Why should I trust Catholicism?

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Constantinopla’s Council (381) the truth chruch was defined like “Una, Sancta, Catholic and Roman”.
Whoops. This did not occur at the Council of Constantinople in 381. This is a much later, post-schism definition given by Pope in recent years. I wish I could find the reference, but it’s late and I can’t find the source. Maybe Pope Pius X or Leo XIII.
I really doubt it, well. I talk without confidence information, just a blogspot catholic from my country, but I tried to find these councils’s documents but without lucky and the source on internet is just superficial information.
Whoops. This did not occur at the Council of Constantinople in 381. This is a much later, post-schism definition given by Pope in recent years. I wish I could find the reference, but it’s late and I can’t find the source. Maybe Pope Pius X or Leo XIII.
Yes, and even so, the people of Constantinople would refer to themselves as Romans, as would anyone in the Eastern Roman Empire.
And prove to me that the Catholic Church is the true church
scripture proves it. Jesus is a King in the line of David according to the OT. So he is a Jewish King. In a Jewish Kingdom, when the king was away the ‘keys of the kingdom’ were given to the Chief Steward. if the Chief Steward died he was replaced. But there was only ever ONE Chief Steward who had all the keys of the Kingdom.

When Jesus gave Peter the Keys, he was referencing the Old Testament and designating Peter as his Chief Steward. So not all the bishops are successors of St. Peter. A kingdom had many stewards, one for the treasury, the wine, etc. But only 1 Chief Steward.

And that is why the Catholic Church is the true church founded by Jesus Christ.
I feel Catholicism captures the true essence of Jesus lineage the best.If you read the history of the church from varying sources and follow your own heart I think you will come to the right decision.

There’s a lot of reading material out there and I sympathise with your plight but for me this is the truth:

1.God the divine light caused the universe to begin.

2.Abraham was the the first human and patriarch to try to understand God.

3.Jesus then followed that thinking.

4.The Catholic church then faithfully tried to follow Jesus’s legacy.
I am curious why it seems that so much Catholic apologetics is about proving Protestantism is wrong/Catholicism is the original or true Church founded by Christ. However, none of these arguments work without a belief in the divinity of Christ first, so how does one even get there? Why are people even Christian when so much of their reasons come from the Bible or Tradition? It’s like people automatically assume Jesus is God and he founded Christianity. I have yet to hear any compelling arguments on the divinity of Jesus especially considering there is so little we even know about him other than the gospels, which are not meant to be historically accurate. I know most of the Catholic arguments against Protestant beliefs or things they find wrong with Catholicism. However I also see how things could go more than one way. Like the whole giving the keys to Peter thing can be a reason why you have the papacy and believe it’s from God, but it can easily be interpreted differently and not support the existence of bishops or a pope so it definitely isn’t a great argument to support the belief that Catholicism is the true Church
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Yes, and even so, the people of Constantinople would refer to themselves as Romans, as would anyone in the Eastern Roman Empire.
True. That’s why interestingly the term “Roman Catholic Church” and “Byzantine Orthodox Church” are actually synonymous linguistically—the term Byzantine was invented by Edward Gibbon to differentiate between the Western and Eastern halves of the Roman Empire. “Catholic” of course is the earliest term used in church history to sift through those who were orthodox as opposed to those who were heretical. Later the East took the term Orthodox to differentiate themselves and there you have the two parts of Christendom.
I have yet to hear any compelling arguments on the divinity of Jesus especially considering there is so little we even know about him other than the gospels, which are not meant to be historically accurate.
Take a look at what the “scientific” community accepts as historically accurate and compare that with the mountain of evidence for the accuracy of the NT.

For example it was long believed by the secular community that there was no such person as Pontius Pilate as the only evidence for his existence was the NT, then in 1961 the Pilate Stone was unearthed in Caesarea, thereafter the secular community accepted that Pilate was a historical person.

Here we have a perfect example of the NT’s historic accuracy, and this is but one of many.

Here is a link if you would like to read about the Pilate Stone:

Sorry I did not know I had many responses. Thankyou for the information though I don’t think I could ever be catholic unless I knew 100% it is the truth because if orthodoxy is the truth I would cause people to leave the true church and make divisions as one still has to seek if orthodoxy is true (one may be safe if he converts to Catholicism if orthodoxy really accepted them but we don’t know or perhaps orthodoxy accepts them but such divisions may cause stumbling block to orthodox to make some not saved )if he does not believe it is and if he is not 100% convinced of Catholicism and if it is not the truth I would cause divisions in general.
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For example it was long believed by the secular community that there was no such person as Pontius Pilate as the only evidence for his existence was the NT , then in 1961 the Pilate Stone was unearthed in Caesarea , thereafter the secular community accepted that Pilate was a historical person.
I think you may be wrong here as Josephus also mentions Pilate. The uncovered stone only gave additional evidence. I don’t recall anyone doubting Pilates existence but if you could direct me to some previous discussion on this, I will certainly read it! Thanks.
Can I why are questioning the Orthodox church you attend is not the church God wants you to be?

