Why should I trust Catholicism?

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One can make the case for scripture that Peter was master only in that he was leader for the sake of not allowing conflicting of wills and unity but that they all heard from God. It doesn’t seem you can make the claim that he knew some things only the apostles did and Peter was given the keys we can say he meant to give it to his successors but we don’t know and Peter did not seem like he would know some things that others did not know if we take that to mean him being the rock or having the keys.

According to you or rather church what should one do to find out the truth should he pray more read books see a priest how can one ensure he finds it ? How can he ensure he will find the right book or he can find the truth from anyone and will one not find it if he is not constantly looking for the truth unto his death ? How will one have time to work to meet one needs and help the poor but is too much work a distraction.

But can one absolutely know where the true church is ? Does not God not will for any to perish so all can find the truth.

If one just chooses Catholicism because he wants to accept the tradition but he doesn’t know for a fact it is true is he still catholic and he can be saved ? If you could actually convince others of the truth I think many Christians and I would be Catholic.

What should a person who has little time left do to find the truth ? Is he guaranteed to find it if he sees a priest ? But then many would convert to Catholicism but no one has been able to convince others

Do you think Jesus really spoke in parables so people would not know the truth for example if the bible says God will restore sodom to know for sure that is not true must one go to church to find out.

I am hoping I can prove it is not true without the church maybe the church could give the explanation of what is meant by sodom or simply to know it is not true.

If you say Jesus spoke in parables and the truth could only be revealed to apostles and those who go to them that means you are withholding the truth from those who ask for I have asked and none have been able to convince.

So prove to me that this passage does not refer to literal sodomites being restored though maybe only those who repent not gentiles if we are meant to just accept that means God is letting people be lost by deceiving them.

Or do I have to see a priest not online ?

And prove to me that the Catholic Church is the true church.

Or can a priest be guaranteed to show it is for how then can God will not any to perish if he can not not make any definitely trust it is true.
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Trust in God. You’re not left to figure everything out on your own. He is with you. Talk to him, cast your concerns on him. You’re only human, what can you know on your own? But God knows all your needs and cares for you. Ask him for the grace to know the truth.

Be willing to seek God, to listen, to trust and believe, to go wherever he leads you. Remember what was said about love: “It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.”

Other denominations branched off from Catholicism. How can a branch be truer than the trunk? The trunk of a tree is sturdier, taller, fuller, older, and longer lasting than the branches. It’s closer to the roots. Aren’t these things true of Catholicism?

If you wanted to build a treehouse, would you build it on a branch? A branch could snap off under the weight of it. You would build the treehouse over the trunk. The trunk will last as long as the tree. “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” The church built on the rock of Peter is like the trunk of a tree, it won’t snap off and die like a branch, it’s the life and body of the tree.
We can trust Catholicism because Jesus established the Church.
But then many would convert to Catholicism but no one has been able to convince others
Only the Holy Spirit can move one to the Truth. Jesus said search and you will find. You have to keep an open heart and pray, be well disposed to God.
Thankyou for the replies. Im not sure it is the original Christianity. But I can search and pray to find out if it is
Orthodoxy and Catholicism were united. But orthodoxy would have to repudiate those centuries when subject to Rome.
I think the orthodox never considered Rome as infallible some fathers could have held it is not I am not sure but in general the east seemed to believe it could function without the pope one could even interpret Jerome communicating with Rome believing the chair of Peter to be the rock because it kept the orthodox faith and had duty to teach it to others and orthodox believe all bishops of right faith are successors of Peter which is what is meant by chair of Peter. Whether that is the actual truth of those fathers may not be though it could be but orthodox still did not believe the pope decides for them and there may be some fathers that support that but I don’t know we know some did believe the pope Copts split in the 4th century. We don’t know what was the original faith of the fathers before the split or the apostolic fathers or if all universally held one faith before the split
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All should be seeking the truth but how can we if the churches are forced to close their doors and does God promise to reveal the truth to Christians which is true and one reason I do not trust the church is there is no way I can confess all my sins and there are not enough priests for all the world to confess their sins and to know the truth in a church must you be worthy by serving the church and obeying the priests but what if the priest you pick is wrong as Ambrose says God will save those the church cherishes as her own but what happend to evangelism ? And is there much time to go to church to believe they can help you confess or lead you
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And prove to me that the Catholic Church is the true church.
I think u should know the argue about Peter, so I will skip it and argue about the early church.

