Well, mixing Religion and politicsAs an Irish Catholic my perceptions may be wrong, but it seems that many practicing Catholics in public life are not supported and respected (e.g. Tim Kaine, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden)
Let’s take just Biden. http://www.ontheissues.org/Joe_Biden.htm The other 2 are pretty much the same as Joe. A Cino, Catholic in name only
This group takes the opposite positions on the major issues,(in that link above) of the 1st 3 people mentioned.while non-practicing ones are (e.g. Mike Pence, Neil Gorsuch, Sarah Palin, Melania Trump, Jerome Powell). If it is because Catholics reject Catholic teaching, why is this so?
see the following quote from St AugustineIt has been noted that if considered a religion the third most numerous religion in the US is non-practicing Catholics, terms such as ‘ex-Catholic’ and ‘lapsed-Catholics’ are derogatory. Why is there such a flood, especially of young educated white males, but also females? Why do the clergy, especially senior ones, appear to attack prominent Catholics, rather than support them?
‘The Lord called the world a “field” and all the faithful who draw near to him “wheat.” All through the field, and around the threshing-floor, there is both wheat and chaff. But the greater part is chaff; the lesser part is wheat, for which is prepared a barn not a fire. . . The good also are many, but in comparison with the wicked the good are few. Many are the grains of wheat, but compared with the chaff, the grains are few.’The Catholic Church is more than an anti-abortion lobby group. Jesus Christ is important, as is peace, justice, support for marginalized, love of God and neighbor. It seems the Church does not constantly condemn divorce or contraception. It appears it can live with divorce, using the fiction of annulment, and the 50th anniversary of Humanae vitae will be mainly ignored, as most Catholics have rejected contraception.
Has the negative views of bishops added to the loss of Catholic commitment? Why do so many Catholics forsake the one true faith?
St. Augustine,
Note: the chaff get burned up
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