people , publicly if you like, it doesn’t necessarily mean protesting against Catholicism even if we don’t agree with all the doctrines taught by the Catholic church …

When I read this forum I’m happy to be in France because it seems that the Protestant-Catholic relationship is better here than in the United States …
I know about a Catholic priest who’s been recently killed in Turkey, but some weeks before the same happened to a group of Protestants ( 3 men : two Turks and a German ) and the same happens in North Africa : in Algeria six ( Catholic ) monks were killed about ten years ago, maybe a bit more, perhaps you’ve heard about it, but some Protestants are killed too…
I don’t really see any difference : some CHRISTIANS are being killed for their faith in some Muslim countries, and in Communist countries too, the worst being North Korea …
and they belong to various groups of Christians, at least Catholics and Protestants, in some countries like the one I mentioned in a previous message ( Erythrea ) Orthodox believers too … and many Orthodox have been killed in some East European countries when communism still ruled there ( because in some of these countries like Russia or Romania and others, the most common form of Christianity is Orthodoxy )

In France some Muslims who have converted to Christianity ( and who have become either Catholics or Protestants ) have to hide from their families because they are in danger, I pray for all of them …

Protestant also means : pro-testant : testant : who testifies to his faith, pro : in front of people , publicly if you like, it doesn’t necessarily mean protesting against Catholicism even if we don’t agree with all the doctrines taught by the Catholic church …

