What you are trying to do is question God, and God’s answer for you would be something in line of asking you, where you were when he formed the universe, where were you when he breathed life into all living things, where were you when he created his divine plan?
So, you reject the God of the bible, this only makes sense for someone that desires to worship a false God, one that they custom tailor to their own personal needs, this is idol worship in a classic sense. We have so much he’s given us to learn from in order that we may know him, it is impossible for a man to know God if his heart is full of pride. I mentioned this sin in a previous post here, it’s the most dangerous one that exists, you should be mindful of it, we all should be, for it is a trap, Adam and Eve were the first to fall for it, having pride in their own understanding over God’s command. The serpent mentioned a few words, it was still their choice to eat of it, or to obey God. They could just as easily asked God why this creature is tempting them and God would have been happy to accomodate them directly, for they conversed with him on a regular basis and the converstation clearly went both ways.
BTW, from the description of what I’m reading, the serpent was transformed into a worm, not a snake, ie. crawling on it’s belly, eating dust, put into a very, very low spot in the ecosystem and speceise.