God made the world but God didn’t make its fruits. Adam’s sin made the fruits of the world.
Catholic Encyclopedia : Evil
“But we cannot say without denying the Divine omnipotence, that another equally perfect universe could not be created
in which evil would have no place.”
310 But why did God not create a world so perfect that no evil could exist in it?
infinite wisdom and
goodness God freely willed to create a world in a state of journeying towards its
ultimate perfection, 314 through
the dramas of evil and sin .
As we see above, in this world God created
the dramas of evil and sin and this is what He created
at His cause of the fall of Adam.
In The Mystery of Predestination by John Salza
Page 113; “God, however,
willed to permit Adam to reject His grace and to sin.” – His wisdom
He so ordered the events of his sin, which He Designed, Decreed and Ordered form all eternity, reasons described in CCC 310; 311; 314; 324; etc.
FRUITS OF OUR SUFFERINGS: – (Our sufferings is caused by God’s creation of
the dramas of evil and sin.)
Life without suffering
would produce spoiled brats, not joyful saints.
Our struggle and tribulation while journeying towards our
ultimate perfection through the dramas of evil and sin is the cost which in-prints the virtue/ nobility into our souls – the cost of our road to nobility and perfection.
In this world man has to learn by experience and contrast, and to develop by the overcoming of obstacles (Lactantius, “De ira Dei”, xiii, xv in “P.L.”, VII, 115-24. St. Augustine “De ordine”, I, vii, n. 18 in “P.L.”, XXXII, 986).
324 Faith gives us the certainty that God would
not permit an evil if he did not cause a
good to come from that very evil, by ways that we shall fully know only in eternal life.
This is above the reason God created
the dramas of evil and sin.
“God is the author of
all causes and effects, but is not the author of sin, because an action ceases to be sin if God wills it to happen. Still God is the
cause of sin.
God’s omnipotent providence exercises
a complete and perfect control over all events that happen, or will happen, in the universe.”
His wisdom He so
orders all events within the universe that the end for which it was created may be
He directs all, even evil and sin itself, to
the final end for which the universe was created.
Evil, therefore, ministers to God’s design (St. Gregory the Great, op. cit., VI, xxxii in “P.L.”,
303 The sacred books powerfully affirm
God’s absolute sovereignty over the course of events.
God’s will is
the cause of all things, every event that happen or will happen in the universe.
Nothing that is outside of God’s creating, sustaining, and governing will.
History is not just what He sees will be, but is
what He causes to be , especially in every aspect of the redemptive process.
God bless