Why no homosexual priests?

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Statistically, I believe MOST pedophiles are heterosexual adult males.
But if most victims are males, how does that make them heterosexual? :confused:
There is also a distinction that needs to be made. That is that an attraction to a pre-pubescents boy by a male is pedophelia, attraction to a post-pubescent boy by a male is homosexuality.
I do not want to appear sarcastic, but in all honesty “methinks you need to be more discerning in the material and websites that you are reading.”

Your instincts are right on the money about the fact that these people are inaccurate in their premise. They are also inaccurate in their impression of Church teaching. This is a phenominal opportunity to teach the truth!

In God’s Peace,
Oh, I know the website wasn’t the best one. It was the first one. I never saw it before this morning, but you wanted a link, and all I had was my personal experiences. Can’t link to the time my father said, ‘All faggots are into kids’, or the neighbors talking about how pedophila would not exist without homosexuals.

Your last statement gets to the heart of why I started this topic. I know, logically, that the Church teaching is not that homosexuality and pedophila are interchangable. But when I read, week after week, usually in a publication like Our Sunday Vistor, about how the scandal never ever would have happened if there were no homosexual priests - it makes me very upset, irrationally so sometimes, because I know first hand that heterosexuals are every bit as capable of this kind of perversion.

Rfk - eczema? Seriously? Wow. I agree that the Church should have standards, and not let men in willy-nilly, but yikes. Perfect (straight) physical specimens only need apply?

Poisson, we’ll have to agree to disagree, I think. To me, a grown man who is attracted to a young, post pubescent boy may not be a pedophile, but he is not a “normal” homosexual (you know what I mean) any more than a grown man attracted to a young, post pubescent girl is a normal heterosexual. Adults should not be interested in teens or children no matter what the genders involved.
Adults should not be interested in teens or children no matter what the genders involved.
I don’t disagree but for the sake of argument, how different physically is a 17-1/2 year old (illegal) from an 18 year old (legal)? How old were Mary and Joseph? I know they were not physical but are you saying it would have been immoral for them to be? I think it’s important to have age of consent laws to prevent abuses but I do think puberty makes a difference between something that is intrinsically evil and something that is just plain wrong in a more subjective way. :twocents: There’s my two cents.
There is an absolute truth here and I hope we all agree that in general, homosexuality is mortally wrong. If the homosexual knows that his tendencies are wrong and he is truly trying to change them, that is one thing. But if there were a chaste, homosexual priest who thinks his tendencies are okay and has no intentions to at least try to change them with the grace of God, that is quite another thing.* *
I hope you understand the distiction
Trust me I do…I would that any priest be orthodox and understand that his disorders, whether homosexual or otherwise are that disorders and crosses to bear…
Rather than citing statistics, perhaps we should look at this from a bit more logical perspective.

Same-sex attraction is a defect present in varying degrees in individuals. It ranges from extremely strong very weak. Some individuals affected with SSA can be normally attracted to women, some cannot. It would be difficult to label at what point on this spectrum on can be called a “homosexual” and at what point one cannot.

The defect of SSA is no different from the defect of alcoholism or uncontrollable anger. Obviously, those who have these defects are called to overcome them and live as Christ calls us.

Certainly, the Church is well within her rights to eliminate individuals with certain defects in certain degrees from the priesthood. This is not to say that someone afflicted with one of these defects could not be a good priest, perhaps they could, but ultimately, the Church has to make a prudential decision as to whether someone is a good candidate or not.

Even having a rule like “no homosexuals” can be difficult because then one has to answer the question “what constitutes a homosexual.” All candidates for the priesthood have varying defects present in varying degrees. Some men are turned away for SSA. Some men are turned away for scrupulosity. Some men are turned away for problems with anger. The Church has to discriminate against individuals with various defects in order that her priests have the proper qualities to perform a very difficult job.
I don’t disagree but for the sake of argument, how different physically is a 17-1/2 year old (illegal) from an 18 year old (legal)? How old were Mary and Joseph? I know they were not physical but are you saying it would have been immoral for them to be? I think it’s important to have age of consent laws to prevent abuses but I do think puberty makes a difference between something that is intrinsically evil and something that is just plain wrong in a more subjective way. :twocents: There’s my two cents.
It depends on how far away puberty is, and the age difference. There isn’t any real difference between a 17 1/2 year old boy and an 18 year old boy, physically or emotionally. But a 17 year old boy and a 50 year old man? Or a 17 year old girl and a 50 year old man? In this day and age and culture, when marriage and sexuality is delayed, that is wrong. So would a 14 year old and a 19 year old, in my opinion. I just can’t fathom what a grown adult wants with a teenager, regardless of sexual orientation. I lost someone I thought was a good friend over this very topic - he’s 27, and almost violently straight, and I discovered, over the course of some conversations, that he sees absolutely nothing wrong with a man his age having a “girlfriend” who is 13/14/15. I almost threw up.

