Why is the Pope Endorsing Same Sex Unions in Film

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Yes. What about Church teachings that were recently developed? Such as the teachings on contraception? It wasn’t much of an issue until a hundred years ago and more recently. If Pope Pius had chosen, he could have made it accepted. It is really only considered against Church teaching now because of his Humanae Vitae and I’ve heard he was talking with many bishops and cardinals who were actually in favor of allowing it.
If you read Fr Hardon’s Catechism among other sources you’ll realize the issue of contraception has been an issue since early in the Church’s history.

My point is if the Church has always taught x and now teaches y, something is off. You can’t make x into y.
But Church teaching has changed over time as the times have changed.

And contraception wasn’t so much of a hot topic back then due to infant and child mortality and the lack of efficient contraception
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But Church teaching has changed over time as the times have changed.
No, practice has changed. There is a difference between Newman’s idea of the development of doctrine and outright changing doctrine. The two are not reconcilable.
Interesting. I guess I was thinking more about the development of it. So do you think a Catholic must be opposed to allowing same sex civil unions just because technically it’s considered sinful? Do you think from outside Christianity, it makes sense to condemn gay sex(other than that it can’t make babies)
Personally I don’t really care about civil unions, or homosexual acts. I care about consistency in teaching.
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But Church teaching has changed over time as the times have changed.

And contraception wasn’t so much of a hot topic back then due to infant and child mortality and the lack of efficient contraception
Infallible teachings have never changed. Objective truth doesn’t bend to man’s ego
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This issue has caused GREAT scandal. If the interpretation was wrong then why isn’t the Vatican clarifying this? It has me worried. The Pope and Vatican know what way the world and faithful has intrepated this which may be in error but they are silent so I hope we get some clarity soon. We need it as this isn’t going away and we now have clergy and lay people who endorse the LGBTQI+ ideology claiming this as a victory.

No point playing the game of im sure the media just misinterpreted the Pope here when NO-ONE fully understands what was said. There is confusion here, it NEEDS cleared up
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But Church teaching has changed over time as the times have changed.

And contraception wasn’t so much of a hot topic back then due to infant and child mortality and the lack of efficient contraception
Infallible teachings have never changed. Objective truth doesn’t bend to man’s ego
Let’s be clear and use precise words. Infallible teachings can be defined more clearly and be refined as time goes on. They cannot be perverted or repudiated because they are infallible; once a doctrine is defined, it will not reverse course.

Chuch teaching on contraception is a case in point. The underlying, eternal moral truth about it has always been the same. It will not change or be repudiated, ever, unto the ages of ages. The Church teaching has been refined, as technology and culture progresses and morphs into new challenges for moral theologians. Once modern contraception became easily available in hormone-pill form, Pope St. Paul VI spoke out clearly, defining the teaching further and explaining the unitive and procreative meanings of the marital embrace.

I am not sure if civil unions are a part of Church teaching, per se. It seems to me that civil unions can be used for chaste purposes and so may be considered entirely morally neutral. If the members of a union wish to commit sodomy, that is on them, and the presence or absence of a civil union would not really prevent them from doing that sin when they are determined to do it.

As for adoption by same-sex couples, that is a travesty against the child’s right to a mother and father, but come on, weird parenting arrangements are not solely a function of LGBT couples, they can happen any which way, and so I don’t see de fide Church teaching as preventing “gay adoption” as a blanket prohibition either.
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But Church teaching has changed over time as the times have changed.

And contraception wasn’t so much of a hot topic back then due to infant and child mortality and the lack of efficient contraception
Infallible teachings have never changed. Objective truth doesn’t bend to man’s ego
Let’s be clear and use precise words. Infallible teachings can be defined more clearly and be refined as time goes on. They cannot be perverted or repudiated because they are infallible; once a doctrine is defined, it will not reverse course.

Chuch teaching on contraception is a case in point. The underlying, eternal moral truth about it has always been the same. It will not change or be repudiated, ever, unto the ages of ages. The Church teaching has been refined, as technology and culture progresses and morphs into new challenges for moral theologians. Once modern contraception became easily available in hormone-pill form, Pope St. Paul VI spoke out clearly, defining the teaching further and explaining the unitive and procreative meanings of the marital embrace.

