Why so many gay couples in tv shows?

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Shows designed for kids are some of the worst. They want to indoctrinate the young so they can really be sneaky when they aren’t overt.

That might be what is required. If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.
I think you should write the producers of the show and complain. If enough Catholics did this, television’s decision makers would have to take our voices in consideration.
I think that is a waste of time. They know what practicing Catholics think of what they show. They also know most Catholics will just put up with this. They don’t care about what Catholics think. And even if all the Catholics who do care stopped watching it that wouldn’t be enough to hurt their revenue and end the show.
People are influenced by what they see. When something is portrayed as good that impacts you. It can slowly work on you. Billions are spent on advertisement because it works. If you think you are above it then you may be right, but it could also be dangerous pride. Since there is nothing beneficial about watching immorality portrayed as good then why take the chance?
But by watching it the tv show has more viewers and thus stays on the air longer and then continues to make more morally suggestive material.

Same is the case with movies with nudity and excessive sexual content. If I watch them, my money is consenting to them making more. While this homosexual situation in this show may not impact you, by you watching it they will make more. Given I’m talking about an individual viewer expanded on an macro scale but you get the idea
If you feel strongly about a show, don’t watch it.
If you feel really strongly about it, then send a letter to the network, the show’s creators, and the advertisers saying why you’re not watching it.

We all have to kind of “pick our battles” because there’s so much rot going on in society, we would go nuts trying to object to and avoid all of it, or we would have to take up some lifestyle really isolated from the culture. Some people do manage to isolate themselves and their families successfully, but it’s not possible for everyone or a good move for everyone. I am not influenced to turn gay by seeing gay people in a show, and I don’t have kids who might be so influenced, so I am not really concerned about people on a show being gay any more than I’m concerned about people in my office being gay.

There has been a lot of adult/ morally questionable stuff in cartoons for many decades. Gay relationships are just the latest in a long parade of stuff. Kids often do not pay much attention to this stuff unless/ until the adults in their life make a big deal out of it. Kids also may be bothered by some aspect of a cartoon that the adults are not even noticing, such as the violence that is taken for granted in cartoons to the point where the Simpsons parodied it very well in “Itchy and Scratchy”.

As for why there are a lot of gay characters on TV, it’s partly overcompensation for the fact that there were few or no gay characters (other than psychotic murderers and the like) for many decades, and partly because gay people are part of society and have money to spend so advertisers want to appeal to them too. Like I said, one can always choose to not watch the show, not let their kid watch the show, or send a letter to the network etc. Or one can alternatively make it a teachable moment for their kid, or choose to just ignore it and enjoy the other aspects of the show if it’s not leading them personally into sin.
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But more people are gay than left-handed.
Nonsense!! 10 % of the population is left-handed…2.2 +/- 0.4% of the population has SSA.

The fact that so many of you use the terms ‘gay’ and ‘straight’ to refer to homosexual and heterosexual people shows that the liberal agenda is gaining ground even among Catholics.
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But more people are gay than left-handed.
10% of the population is left-handed.
4.5% of all people report being “only gay”.
8.2% of people under than 30 identify as “only gay”.
12.5% of women claim to be bisexual.
I couldn’t find male bisexual, although estimates for gay Catholic priests ranges from 15%-58%.

Considering the stigma attached with admitting to being gay or bisexual, rather than left-handed, I don’t think it’s a stretch to claim being gay is statistically the same as being left-handed.

Regardless, my point is that under no definition, clinical or otherwise, is same-sex attraction considered abnormal or a disorder.
But more people are gay than left-handed.
This is untrue.
For both of you:

But since such requests have gone ignored in this thread so far, I’ll just point to @jvickers’s post, since it already shows that left-handed people are more numerous.
And the so-called mainstream media is all about issue advocacy.
Being for issue advocacy does not mean that what is presented is false. It just means that you have a bias. To claim it is false due to such bias would be an ad hominem.
Most groups have organizations that advocate for them, so I don’t see anything unusual about GLAAD.
Well, until the police arrest me, but at least the issue will be out there!
But it’s still sad that we can’t trust a TV-Y7 rating.

What Hollywood considers appropriate for a 7 year old is just sad.
Why not just let kids be kids and give them “innocent” shows like Lion King and Madagascar etc?
Are wedding ceremonies no longer innocent and now considered too mature for seven year olds?
I think it’s to be expected in our current climate but why do they have to put it in kids shows?
This to me is pushing an agenda on children’s impressionable minds and is an adult issue that should be left to adult films.
I started learning about LGBT issues around 7 or 8, and that didn’t lead to me experimenting with it or accepting sex between two men or two women as moral.