I think common sense and the couple’s time period and culture have to be taken into account with age differences. There’s the whole matter of consent and power as well - if one party, priest, president, boss - wields power and authority over a younger, impressionable person in their charge, that is wrong.
But a 17 year old boy and a 50 year old man? Or a 17 year old girl and a 50 year old man? In this day and age and culture, when marriage and sexuality is delayed, that is wrong.
Yet this society is increasingly trying to tell us that it’s perfectly fine for that same 50 yr old man to have a relations with an 18 year old boy but not the 17.
Also YingYangMom correct me if I am wrong you to Lourdes but what I thought about your post is that, even though he is not a active homosexual he is still one. that is the bottom line. Now of course if he repents and admits that he was wrong
and truly wants to change his life and surrender to God I do not see why the church will not take him. It will be a very heavy cross to take but I do not see why the church needs to push him away.
Your post suggests the homosexual is ‘being’ so by choice, not by God’s design. And that for me is the bottom line. I can’t NOT be hispanic or black or white any more than the homosexual can NOT be what he is. What is there to ‘change’ about his life or to repent? He didn’t ask to be born the way he was, it isn’t his ‘sin’. So long as he/she does not engage in homosexual acts and tries very hard to keep his/her thoughts pure then he/she is equal in my eyes as any heterosexual.

Lourdes’ point is that there are chaste and true gay people in the community who choose to serve God and live a chaste life - free of act and thought. There are also many heterosexuals who choose to serve God as well…however, it has been shown that many heterosexual priests have caved in to sin and have lusted after women and sometimes acted on that lust…yet they are not being singled out and barred from service as the gay person is.
As I posted above…

What do we mean by “homosexual?”

This term can be applied to any number of defects ranging from very slight to very serious. At what point, does the presence of this defect eliminate one from consideration for the priesthood? I am not so sure there could be a “line” drawn to determine this point.
Of COURSE he wants to change his status…that’s why he’s turning to the Church for service. He wants God’s help and guidance and love to get him through his life with the way God created him. So long as the person has NOT acted on the homosexual predisoposition, I believe he/she is still capable of receiving God’s grace.

Aren’t we all called to the Church to help us with our weaknesses??? C’mon? Why should this opportunity be denied to homosexuals who wholeheartedly want to find a spiritual way to live with the condition with which God gave them?
The Church has many ways of helping these people, but for Pete’s sake don’t put them in charge of a Flock of people who look to him as an outlet of the Church’s ministries. The same applies to Hetro-sexuals with other major issues (Including sexual ones).

And God asks us to Overcome, not just “live with”. Our entire Journey of Salvation is one of coming to understand our relationship with Christ and his Church. We should NEVER be satisfied with where we are, because there is something that always can be improved…more Charity, more gentleness, more ways to become more like Christ. 👍

The major issue in North America is that we have lost sight of the proper place of the sexual union in the Marriage Relationship. As North American Catholics, we have lost the firm ground to stand on as far as any arguement against homosexuality, because at it’s root is the disobedience of the North American Churches in regards to the teachings of Chastity and Sexual Purity as outlined by Rome (Particularily around Contraception and the seperation of the Unitive and Procreative aspects of the marriage union (ie the openness to life).

This disobedience (both in it’s cover-ups and in it’s shepherds refusal to uphold and defend true teachings) has more to do with the North American Catholic Church’s current situation than anything else. 😦
The Church has many ways of helping these people, but for Pete’s sake don’t put them in charge of a Flock of people who look to him as an outlet of the Church’s ministries. The same applies to Hetro-sexuals with other major issues (Including sexual ones).

