I hear the term “witch hunt”, but I ask you this: Can you show me a single priest who was expelled from the priesthood or punished in any way for being “a chaste, celibate, Godly homosexual priest”? Heck, they aren’t expelling priests who are known to be sexually active, much less “chaste, celibate, Godly” priests of any stripe.… and then turning around and going on a …I don’t want to use the word ‘witchhunt’, but that what it looks and feels like. There’s no concern for the individual soul. …
I really want to understand what the objection is to a chaste, celibate, Godly homosexual priest?
In contrast, the book, How Liberals Brought Corruption Into the Catholic ChurchGOODBYE, GOOD MEN:, presents the argument that just the opposite form of discrimination has been in effect. It discusses seminaries which had a pervasive, sexually active, dissenting and disobedient, “gay” sub-culture, where young men who were straight, faithful, orthodox Catholics were ruthlessly hounded out of the seminary.
I watched several Bishop’s be interviewed on EWTN as part of the recent abuse report. First, they all agreed that they needed to more effectively screen candidates for the priesthood regarding their committment to chastity. I don’t think any of us would argue that point.So, if a chaste, celibate homosexual man is truly called by the Holy Spirit to enter the priesthood,
Their opinions seemed to be split on homosexual candidates. Some Bishops stated that they saw no problem whatsoever with a “chaste, celibate homosexual man” becoming a priest. Other Bishops seemed to have a more nuanced position. They explained that in today’s climate, we are coming out of a period where we are trying to correct certain excesses of the past. For example, if you have a seminary with a “gay” sub-culture that you are trying to straighten out, you probably aren’t going to want to send homosexual men there, where they can be tempted away from chastity. I also heard one Bishop comment that taking a vow of celibacy is meant to be a sacrifice, and that having a homosexual man choose to live in a close community with other men is not the same degree of sacrifice, and in fact can become a near occasion of sin. These Bishops seemed to say that having a homosexual candidate for the priesthood may become “no big deal” again some years down the road, but it is problemmatical right now while the Church is still being rocked on all sides. Let’s not forget that the “80% of the problem” has still created uncountable heartache and damage, as well as cost the Church millions and millions of dollars.
I don’t believe priests of either sexual persuasion have been thrown out for sexual activity with adults.If priests that fornicate with grown men are thrown out (as they should be) so should priests who fornicate with grown women.
You can’t honestly believe they are expelling priests who target boys and exempting priests who target girls? I think everyone would agree that either case is horrible.If priests who molest/rape little boys and teenage boys are routed out and severely punished (as they should be) then the priests who molest/rape little girls and teenage girls should receive the exact same punishment and exposure.