Thank you both for your responses
I have several comments/questions though. I do understand that technically pedophilia is the attraction to pre-pubescent children and that the media is using that word to make it seem as though all victims were pre-pubescent. That is wrong. But I also see the Church’s constant reminder that it wasn’t pedophila because the kids were 12 or 13 to be equally wrong because they’re using it as a way to say, ‘This wasn’t so bad. Stop making a big deal out of it.’…
Peg, I understand the concept of avoiding near occasion of sin, but for a homosexual who is not attracted to the underage, what is occasion of sin? Other homosexual priests? Should homosexuals not go to single-sex schools of any kind? Belong to single-sex sports teams? Have friends that are the same sex? Should heterosexual priests tempted by the sins of the flesh be forbidden from ministering to the women of the parish, or from associating with nuns? It seems to me that the arguement is that homosexuals, even if devoted to God and to a chaste, celibate life, are automatically, across-the-board inferior to heterosexuals and that is what disturbs me. Heterosexuals are given the benefit of the doubt and judged on an individual basis, but homosexuals are not…
I just think it’s dishonest to say it’s a “homosexual” problem because “homosexual” is not synonomous with “attracted to children/teens”. I feel like the Church is almost playing the secular world, saying, “We know you don’t think homosexuality is a big deal, so why are you judging us when that’s all we’re dealing with?”