Only asking because you seem unsure about becoming Catholic, it kind of sounds like you think you have too, so I’m just wondering why?

The only way to find the truth is to trust in God, with faith and prayer. No one can guide you to the truth of anything spiritual except God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

We can answer your questions, give you history, books to research, tons of facts and quotes from very very smart people… we can give you scientific evidence that goes back to when Jesus walked the earth, but only God can reveal His truth to you through the Holy Spirit… without God nothing we say will mean anything to you…so before you can hear the truth in what we say, you have to faith God is using us to help reveal the truth to you.

Do you feel like you are missing God in your search for God?
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I don’t actually remember the verse you refer to. Would need to see it in full context, which book of the bible & verse number is it?

BTW a great book covering why the Catholic church is the one true church & part of a trilogy of books I’d recommend for you to read is:

The Catholic Perspective on Paul: Paul and the Origins of Catholic Christianity by Taylor Marshall
I don’t recall anyone doubting Pilates existence but if you could direct me to some previous discussion on this, I will certainly read it! Thanks.
There are indeed many article’s relating to this subject, here is one:

I think you may be wrong here as Josephus also mentions Pilate.
But take a look at the context in which he mentions Pilate:

The sole surviving account of first century Judea, the ‘War of the Jews’ by Josephus, a first-century Romano-Jewish scholar and historian, does mention Jesus specifically on several occasions, including one passage which reads: “At this time there was a wise man named Jesus.

“His conduct was good and [he] was known to be virtuous.

“And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples.

“Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die.

“But those who became his disciples did not abandon his discipleship.”

-Lawrence Mykytiuk, associate professor of library science at Purdue University

Josephus speaks about Pilate here from a very Christian perspective, which had led scholars to believe that he was using Christian sources for his account and thus debated its accuracy.
He was mentioned by Josephus more than in the contested Testimonium Flavianum. He was also mentioned by Philo.

From Wiki:
The Jewish historian Josephus and philosopher Philo of Alexandria both mention incidents of tension and violence between the Jewish population and Pilate’s administration. Many of these involve Pilate acting in ways that offended the religious sensibilities of the Jews.

Your linked article only mentions that there had never been physical evidence until the Stone was discovered (other than text references). I was hoping for a discussion on scholars denying he even existed which I never heard before. As far as I know, scholars didn’t deny his existence but were devoid of any archeological evidence…until the stone. I believe there are also coins from his governing.
From the article:

UNTIL 1961, there was no concrete archaeological evidence that Pontius Pilate, the fifth governor of Judaea, ever existed.

Because it is the only artefact we have - the only proof of him, and also the only object we can be sure he looked at and thought about - even the tiniest aspects of it have a huge importance. Until there are more discoveries, this is as close as we are going to get.

It seems that the article does indeed point out that the secular community previously debated Pilate’s actual existence, and it also states that the stone is the only “concrete archaeological evidence” that he existed.

I had read an article some years back that had delved deeper into this subject…

…the title of which escapes me at this moment, I will see if I can dig it up.

Alas it seems as if we are steering very far off subject.
Orthodoxy and Catholicism were united.
Why did so many people split off from Roman Catholicism. With 800 million Protestants and hundreds of Protestant denominations forming their own churches separate from Roman Catholicism. But you don’t have a Martin Luther type in Eastern Orthodoxy. Eastern Orthodox are more or less united on the fundamental beliefs of their faith and you don’t see a Protestant Reformation in EO as you see in Roman Catholicism.
Why did so many people split off from Roman Catholicism. With 800 million Protestants and hundreds of Protestant denominations forming their own churches separate from Roman Catholicism. But you don’t have a Martin Luther type in Eastern Orthodoxy. Eastern Orthodox are more or less united on the fundamental beliefs of their faith and you don’t see a Protestant Reformation in EO as you see in Roman Catholicism.
I have pondered about this myself…

…however, if this is the perspective of the EO, if the RCC split off from Eastern Orthodoxy as you suggest, wouldn’t the RCC itself be Eastern Orthodoxy’s version of the Protestant Reformation?..

… And by extension, the Protestant Reformation itself would then fall back to the EO.

Quite the conundrum, no?
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