When the early church has suffering many problems about herectics created them own denominations, it’s was necessary make a difference between the true church from the churches created by the men, so in the Constantinopla’s Council (381) the truth chruch was defined like “Una, Sancta, Catholic and Roman”.

Una - There is one church, not many denomations.
Sancta - Because the body and the members are saints, Jesus, Saint Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Peter, Saint Mauro, Saint Pio, Saint Inacio, etc.
Catholic - Since Jesus reveals the salvation to all nations not only to your people.
Roman - Because Saint Peter die in Roman.
Thankyou for your replies. I will have to think about that and read up more about that. I’m not sure if all the church agreed with that before the split of the Coptic church of Alexandria in the 4th century or if the eastern church understands it that way or if there is evidence that other church fathers held the beliefs of orthodoxy before the 4th century. If it can not be proved biblically I don’t think God would expect people to believe other men than him as He said call no one on earth your teacher
How can a branch be truer than the trunk?
The proper analogy is given by Jesus:

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

The other analogy is that of rocks/ stones. Jesus is cornerstone with apostles the foundation. We are all living stones. Anyone buildng upon another will be judged or lose any wood, hay or stubble.

Also Jesus gives the light or candlestick to a church/community.It can be taken away and given to another.

But yes, Jesus and Peter and the apostles are our sure foundation, as per scripture . The Catholic church today or even yesteryear is not exempt from being cleansed of wood hay or stubble, as are the Orthodox or Protestant also
To be deep in history is to cease to be a Protestant. - John Henry Cardinal Newman
And yet CS Lewis wrote, “The unhistorical, without knowing it, usually are enslaved to the fairly recent past.”

He was very historical yet refused to be a “Catholic”.
I’m Ukrainian Greek Catholic. Are you Greek, Russian, Eastern, or Oriental Orthodox?

Suggestion: Talk to a priest at an Eastern Catholic Church. He will be able to help you.
“…it is not the remembered but the forgotten past that enslaves us. I think the same is true of society. To study the past does indeed liberate us from the present, from the idols of our own market-place. But I think it liberates us from the past too. I think no class of men are less enslaved to the past than historians. The unhistorical are usually, without knowing it, enslaved to a fairly recent past.”

‘De Descriptione Temporum’

Inaugural Lecture from The Chair of Mediaeval and Renaissance Literature at Cambridge University, 1954

Included in SELECTED LITERARY ESSAYS/ (ed. Hooper), chap 1, p.12. 1979, TPB ed.
And yet CS Lewis wrote, “The unhistorical, without knowing it, usually are enslaved to the fairly recent past.”

He was very historical yet refused to be a “Catholic”.
‘Ulsterior motives’
So some think. As suggested by Tolkien, say, in Letter 83, THE LETTERS OF J.R.R.TOLKIEN, p. 95. And other places.

Tolkien felt that Lewis, subconsciously, retained a typical Ulster protestant attitude toward the RCC (the “Ulsterior Motive”), while consciously moving toward the more Anglo-Catholic expression of the Church of England. He expressed this in a couple of places, particularly in an unpublished essay, titled as above, which originated as a critique of LETTERS TO MALCOM, and which is discussed in Carpenter’s THE INKLINGS, pp.50-52, The point was part of the gradual estrangement between the two, in Lewis’ later life. The point is also discussed in Pearce’s C.S.LEWIS AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, chap. 10, “The Mere and the Mire”.
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