And God asks us to Overcome, not just “live with”. Our entire Journey of Salvation is one of coming to understand our relationship with Christ and his Church. We should NEVER be satisfied with where we are, because there is something that always can be improved…more Charity, more gentleness, more ways to become more like Christ. 👍
I agree with the North American observations you make…we really have distanced ourselves in so many ways from the Church, it is very difficult for me to keep my children (and my husband) focused on the ‘basics’.

In your first paragraph I appreciate your including the heterosexuals with other major issues in your call to not let any of them lead a flock…I think we’re basically in agreement there…in that I am calling more for equity in determining who can or cannot be a priest/nun, while Lourdes was pointing out that the equity seems to be absent so far.

As for your second paragraph, I hear you 😉 and I appreciate the distinction between ‘overcome’ and ‘live with’ but the position you take still saddens me a bit because it seems to say that while we are called to and challenged to be more like Christ in our lives, certain ‘subsets’ of humanity will automatically be denied the opportunity to do that by closing the door on them - basically telling them to not even approach the steps. You say we should never be satisfied with where we are…so what if those people with ‘major issues’ (who have repented and reformed) seek the priesthood in their quest to be the best they can be?

Overall, however, I agree with the previous poster who reminds us all that it’s the Church’s place to decide who can and cannot serve in that capacity and I have to respect the process. I just wish it were more fair across the board, and so far it doesn’t seem that it is.
It is my impression, from talking with Christians, listening to them, and reading their words, that the vast majority believe that a homosexual is far, far, FAR more likely to abuse a child than a heterosexual.
To add fuel to this fire. Egale is the largest and most influential homosexual rights group. They seem to favour a 14 year old age of consent.
I seem to recall a recent letter from our Holy Father stating why homosexuals may not be suited for Holy Orders. If someone remembers out there, please post.

The Pope’s argument went something like this, though. The priesthood serves as the “father” of his congregation, with Mother Church being his bride. Together, they produce spiritual offspring through baptism. This familial relationship would be lost, in essence, on a homosexual who may not fully comprehend this marital relationship. Indeed, our marriages pre-present this Trinitarian relationship; with the preisthood being even a closer representation acting ‘en persona Christi’.

I probably butchered the concept; so, I will continue to try and find the Pope’s own words and if someone finds it before me, all the better!

Peace in Christ!
Rather than citing statistics, perhaps we should look at this from a bit more logical perspective…

Certainly, the Church is well within her rights to eliminate individuals with certain defects in certain degrees from the priesthood. This is not to say that someone afflicted with one of these defects could not be a good priest, perhaps they could, but ultimately, the Church has to make a prudential decision as to whether someone is a good candidate or not.

…All candidates for the priesthood have varying defects present in varying degrees. Some men are turned away for SSA. Some men are turned away for scrupulosity. Some men are turned away for problems with anger. The Church has to discriminate against individuals with various defects in order that her priests have the proper qualities to perform a very difficult job.
I think this is an important point. No one has a right to be a priest, regardless of how strong one’s personal calling might be. Ordination is confered upon candidates, not demanded by them. Whereas in the past, chaste homosexual men might have been acceptable candidates for ordination, the Church seems to have decided that the risks are too great in today’s culture. There is a place for chaste, homosexual men in the Church, but it isn’t in the priesthood - at least for now. I can see some pretty reasonable logic in that.

Karl Keating had an editorial on this subject a few months back in This Rock. While I forget the specifics, I recall that his argument was that the current situation demanded a much higher standard for priestly ordination if for no other reason than to re-establish credibility and confidence in our priests and to strengthen the priesthood (My apoogies to Karl if I misinterpreted his remarks).

A strong priesthood is essential to the Church. Without priests there is no Eucharist.
I think this is an important point. No one has a right to be a priest, regardless of how strong one’s personal calling might be. Ordination is confered upon candidates, not demanded by them. Whereas in the past, chaste homosexual men might have been acceptable candidates for ordination, the Church seems to have decided that the risks are too great in today’s culture.
There is a place for chaste, homosexual men in the Church, but it isn’t in the priesthood -
at least for now. I can see some pretty reasonable logic in that.

Karl Keating had an editorial on this subject a few months back in This Rock. While I forget the specifics, I recall that his argument was that the current situation demanded a much higher standard for priestly ordination if for no other reason than to re-establish credibility and confidence in our priests and to strengthen the priesthood (My apoogies to Karl if I misinterpreted his remarks).

