Why should I trust Catholicism?

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I believe the church tradition was made because God wanted to ensure Christianity would flourish by making believers out of those who think there should be an authority that is passed down from generation to generation though the gospel message is infact more inclusive which believers can convince others of the truth of it if they seek which will give hope to people who trusted in Christ as Christ taught . Christ said the scribes sit in Moses seat and He knew some would take His seat too that is He would allow them to have authority just as He allowed the Pharisees to have a tradition to have authority by allowing many of them to be priests even though they did not teach everything God taught He came to show they did not follow the original intention. Their authority was limited however to before Christ coming so others had to believe in Him. He allowed others to come after Him but He said call no one on earth your teacher. It is not His will but He will not hold it against people who have not been shown the truth as He showed to the Pharisees His will by many infallible proofs by doing signs that none of the Jews could do while also fulfilling the prophecies

I believe it is fair to accept all believers who have relationship with Christ and follow Him bearing fruit so I will remain in my faith for to know you are a Christian you must speak with Him and follow Him if you actually know Him which is what true believers do for everyone in every denomination should and according to my dad must know Him. They naturally talk to Jesus always when they find Him and He lives in them always. Those who have truly been born again have relationship with Christ so they know Him and they bear fruit. As Jesus said you will know them by their fruits. Christ explains the Eucharist to each how He wants Jesus said I am the bread of life he who comes to Me shall never hunger and he who believes in Me shall never thirst He does say His flesh is the bread and you have to eat Him and drink Him. But by this some take to mean you eat Him and drink Him by coming to Him which allows you to commune with Him by benefiting from His sacrifice so you are eating His flesh. But it is possible Christ meant to commune with Him also in an ordinance not to be necessary to be righteous but to make one completely healed in this world now
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I believe the church tradition was made because God wanted to ensure Christianity would flourish by making believers out of those who think there should be an authority that is passed down from generation to generation though the gospel message is infact more inclusive which believers can convince others of the truth of it if they seek which will give hope to people who trusted in Christ as Christ taught .
I believe God created Sacred Tradition to reveal Himself as the 2nd person of the Trinity, that we might know Him & love Him in truth.

He is creator, He is Source of Life, He is Redeemer.

It’s not about Christianity flourishing. It’s about knowing God as He wants to be known.
I believe it is fair to accept all believers who have relationship with Christ and follow Him bearing fruit so I will remain in my faith for to know you are a Christian you must speak with Him and follow Him if you actually know Him which is what true believers do for everyone in every denomination should and according to my dad must know Him.
I’m curious as to how you use the word “accept” it’s not that the Catholic Church doesn’t “accept” anyone. But just like St Paul spent a lot of time telling people they were wrong, the Church does the same.

You are welcome, everyone is welcome. But truth is truth & the Church will not compromise.

Natural law will take you so far in the knowledge of God. But if you wish to be perfect…
The church follows tradition it can not teach otherwise it’s just that I am not convinced tradition supports the scripture I want to be fully convinced or I don’t think I would even be a true Catholic so why convert I would only be able to say I think the position may be true so I convert but I don’t think I could convert unless I knew 100% it is truth because it could not be the true church not that I believe there is a true church and I prefer not to make divisions at all
but in my opinion catholics are still saved if one converts to it but he would make divisions but we don’t know for sure so maybe it is better not to convert and if one can believe orthodoxy it is better not to convert to make divisions and he can still accept Catholics for it is likely they are accepted but we don’t know for sure but one should not make divisions
so I believe it was either made up or it never supported Catholicism from the apostolic fathers who seemed to insist you can not follow Christ without the bishop guidance when Jesus said He is the teacher and it seems He meant you do not need another teacher but others are helpers but even if the tradition was not made up of the apostolic fathers it could have preached orthodoxy but Catholicism was accepted too because one could not prove they deviated from the tradition and it is possible ignatius did not mean the bishop is your teacher but you should not try to make a schism if he is teaching right things but it seems the tradition supports the church concept different than the scripture and I think it is either made up or allowed by Christ because He thought such authorities should exist to make Christianity accepted by those who think there should be such authorities to show that there will always be people taking Christianity seriously and some think authorities should exist for it to be a serious religion but Christ taught differently and accepts those with faith in Him

Orthodoxy does not judge Catholics but it judges those who are orthodox who convert without knowing Catholicism is true for they make divisions but even maybe the whole of orthodoxy does not judge them for that is the opinion of some recent heirachs not the church fathers because they are concerned and they don’t know unless they think the Holy Spirit lead them to know that now but I think not all the church decided that so maybe not but it seems they don’t know the fate of those who convert to Catholicism they may be saved but they may not know.
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I want to be fully convinced or I don’t think I would even be a true Catholic so why convert I would only be able to say I think the position may be true so I convert but I don’t think I could convert unless I knew 100%
Are you convinced your current faith tradition is 100% truth?

I hear what you are saying but I don’t understand your position. The truth about the Catholic Church is kinda like riding a bike. You can’t watch someone do it, or talk to them. You won’t understand a word they are saying.

Then when you get on the bike & start pedaling the words they say & the things you saw will make sense.

So I say to you, go to a Mass. see what they’re doing & try to understand why they do it. You don’t have to convert. Just experience it.

Then pray
Whoever communes having relation with Christ through the Holy Spirit given because of Christ victory over death this communion with the Holy Spirit allows one to live but because of what Christ did so He is living because of Christ sacrifice that allows the communion so that is what is meant by eating Christ flesh and drinking Christ blood I take to mean. Therefore I am simply Christian in my beliefs but I go to Orthodox Church just to prove that one can have communion with Him without it when I see others having the same fruits and to see if it doesn’t make a difference because I went to church or not the only difference I get in church is the different instructions given the good pastoring drawing on ancient fathers but others have the fathers words too and could. I go to church only if Christ can prove Himself to me somehow through the communion
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Thanks I plan to and also go to my church mass do I have to take communion in Catholic Church to experience what you are saying ?
Thanks I plan to and also go to my church mass do I have to take communion in Catholic Church to experience what you are saying ?
No. Do not receive communion. Pray. Listen to the prayers. Receive them in your heart & offer them to the Father.

What I’m saying is what you’ve read & experienced has provided a foundation. Now go see what it’s all about. Experience it. Then come back, read some more. Talk with us some more. & pray.
Ok Thankyou very much for your friendly and good advice 🙂
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