I can’t judge. I’ve never seen it so I’ll take your word for it
No, at least not unless it was made by Christians and the Christian elements were kept. I think the Narnia films might pass those tests, but I don’t remember Prince Caspian having any clear Christian themes, and I didn’t like Voyage of the Dawn Treader all that much, even if it was far better than most Christian entertainment.Do books that have been made into movies count?
I remember liking some of the episodes when I was really young. Still, a single show targeted at one demographic doesn’t exactly show that Christians are doing a lot of great work in TV.Also, veggie tales.
I’m aware that some non-Christian studios tell stories taken from Jewish and Christian literature or are heavily inspired by it. They may not hit you over the head with it the same way a lot of Christian media does, but it’s there.Prince of Egypt is really good, but that wasn’t made by Christians. It was made by dreamworks.
J.K. Rowling mentioned that he was years ago, and there’s apparently a few hints of it sprinkled throughout the books. From what I remember, though, it wasn’t until Rowling’s comments that people started taking note of the hints in the books.The new Harry Potter spin-off (which is fantastic) mentions that Dumbledore is gay.
How is putting a gay couple or someone with same-sex attraction in your show indoctrination?All part of indoctrination.
Thomas Aquinas was hardly infallible. He believed, for example, that women are intellectually inferior to men which is not true.Even if I wanted to, I would find it hard to summon the hubris to disagree with him.
But more people are gay than left-handed. It’s not a “mental disorder” by any definition. Also, homosexuals getting married doesn’t imply sodomy, just as heterosexuals getting married doesn’t imply oral sex.Mental disorders, and the sin of sodomy suggested by men “marrying”, shouldn’t be celebrated nor glamourized, should they?
Any examples? I just remember the peas generally getting a bad reputation. Maybe that’s a problem if you really want your children eating their peas, but I don’t remember it turning me off peas. That was actually one of the few vegetables my mom could get me to eat though not as much as cucumbers, tomatoes, and broc…Oh wait! That show did influence my eating!!!Then I saw how racist and flat out evil some of the episodes were
This is untrue.But more people are gay than left-handed.
Your going to have to cough up some solid examples here.As a Christian, I used to have my kids watch VeggieTales. Then I saw how racist and flat out evil some of the episodes were, so I stopped.