Why so many gay couples in tv shows?

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Wish we had more movies and books like lord of the rings. They appeal to me (a teen) and my mom. They also appeal to both my sisters who have very contrasting views as me.
And most readers and film goers have no idea that Tolkein was passionately Catholic, or that his Catholicism is so imbued in his work.
Absolutely. And Scripture informs us who is behind such agendas.
Yes, I have seen Harry Potter. I think they are pretty good. My mom absolutely loves them. (She likes the books more). It’s a great set of movies.
I would love more movies about innocence and family! Too many shows today aren’t modest at all
Though from an entertainment standpoint it’s not “entertaining,” Into Great Silence is, in its own way, thrilling, and a celebration of the life of total devotion to Christ.
I can watch even ten minutes of it and be filled with humility.
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You can also place them in Catholic school or home school them, since public school education in many areas includes the sexualization (and homosexualization) of children.
Please stop with your posts. I am begging you.
Do you know which season and episode off-hand? My sons watch this show on Netflix all the time and I never even gave thought to the idea that it would have such content. I love Voltron growing up?
Better to beg Christ for mercy. I do so often:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
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I know the exact episode. It is the very last episode of the last season. It’s at the end of the episode. I think it’s called the end is the beginning.
It’s not the original Voltron. It’s a remake. I want to say that there are 3 different tv shows. Two are reboots. The most recent Voltron tv show is the one with the gay couple.
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It’s Voltron: legendary defender. It was made in 2016 and ended 2018. I’m not sure about the one you watched growing up.
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Its a problem when children are being indoctrinated by those pushing the homosexual agenda.
How is this indoctrination?
I question if it’s an attempt to push something vs it just being another fact of life for the writers.
Yeah, I’d imagine that a lot of this is driven more by knowing gay couples and drawing inspiration from that, which is a common writing technique, or trying to give something for people with same-sex attraction to identify with, which is another common writing technique.
That ‘community’ has been well over-represented in media, being shoehorned in countless times to the point where it is being turned into a cliche.
It isn’t that uncommon to know or interact with people who have same-sex attraction. Maybe it is dependent on where you are, but as someone who doesn’t go out of their way to interact with people who have same-sex attraction, I still know, know of, or have seen multiple gay couples or people who are open about their sexual orientation.
We developed our own culture and traditions, art, entertainments, etc.
Call me when Christians make a half-decent TV show or movie. I’m not demanding something on the levels of The Office, but I at least want it to be unironically good.
It’s Hollywood trying to normalize LGBTQ and any other sexual deviancies. My wife and I have noticed more transgender characters as well. It’s disturbing and annoying, and we watch very few of the prime time current shows and none of the sitcoms. I can only imagine how frequently they are portrayed on them.
The one I watched as a kid didn’t have that kind of stuff. My sons have watched that one, and now they watch the newer ones on Netflix. It never would have occurred to me that I would have to monitor that show, but I guess that will teach me to be more diligent.
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