I am not sure if civil unions are a part of Church teaching, per se. It seems to me that civil unions can be used for chaste purposes and so may be considered entirely morally neutral. If the members of a union wish to commit sodomy, that is on them, and the presence or absence of a civil union would not really prevent them from doing that sin when they are determined to do it.

As for adoption by same-sex couples, that is a travesty against the child’s right to a mother and father, but come on, weird parenting arrangements are not solely a function of LGBT couples, they can happen any which way, and so I don’t see de fide Church teaching as preventing “gay adoption” as a blanket prohibition either.
How it is defined and refined over time is not disputed however teaching on this clear on any attempt to legitimize same sex relationships through any union. As for Church teaching about same sex adoption, surely we can use our own head to understand why this would be unacceptable, we don’t need it to be defined when it is already as obvious as day, to nuture and develop a child in an environment where same sex attraction is normalised and promoted through the behavior of their adopted parents?
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I think that any given set of parents raising children might be embroiled in grave sin that they wouldn’t want to pass on to their offspring, such as adultery, porn addiction, gambling, drug addiction, you name it. So I think it is extremely unfair to LGBT people to attempt to elevate their sin above all others when considering who is fit to raise children.
I think that any given set of parents raising children might be embroiled in grave sin that they wouldn’t want to pass on to their offspring, such as adultery, porn addiction, gambling, drug addiction, you name it. So I think it is extremely unfair to LGBT people to attempt to elevate their sin above all others when considering who is fit to raise children.
So a potential couple embroiled in drink and drug addiction is perfectly suitable to adopt a child? Usually when the sins of the parents effect the child in a substantial way creating a hostile and dangerous environment social services will interfere. We therefore are called to be holiness and to bring children up in such an environment.

Are those in same sex relationships fit to raise a child? materialistically i’m sure they are but spiritually absolutely not unless they repent and come back to Christ in which case they would no longer be in a same sex relationship
The Church has made it abundantly clear that her ministers will not hesitate to baptize children of same-sex couples… sooo… 🤷‍♂️
The Church has made it abundantly clear that her ministers will not hesitate to baptize children of same-sex couples… sooo… 🤷‍♂️
Why should it hesitate to baptize a child of God? I don’t get your point here, this doesn’t mean the Church is legitimizing homosexual acts and relationships anymore than baptizing a child of a couple engaged in fortification legitimizes the act of fornication
I will remind you that the Church is feminine and we refer to her using feminine pronouns.
It is the natural law.
That’s a religious belief. YOUR religious belief.
It would be legally sanctioning homosexual cohabitation, an intrinsic evil.
There’s nothing in these laws about cohabitation. That’s an assumption you are making.
The idea that civil unions aren’t geared towards sex is a fiction. Again, joint ownership of property suggests cohabitation.
They’re geared towards rights, not sex. Certain people may take advantage of it, and certain groups might see the advantages of it. But feel free to show me in any of these state laws anything concerned with sex.

Joint property = cohabitation? I’m sure we all know people who hold property in common without living together. My spouse and his mother. Two brothers in business together. Again, nothing in the laws themselves about this. At all.
Not mentioning sex per se, but I cannot think of a single country where someone can enter into a civil union with, say, their mother, brother or granddaughter, or with someone who is still legally married to another person.

In other words, it seems to be very much restricted to committed domestic partnerships of single unrelated persons. Analogous to if not exactly the same as marriage.
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Why should it hesitate to baptize a child of God?
Baptism is only for those who either hold Catholic Faith (adults) or there is reasonable hope they will be raised in it (children). Priests, according to Canon Law, can’t baptise anyone else.
Unsure if this has been posted already in this thread (or the other thread!), but Cardinal Burke released a statement which, to me at least, was helpful and assuring.
It’s about being good parents. If a gay couple can provide a warm loving and secure environment and provide for the child, I don’t see why they shouldn’t get to adopt. Their are children that need homes and they shouldn’t be downiest on just because they might not get to be adopted by a heterosexual couple. There is no ideal and perfect family and a gay couple could easily be better parents than a heterosexual couple. We are all born into or adopted into less than ideal families. Also, addictions such as gambling or drugs are vastly different than having a homosexual relationship. One is obviously going to have negative effects on anyone due to its nature as an addiction. The other is just a type of relationship that you don’t happen to approve of, but that can even be healthy and loving
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