I think in terms of shows like this and media in general, I really wish growing up my parents were more strict on usage of media and what movies and tv shows are appropriate to watch. As a 20YO, looking back on it, I can definitely say I learned the hard way and it came with years of pain. Definitely not how I would raise children if I was so blessed to have any in my future.
Don’t get me wrong, my parents are good and holy people but they never talked about sex or porn or any of these perverse acts and as such it led me to curiosity, and a failing to have custody over my eyes and ears. These should be issues to talk about openly, sex isn’t evil, it’s literally a reaffirmation of our faith (Theology of the Body!!!) but I thought it was evil for years, same with attraction so I tried to suppress it. Now as a 20YO, I am free of these impure sins, thank Jesus! But I still have the emotional and mental scars from them and even now it is hard to communicate with women who I find attactive because I suppressed all emotional feelings for years after being enslaved to impure actions and pornographic images.
Let this be a lesson for you as well, we are called as Catholics to have custody over our eyes and ears, and even the smallest thing can be a gateway to bigger things. One impure thought leads to impure picture which leads to impure action which leads to impure videos… same is the case with anything impure (this show you are referring to even). Don’t let it be a gateway to worse temptations and sins for you. Have custody over your eyes and ears always.
St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us!