That is a good question…many people may have these very same thoughts.I just don’t get it.
Our world is filled with suffering, and some people are or will be suffering eternally in Hell. And this is all because God allows it because he values personal freedom.
It is the usual argument in the problem of evil: God allows suffering but does not will it. Well, there is not a significant difference. For whatever reason, God would rather have the multitudes of suffering brought on by personal freedom, than for perfect peace without freedom.
What is it about freedom that Someone who we believe is all good, would allow evil simply for freedom’s sake?
Freedom is a necessary part of our everyday life. When a little boy, mom tells us to do something, and we must make a choice. Going to the grocery store, aisle after aisle of breakfest food…we must make a choice. $10 laying on someone else’s desk, we must make a choice. Do we or don’t we take an umbrella this morning? What time should I have supper. What should I say to a particular question? Our lives are all about choices…it is a necessary part of our very selves. So too is it in the moral order, choices are necessary.
I’ve noticed that when I chose to become more self centered, my happiness inside dwindles. When I begin to think of myself more and less of God and others, I experience loneliness and emptiness. That is just a fact with me. I know that for sure.
It is when I open myself to others and take less time to think of myself that joy, peace, goodness, and happiness appear. And what this is according to my own findings is due to my self centerdness which is nothing more than what I would call sin, making a bad choice.
I truely believe this is what happens to people who find themselves in the wrong place after death. An unhappy place with noone there but themselves. And I’m not saying this in criticism of them, but rather it is just a result of what they have become. And what Jesus said it so true to me, that unless the seed die, it won’t grow into true love.
I do believe it pains God to see this happen to anyone. But what they are is what they are, and so they are in the next world what they were in this…unhappy when the toys of this world are unavailable.
May God bless and keep you. May God’s face shine on you. May God be kind to you and give you peace.