A strong priesthood is essential to the Church. Without priests there is no Eucharist.
I agree with you 100%

I will not enter into the : Why are they born homosexuals topic. But they do HAVE A CHOICE to either seek God, repent and change their ways. Or they could live in sin for the rest of their lives. Don’t get me wrong, I do not dislike or hate homosexuals, matter of fact I do now a few and we agree to disagree when it comes to religion. But I pray for them. But for them to be a example of priesthood? Nope.
In your first paragraph I appreciate your including the heterosexuals with other major issues in your call to not let any of them lead a flock…I think we’re basically in agreement there…in that I am calling more for equity in determining who can or cannot be a priest/nun, while Lourdes was pointing out that the equity seems to be absent so far.…I just wish it were more fair across the board, and so far it doesn’t seem that it is.
I believe the perceived “lack of equity” in the process is because of the way that North American Media has portrayed it, not in the Church’s actual response to the issue. In fact, of the statements released by the Vatican, they seem most focused on the point I already stated: A need to return to the “basics”, and to return to a spirit of Obedience, rather than trying to forge our own path out on this continent. What makes us “Catholic” is our Unity, our unity with Rome.
As for your second paragraph, I hear you 😉 and I appreciate the distinction between ‘overcome’ and ‘live with’ but the position you take still saddens me a bit because it seems to say that while we are called to and challenged to be more like Christ in our lives, certain ‘subsets’ of humanity will automatically be denied the opportunity to do that by closing the door on them - basically telling them to not even approach the steps. You say we should never be satisfied with where we are…so what if those people with ‘major issues’ (who have repented and reformed) seek the priesthood in their quest to be the best they can be?.
God Closes the door on no one! You say " Repented and Reformed" - Amen! Let them go to where God has called them, and serve as best they can in the Vocation that Christ has given them. It is important to note, though, that the Church wishes Catholics to be led to a right understanding of the relationship between God and his people, in which there is no place for the “homosexual” understanding of the sexual relationship (the sexual relationship between man and wife being a Sacrament, giving grace, and ultimately, meant to bring new life - ie children).

There is a place for those with homosexual tendancies in the church (just as there is places for those with heterosexual tendancies in the Church), but we are all called to go beyond our tendancies, our animalistic drives, and ultimately become more human (ie Gain control of our Will). The Church, in her wisdom, has decided that one with homo-sexual tendancies is not fit for the priesthood, so be it. This has been one of many points that the Church is trying to reitterate under the banner of “BE MORE CAREFUL ABOUT WHO YOU ALLOW TO BECOME PRIESTS! BE SURE THEY ARE CALLED TO THIS VOCATION!” Unfortunately, the homo-sexuality issue is the one that many Journalists (and Laity, as you have elequantly stated) have latched onto, as if this were the “holy Grail” of a solution, which is untrue.

The Church has also decided that it would prefer not to choose it’s priests from among married men, so be it (I would have LOVED to be a priest…but alas, I have a vocation that God has called me to, and here I find my Joy).
This is what your last post said:
Oh, I know the website wasn’t the best one. It was the first one. I never saw it before this morning, but you wanted a link, and all I had was my personal experiences. Can’t link to the time my father said, ‘All faggots are into kids’, or the neighbors talking about how pedophila would not exist without homosexuals.
Your first remark, however was this:
Please help me to understand this, as my perception of the situtation is driving me away **from accepting Church teachings ** (i.e, the only time I really think ‘Why not let homosexuals marry in a civil setting?’ is when I get angry at their - perhaps misinterpreted I admit - mistreatment by the Church).
So the question is-------are you having a problem with church teaching or are you having a problem with bigotry? I believe your problem is with bigotry and that is well founded.
Your last statement gets to the heart of why I started this topic. I know, logically, that the Church teaching is not that homosexuality and pedophila are interchangable. But when I read, week after week, usually in a publication like Our Sunday Vistor, about how the scandal never ever would have happened if there were no homosexual priests - it makes me very upset, irrationally so sometimes, because I know first hand that heterosexuals are every bit as capable of this kind of perversion.
My heart aches to think you or someone close to you has been victimized in this way and I will keep you in my prayers. Be of stout heart though------ Bottom line-----------your father, neighbors and others you have heard speak this way about any connection----------do not the magisterium make :cool:

