Why so many gay couples in tv shows?

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The weirdness occurs only for those who don’t understand Church teaching or the Bible.

Ephesians 5:24

New International Version
Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

New Living Translation
As the church submits to Christ, so you wives should submit to your husbands in everything.

English Standard Version
Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.


New International Version
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her

New Living Translation
For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her

English Standard Version
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,
Just like men. Who are also not independent if they are married—they are interdependent. The weirdness arises when people think husbands have authority over their wives.
I’ve always wondered why if someone says a woman should do this or that, one of the first responses is, “what about men?”

There are many verses in the Bible that speak of a relationship between a husband and wife. The husband being the head but loving his wife and giving his life for her and the wife respecting and obeying her husband. There is also a submitting to each other. It is a giving of love, one to the other but you can’t have two heads of the family.

There will always be someone in this world who will have authority over us but personally when it comes to husbands being the head of the home, I prefer the word responsibility rather than the word, authority. The husband bearing the responsibility of the family as he is the head of the family.
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That’s kind of the point.
I realize that but can’t we just focus on ourselves and not make everything, “I will change, if he will change” or “I will look at my problems if we look at his at the same time.”
No, we were talking about making decisions and being interdependent as opposed to independent. I was simply saying it applied to both husbands and wives. Husbands should not be making major decisions without their wife’s agreement any more than women should make major decisions without their husband’s agreement. It’s a partnership.
i agree it is a partnership and the husband should definitely not make “major” decisions without his wife. He definitely needs to listen, consider, and allow her as a partner in the decision but when there is no agreement in the issue, the husband is the one responsible for the final decision.
That’s the crux of our disagreement. No, being the man does not mean you get final say.
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Probably but things don’t work out too well when they both make two different decisions on one major issue. It is best to go with the family structure set up in the Scriptures.
It would definitely not work for us. I’m trying to imagine just going along with a catastrophic financial decision because we didn’t agree, even if I knew it was wrong. It boggles my mind. And, thankfully, my husband’s.

But everyone is free to structure their family however they wish.
I doubt that’s a good idea. Growing up, for miles around, people’s behaviors were mostly consistent. When I visited other people’s homes, they were a lot like mine. People knew what worked and what didn’t. This wasn’t rocket science. A stable home meant stable parents which usually led to well-adjusted and stable kids. Who then became adults who repeated what they were taught.
I’m trying to imagine just going along with a catastrophic financial decision because we didn’t agree, even if I knew it was wrong.
and what if your husband is convinced he is right?
But everyone is free to structure their family however they wish.
Not always. Some family structures today are just wrong.
When “alternative lifestyles” were marketed in the 1970s, it showed ‘happy’ couples in various non-traditional situations. Here’s one I know about. A woman tells her coworkers that she has a husband. When casually asked how long has she been married, she responds with, “Oh, we’re not married.” Then, one day, she comes to work and tells the same person that she’s leaving him, it’s over, after 10 years. Out of respect for her privacy, no one asks why.

Or a celebrity ends a 5 year relationship and adds, “We didn’t need a piece of paper (marriage license).”
He definitely needs to listen, consider, and allow her as a partner in the decision but when there is no agreement in the issue, the husband is the one responsible for the final decision.
Great if that works for you. It would never fly in my marriage. We either compromise or take turns deciding when we can’t agree. Sometimes we just table a decision for later.

This is definitely not a one-size-fits-all issue, and I think we should encourage married couples to figure out what works best for them rather than stating Church rules that don’t exist.
When “alternative lifestyles” were marketed in the 1970s, it showed ‘happy’ couples in various non-traditional situations. Here’s one I know about. A woman tells her coworkers that she has a husband. When casually asked how long has she been married, she responds with, “Oh, we’re not married.” Then, one day, she comes to work and tells the same person that she’s leaving him, it’s over, after 10 years. Out of respect for her privacy, no one asks why.

Or a celebrity ends a 5 year relationship and adds, “We didn’t need a piece of paper (marriage license).”
What difference does that make? The couples in your scenarios would have been getting divorced had they been married. I’m not understanding what point you’re trying to make.
No link, Ed. Just explain it in your own words. An explanation of Catholic marriage preparation doesn’t answer the question I asked you.
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If you grew up grew up in a homogeneous environment that would explain your lack of understanding and unacceptance of people who have different ways. That was useful information for all of us to have. Thank you.
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Sure, but you should read the link to make sure I’m not just stating my opinion.

First, there’s friendship, earned trust and shared interests, then
It may occur that both people want to continue the relationship and
If that happens, they begin to think that marriage might be in their future
But no rush. And
They enter into an exclusive relationship which is not just about dating but doing things together. Shopping, moving and so on. They may find that they enjoy each others company no matter what they’re doing. Marriage is discussed and if both are willing, an engagement period begins. If it hasn’t happened already, you meet her family and she meets yours. They may be your future in-laws. But no pressure, just take your time. Before setting a date, all the details have to be worked out: where will we live? What about children? And so on.
The bride to be can still change her mind up to and including the day of the wedding. That’s how much respect us guys showed women who were not objects but complete human beings.
Oh dear. Have I just been slapped with the broad brush? You don’t know me. Shame on you.
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