Anyways, TV isn’t a babysitter to plop your kids down in front of while you browse Facebook. It is, however, a good conversation starter about various topics. In the long run, closing them off from the world isn’t going to help. If anything, based on my experience, it tends to breed resentment and makes things worse, because now those morals you raised them on seem suspect.
Yes, censorship can be unreasonable, it can be used politically, but it can also be used in a reasonable way to protect us from harm.
What harm?
Shows designed for kids are some of the worst. They want to indoctrinate the young so they can really be sneaky when they aren’t overt.
How is showing a same-sex couple indoctrination?
No, but it may alter the perception of what is normal.
How does it alter one’s perception of what is normal?
Yes, too many people think that freedom means “I can do anything.” That’s why we have laws and prisons. Human beings, regardless of who you are, realized that human beings can get out of control. When that happens, they have to go through the legal system, whether they ran a red light or posted false information on the internet.

Censorship is human beings telling other human beings that there are good and reasonable limits to what people can say or do on TV and in movies. Just like the military, instead of saying “10 soldiers are dead,” Hollywood created a “Ratings Board” - A Censorship Board -and a rating system. So, no, you can’t get a PG-13 because of this or that in your movie. And we don’t care who you are. You want it your way? Fine. But we’re slapping an R on the movie.

So at the end of the day, if any of us can’t control ourselves, whose fault is that?
You are slowly being desensitized to mortal sin. Would you eat a dish that had only a small amount of poison in it?

Chalk it up to being the sad result of radical activism and move on. You’ll find something even better. The Lord works like that.
The government didn’t give up on censorship. The Communist American Civil Liberties Union just temporarily pummeled them into submission. Hollywood did an end run around that because they want as many eyeballs on their content as possible.
People are influenced by what they see. When something is portrayed as good that impacts you. It can slowly work on you.
In the same way that they slowly work on us, we can slowly work on them. If you received fifty letters a day, and 49 were Catholics complaining about your t.v. show, you would eventually be affected by it. It’s still good to write and complain because God sees what you do and it might count against one of your sins.
How is showing a same-sex couple indoctrination?
Because it portrays it as normal and good. We don’t show people smoking on shows for kids anymore. Almost no one would question that because we all know it influences people’s opinion. The same for same sex couples.
A Censorship Board -and a rating system. So, no, you can’t get a PG-13 because of this or that in your movie. And we don’t care who you are. You want it your way? Fine. But we’re slapping an R on the movie.
While it can be used for censorship, it’s primary purpose is to give a suggested age rating. There’s nothing stopping you from letting your five year old see an R-rated movie, and based on when I saw Deadpool in theaters, a lot of parents are letting their children see R-rated movies.
Communist American Civil Liberties Union
Because it portrays it as normal and good.
If you’re using “indoctrination” in such a broad sense as to say any portrayal of anything is indoctrination, then I’m not sure “indoctrination”, as you’re using it, is bad or effectual. Maybe it is just me, but the references to indoctrination in this thread make it sound more akin to an oppressive government keeping its people in line.

Ultimately, though, I don’t see how this would change a child’s opinion unless the parents didn’t bother to talk to them about the topic.
It’s being used for censorship. On TV, I saw a few “comedians” use words that were bleeped out. That was followed by a TV show where certain words were not only bleeped out but a grey, rectangular box was put over the person’s mouth.

I can’t condone bad decisions made by some parents to let their kids see an R-rated movie. That’s just wrong.

And what about the kid’s book King and King? How did that get into school libraries? Why did 5 year old kids get it to read? Why was it not “a parental notification” issue?

All of the discussion above is really interesting! My question is: What if a show is generally moral, and only has a few throwaway lines referencing a minor character’s homosexuality? Would it be enough to mute the show for a few seconds and move on, or would i be necessary to stop watching the show?
I think this is a decision that is up to you and how you think it may influence you. That said, we are not to play around and see “how far can we go without being influenced” as that is tempting God.

I would say it’s fine if it’s just small size comments that could fly over people’s heads anyway. I don’t watch Big Bang Theory because the entire thing is immoral and sexual. If it was just a small side thing that’s different.

Just remember we are called as followers of Jesus to have custody over our eyes and ears
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