Be in God’s Peace,
Thank you both for your responses 🙂

I have several comments/questions though. I do understand that technically pedophilia is the attraction to pre-pubescent children and that the media is using that word to make it seem as though all victims were pre-pubescent. That is wrong. But I also see the Church’s constant reminder that it wasn’t pedophila because the kids were 12 or 13 to be equally wrong because they’re using it as a way to say, ‘This wasn’t so bad. Stop making a big deal out of it.’…

Peg, I understand the concept of avoiding near occasion of sin, but for a homosexual who is not attracted to the underage, what is occasion of sin? Other homosexual priests? Should homosexuals not go to single-sex schools of any kind? Belong to single-sex sports teams? Have friends that are the same sex? Should heterosexual priests tempted by the sins of the flesh be forbidden from ministering to the women of the parish, or from associating with nuns? It seems to me that the arguement is that homosexuals, even if devoted to God and to a chaste, celibate life, are automatically, across-the-board inferior to heterosexuals and that is what disturbs me. Heterosexuals are given the benefit of the doubt and judged on an individual basis, but homosexuals are not…

I just think it’s dishonest to say it’s a “homosexual” problem because “homosexual” is not synonomous with “attracted to children/teens”. I feel like the Church is almost playing the secular world, saying, “We know you don’t think homosexuality is a big deal, so why are you judging us when that’s all we’re dealing with?”
The Church is not using the word “homosexuality” as a way out! The Church wants to get to the root of the problem. How can we do that if we keep calling it pedophilia, when that is not what it is, even by your own definition?

You said that you don’t see the priesthood as an occasion of sin and compared it to a homosexual playing on a same-sex sports team. Well those are not good comparisons because in the priesthood you have men actually living together, that is very different from playing on a sports team, even so, a homosexual would not be well received on a professional sports team for the exact same reason. Try putting single heterosexual men and women in the same house with no real supervision and see what happens. If you dont see that as an occasion of sin then I would have to ask what would you consider and occasion of sin?
All through the abuse scandal we heard defenders of the Church saying that the abuse rate among the clergy was no more than among the general population. That’s nice. These ordained men of God are no better than the average.

Now, for most of that scandal, the rate of abusers was quoted at 2%, and this is what the defenders said was the rate in the general population.

But the John Jay report says that 4% have been accused. I know that accused does not mean proven, but I note the large difference between 2% and 4%.

OK. So now what is the abuse rate among the general population? Is it 2% as defenders said for so long? If so, why is the Church rate double the average for the population?

The other question is, what is the percent of dioceses in which bishops covered up or enabled abusive priests? It is much higher than 4%. Why are so many of the successors of the apostles cowards? Why are these guys still in their jobs? Does this treatment of the bishops contribute to the ongoing abuse in Latin America that is being documented by the Dallas Morning News this week?

The Church has failed at the highest levels. This means the pope. It means the bishops. It means all the priests who were not abusers, but remained silent. And the Church continues to fail.

This is valid grounds to question the authority of the Church and the claims it makes to have special guidance from God. When the successors to the apostles are the culprits, the argument that they are simply misguided individuals loses its punch.
I’ll give it a try:
Why no homosexual priests?
The Church does not teach that a homosexual man CAN NEVER be a priest. During the screening process for the seminary or noviciate, men with same-sex attractions can be considered if they are able to prove that they have lived chastely for a substantial period of time, that they limit the use of alcohol (reduces inhibitions), that they recognize homosexual activity as sinful and that they are faithful to Church doctrine on sexual morality.
So, if a chaste, celibate homosexual man is truly called by the Holy Spirit to enter the priesthood, is doing it because he wants to be a priest and serve God, and not as some form of escape, and he takes his vows seriously, what is the problem? How is his situation different from that of a chaste, celibate heterosexual man who is truly called by the Holy Spirit to enter the priesthood, is doing it for the right reasons, and takes his vows seriously?
One problem is that he is surrounded by other men so the temptation would be greater than for a heterosexual. Another problems may arise around his fidelity to and ability to effectively teach on sexual morality.
Since the sex abuse scandal was made public, I have heard over and over and over and over again about how homosexuals are the problem, and if only homosexuals weren’t in the priesthood everything would be sunshine and roses.
Sorry, I’ve never heard that everything would be sunshine and roses. We have serious problems vis a vis dissent (Catholics and abortion is a pertinent example.)
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