When I read this forum I’m happy to be in France because it seems that the Protestant-Catholic relationship is better here than in the United States …
Sorry, it absolutely means protesting against the Catholic chuch.
There are hundreds of Iraqi Catholics and hundreds of Chinese Catholics who are some underground for fear. In every country, there are so many Catholics it isn’t funny. When I came back from Europe in October, I visited 5 countries, one being France. In these countries, there’s a church on every corner. The Blessed Mother is everywhere there.
If Protestants do not agree with th Cathoic church, well, before Luther came around, the Scriptures were untouched, the church preserved the bible until he and others came around. Don’t you think that because one man was mad at the pope, he changed the doctrines of Jesus Christ forever, and you follow it.
I would like to know what “false” things Catholics have said about protestants? I have yet to hear a Catholic say anything that was not true. Please, i would love to know.
Let me put it this way…There is a post in Traditional Catholism that calls all Protestants heretics, and the posts which follow all agree. Heresy is when you take the truth and twist it to make a false doctrine. Protestants believe just about everything Catholics do about the Trinity, God, Jesus, salvation, etc. Where we disagree are the obvious areas: Mary, the Pope, Sacraments and the list goes on. What we do agree upon I believe is the basis of salvation and our relationship with Christ. Since I studying to become Catholic, and since I have been raised Protestant, I understand the differences, and it is a HUGE barrier to overcome. Catholics believe Protestants are not correct and vise-verca. Unless one has a revelation, as I did, the two groups within Christianity will have a hard time agreeing. I find it disturbing that Christians just cant agree and have to be at eachother.😦
Protestants believe just about everything Catholics do about the Trinity, God, Jesus, salvation, etc.
Not salvation. Salvation/justification was a major issue of the Reformation, and still is.
What we do agree upon I believe is the basis of salvation
No. The “basis” of salvation is the principle difference between us.
Since I studying to become Catholic, and since I have been raised Protestant, I understand the differences
Simply being “raised” Protestant doesn’t mean you understand the differences. Have you studied soteriology from both a “Protestant” AND Catholic perspective? If so you’d see the major differences and you would never make a statement claiming that the two agree on the basis of salvation.
Unless one has a revelation, as I did, the two groups within Christianity will have a hard time agreeing.
“A revelation???” I must assume you mean this to be divine? What was the substance of this divine “revelation?”
Sorry, it absolutely means protesting against the Catholic chuch.
There are hundreds of Iraqi Catholics and hundreds of Chinese Catholics who are some underground for fear. In every country, there are so many Catholics it isn’t funny. When I came back from Europe in October, I visited 5 countries, one being France. In these countries, there’s a church on every corner. The Blessed Mother is everywhere there.
If Protestants do not agree with th Cathoic church, well, before Luther came around, the Scriptures were untouched, the church preserved the bible until he and others came around. Don’t you think that because one man was mad at the pope, he changed the doctrines of Jesus Christ forever, and you follow it.
I know some Catholics are being persecuted for their faith, and I didn’t say it’s funny, I even said I prayed for them, inclusive for the Catholics in my country who are converts from Islam and who, because of that, have to hide from their families ( the same happens to some Muslims who have become Protestants )…
As I said in France ( I’m glad you’ve visited my country !!! ) the Catholic -Protestant relationship seems to be calmer than in the United States ; I sometimes go to Mass and I’m not the only Protestant who does that, there are some things I don’t agree with, but many I do agree with, and then I participate with all my heart as I explained to Guanaphore on another thread ( I don’t remember which one )
Anyway from a spiritual point of view I feel closer to any Catholic than to any member of my own family since they don’t believe in God at all … and I suffer a lot from the fact that I can’t even pray with them …
Not salvation. Salvation/justification was a major issue of the Reformation, and still is.No. The “basis” of salvation is the principle difference between us.Simply being “raised” Protestant doesn’t mean you understand the differences. Have you studied soteriology from both a “Protestant” AND Catholic perspective? If so you’d see the major differences and you would never make a statement claiming that the two agree on the basis of salvation.“A revelation???” I must assume you mean this to be divine? What was the substance of this divine “revelation?”
The statement I made of salvation is both Protestants and Catholics believe salvation is through Christ alone, and we are justified with God through the blood of Christ. I am sure Catholics believe Jesus is the only way to God! That is what I meant. We are not justified via works or good deeds, only through the Blood of Christ which was shed. That IS what Protestants believe.
My “revelation” occured when I started reading about the RCC, and I came to realize that it is indeed the One Church Jesus talked about. From what I have read in various Catholic books, we agree on more issues than we disagree on. That is my take on it.
I know some Catholics are being persecuted for their faith, and I didn’t say it’s funny, I even said I prayed for them, inclusive for the Catholics in my country who are converts from Islam and who, because of that, have to hide from their families ( the same happens to some Muslims who have become Protestants )…
As I said in France ( I’m glad you’ve visited my country !!! ) the Catholic -Protestant relationship seems to be calmer than in the United States ; I sometimes go to Mass and I’m not the only Protestant who does that, there are some things I don’t agree with, but many I do agree with, and then I participate with all my heart as I explained to Guanaphore on another thread ( I don’t remember which one )
Anyway from a spiritual point of view I feel closer to any Catholic than to any member of my own family since they don’t believe in God at all … and I suffer a lot from the fact that I can’t even pray with them …
Well, either your Protestant or you are Catholic. There is no in between. How is it that you attend Mass and think Christ is not there in the Eucharist? Maybe you believe in the Real Presence. Do you feel comfortable at Mass saying the Hail Mary? Because you all feel we ‘worship’ her. Isn’t the Mass holy as Jesus was? If so, how can you go back to your ‘own’ church after this?
Honestly, I went only to Cannes and didn’t like it at all. That was where the cruise ship docked and we almost took a train to Monte Carlo, another Catholic country. 😃
Well, either your Protestant or you are Catholic. There is no in between. How is it that you attend Mass and think Christ is not there in the Eucharist? Maybe you believe in the Real Presence. Do you feel comfortable at Mass saying the Hail Mary? Because you all feel we ‘worship’ her. Isn’t the Mass holy as Jesus was? If so, how can you go back to your ‘own’ church after this?
Honestly, I went only to Cannes and didn’t like it at all. That was where the cruise ship docked and we almost took a train to Monte Carlo, another Catholic country. 😃
I go to Mass quite often, say the prayers of the Catholic Church and believe in the Real Presence. I am not Catholic because of the immediate family issues I have. I am sure some of you readers know what it is like to have your wife be against the Catholic Church, and I am in that boat. If I become Catholic at this point, it will make for a very unhappy home, esp. I have 3 kids who are very active in our Protestant church. Sometimes, it is not black and white to become Catholic and forget Protestantism. For some of us, there is alot at stake.
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