Why so many gay couples in tv shows?

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“The most obviously unnatural sin is “bestiality,” i.e., sexual intercourse with animals – a sin which offers an affront to the human species. Next in seriousness is sodomy, which is an affront to the natural relationship between male and female.”

Source: Human Nature and Aquinas’ Taxonomy of Sexual Sins

Of course, one can simply disagree with St. Thoms Aquinas’ taxonomy. I don’t, and find his logic impeccably brilliant. I guess that’s why he’s a Doctor of the Church, the Angelic Doctor.

Even if I wanted to, I would find it hard to summon the hubris to disagree with him.
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You can also place them in Catholic school or home school them, since public school education in many areas includes the sexualization (and homosexualization) of children.
Never heard of the shown which isnt surprising as I dont have kids and don’t watch tv unless it is a show I’ve chosen to watch online, Netflix, YouTube bbciplayer etc. and even then a frequently abandon it halfway through in disgust (I mean mostly from too much swearing and sex, actually). Anyway I agree with you, it would ruin it for me, too. I’d be upset children are being corrupted by society. It is just that society is this way these days… in our parents days it was living in sin, ie being unmarried and cohabitating etc. and now it is this, it will always be something, such is the influence of the devil and our weak demeanour. I would be glad if I were you that you still have the grace to be offended. Pray for all those who are happy with what they see or who dont recognise the sin in it and may God bless them. We of course are sinners too so it is just difficult to see sin paraded as acceptable (especially to children) when we know it is not, we can’t judge the sinners only the action for we are also sinners. Prayer is a good point to begin at and if you are in charge of children then start the task of explaining… may God bless you with his spirit in that work of mercy.
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Of course, one can simply disagree with St. Thoms Aquinas’ taxonomy. I don’t, and find his logic impeccably brilliant. I guess that’s why he’s a Doctor of the Church, the Angelic Doctor.

Even if I wanted to, I would find it hard to summon the hubris to disagree with him.
Brilliant, but not infallible. Even the Church disagrees with him occasionally. I’ve certainly summoned up enough hubris to disagree with his position on when life begins.
My experience too, Bluebright. Nearly every HBO show now is pornographic. Ditto for most of the other subscriber networks. Free channels like NBC, CBS etc. are more restrained, but I doubt that’s by any sense of Christian morality.
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Please refresh my memory, Julian. Did he believe that life begins at “quickening?” If so, disagreement is widespread in the Church.
Indeed—at 40 days. That’s my point. I would personally disagree with his taxonomy; incest almost always involves abuse. I’d rate it as more sinful than homosexuality.
We need to remember to hate the sin, not the sinner. One reason these things are showing up in tv shows to “normalize” homosexuality in society is to nip hatred in the bud while children are young. As Catholics it is important for us to teach children that the practice of homosexuality is a sin. But at the same time we are to love those who do have same sex attraction and encourage them to be strong in faith.
People have more of a problem with celibacy than with homosexuality.

In this society, people think that if you’re not in a sexual relationship with someone of the opposite sex you must be in a sexual relationship with someone of the same sex. Popular culture says there’s something wrong with you if you’re not in a sexual relationship. The word virgin is now a pejorative.

I have been accused of being gay several times because I was not in a sexual relationship with someone of the opposite sex.
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Were it a legitimate part of the story, I would not mind so much.
But it is not an advance of the plot, it is political and moral grandstanding.

I refuse to watch.
If it’s an adult and a child, yes, that’s abuse. What of two minors of opposite sex?
As far as quickening, abortion prior to that time was still a sin, though of less gravity.
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Personally I wouldn’t watch it. I don’t watch Big Bang Theory despite it being funny and many of my friends and family members like it. It is too immoral in terms of premarital sex and the entire meaning of sex that I will not watch the show.

It also depends how old you are, if you are young this tv show might impact your forming mindset and therefore I wouldn’t watch it. If you are in your 20s or older, you should be able to know what you can and can’t watch and what has a good and bad influence on you.

Let us remember to love the sinner and hate the sin
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Being an older, never-married man I’m sure that some may wonder about me too, Sarcelle, even people in my parish. It shows how sex-obsessed our society is. Some Catholics even doubt the perpetual virginity of Mary.
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Incest is often adult to child, or much older teen to younger minor. I personally disagree with Aquinas on this gradation. I also disagree with spontaneous generation of life, and human life beginning 40 days after conception.
TV in general outside of sports has gotten extremely sexualized and pornographized. We got shows like game of thrones which is literal porn on tv for anyone to watch, not censored. If I had my way, tv and the internet would be heavily censored against nudity and sexual stuff.

Children will be exposed to these terrible sins at some point because of how easily they are to access. If I knew growing up how addictive and terrible porn and masturbation was, I would of never watched tv at all, not even sports or comedies. It’s not worth the enjoyment of a tv show to risk years of terrible addiction and pain, and risking eternal punishment.

Guard your mind and soul. Any movie or show with nudity should not be watched. Any excessive kissing or sexual scenes should not be watched. The more we watch, the more these companies get money for putting this material out there and they will do it more. Enough is enough, don’t watch sinful stuff
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If you believe human life begins at conception, I’m in total agreement.

They didn’t have much knowledge of embryology in medieval times. They knew what sin was, though. Homosexual activity is a violation of both natural and Divine law. That has not changed.
I’m not familiar with this show. But isn’t the shorter one female? This character seems to be drawn differently than the taller one.
I can monitor cause I don’t have cable. Just Netflix and prime video so I can do research on a show before or while watching it. It’s not just flipping through channels. I’m still disappointed in Voltron😔. I didn’t think that this would happen.
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