The real presence beliefs harms no one and it does not remove dignity from no one. I use history, faith, science, and yes some tradition in inform my faith. You may find that to be convenient, but I find it to be intellectually honest. Also, stop with the personal attacks please.You believe in the Real Presence - a truly challenging dogma, supported in the Bible (though that’s not the belief of all Christian faiths) and taught by the Catholic Church. In your view, the Church got this right…on the basis that you concur! Other Churches take the Eucharist as symbolic.
But you believe sex acts between persons of the same sex are fine, despite Biblical prohibitions in both old and New Testaments, the absence of ANY favourable mention of such relationships in the Bible, and despite the Church teaching it as wrong for the entire existence of the Church. And you believe the Church got this one wrong…on the basis you hold a different opinion!
In summary, your faith comprises what you find acceptable and/or convenient. The Church is valuable when she agrees with you.