Why we are left alone with Devils?

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I have encounter to Devils and I found them very strong. They could manipulate our thoughts and feelings. They could even control our mind if they wish! So I was wondering that why God left us alone with Devils? What is the purpose?
Catholic teaching is that God always gives us actual graces, even before our conversion.
(Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Ludwig Ott, p. 241) So we are not alone.
  • God gives all innocent unbelievers (infideles negativi) sufficient grace to achieve eternal salvation. (Sent. certa.)
Pope Alexander VIII, in 1690, condemned the Jansenistic propositions that Christ died for the faithful only and that Pagans, Jews and heretics receive no grace from Him.

Those choosing evil become slaves to sin.

Catholic Encyclopedia

Besides exercising this authority over those who were called “his angels”, Satan has extended his empire over the minds of evil men. Thus, in the passage just cited from St. Paul, we read, “And you, when you were dead in your offenses and sins, wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of this air, of the spirit that now worketh on the children of unbelief” (Ephesians 2:1-2).

Kent, W. (1908). Devil. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. newadvent.org/cathen/04764a.htm
STT , you are not reading and thinking about any response here, as per usual IMHO.

Vera-ljuba you said
Originally Posted by Vera_Ljuba
I am curious. I never heard of a rational, skeptical atheist be bothered by the devil or a demon. Did some exorcist ever find an atheist being “possessed” by some demon? And if so, how did this possession manifest itself? Looks like the best “defense” against demons is the lack of belief.

Lets be clear. The devil wants everyone to believe it does not exist. So if you dont believe in its existence, its already won that battle with you. Looks like that non belief is not a defense at all.
Why would a non believer think there is a ‘best defense’?
Believers are not alone. Essentially, I’m thinking, all have guardian angels, who if attached to a non believer, would be helping guide path to conversion. He is OUR FATHER OF ALL CREATION. He waits for us to chose Him.
Google. I CREATED THE DARK AND THE LIGHT. I CREATED THE GOOD AND EVIL. I think it is around Isaiah 40. LUCIFER was the most beautiful angel of God’s creation. His pride got to him and battled and lost=devil and demons. Positive energy w God and negative energy w Satan. Pride is the worse sin.
Talking dolls that are programmed. God wants us to choose Him. He wants the circumcision of our heart.If we didn’t have the opposite of good=evil, we would stay in a state of goodness and our relationship w God could become blaise.
If it was always sunny, we’d be bored. Rain gives us a counter.balance. “IT’S DREARY, OH, LOOK THE SUN IS OUT!”
When you accept Christ as Lord and Savior. You gain power and getting the Holy Spirit on board can give you gifts. He gives us a whole set of armor to wear and blessed sacramentals. Holy Water, the Rosary, Confession, the Euchrist and mass.Ephesians 5 or 6. Verse on WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD.
Evil spirits come in when you invite them in. Ouiji boards, horoscopes followed,
If you are a mature Christian, a certain movie may show supernatural thinges to see for your education. BUT, THE WORD OF GOD SHOULD BE SEALED IN YOUR HEART. When BORN AGAIN, you know that moment because you cant put the Bible down and it is engraved iñ our spirits.
God gave the earth to Satan to reside. Temptation is fairly constant. AVOID THE OCCASSION OF SIN. Don’t put yourself in circumstances to get tempted.
We are to be pure of heart and body. I should not be fat! My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit loaned to me for the glory of God. You are commanded to love yourself in second great commandment. CREATE A CLEAN HEART IN ME, OH LORD. Psalm 54. I will have a negative thought and say that verse. We are to love our enemies. I am not going to Syria to give ISIS a hug. I’d lose my head. But,
After the anger from seeing horrors done by them, I go back to Psalm 54.
So, pray uncessingly. Don’t put poison in your mouth or mind/spirit, read scripture. Go to mass. Receive sacraments. Google list of Catholic sins. (Long)
Avoid occasion of sin. Try not to engage evil. It is strong. Your spirit and life can be at stake.
Hope this was helpfu. You can PM me, if you ned.
Oh Lord, STT, is on His journey to be in your family. Guide Him w your angels. Give Him wisdom w His choices. Have him treat his body as a TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. LET him keep his eyes and heart open to see Your prescence and works. Let him recall certain scriptures that he needs for his spiritual growth.
Jeremiah 29 / 11 I HAVE A PLAN FOR YOU. IT IS A GOOD PLAN WITHOUT EVIL. IT HAS A FUTURE AND A PURPOSE. Seek His will for your life and have the courage to follow it.
in Jesus name.
in Christ’s love
There is always the Sacrament of Confession when we fail. So go, confess.

Jesus Christ defeated satan by His Passion and Crucifixion and Resurrection.

End of story, there is no negotiation, or forgiveness for satan. None.

"… And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen…

No, you’re not alone! Keep the faith, brother or sister! 👍
I fought with their temptation to the best I could. Haven’t you ever wonder that how they could tempt us read our minds if they have no control in our mind?
They can’t read your mind, they can only read your body language, and facial expressions .
We are never left alone. The entire host of Heaven will do battle on our behalf if need be. We must become confident in that knowledge, and cultivate the habit of calling on them for help till it becomes second nature.

You may have heard the Native American story of the grandfather who was calm and didn’t get angry, and when asked by his grandson how he managed to be that way, revealed that he really felt like he had two wolves fighting inside himself, a good one and a bad one. When asked by the grandson which wolf would win, the grandfather replied, “The one you feed.” So we need to stop giving the devil the focus of our attention. Instead, focus on Jesus and good things. Gradually as you develop this new habit, the negative stuff will have less and less room in your mind.

One of my go-to prayers in times of temptation is the St. Michael prayer. Another thing that I find helpful is to renew my Baptismal promises. I go through it in my mind like we do in church: I reject Satan. And all his works. And all his empty promises. I believe in God etc. (I usually just segue into the Apostles Creed at this point.) St. Benedict is another powerful ally against the devil. So is the Rosary.

Again, we are NEVER ALONE in this spiritual battle. :knight1: :knight2: :crossrc:
They can’t read your mind, they can only read your body language, and facial expressions .
Actually, this is not all.

Demons also have access to our imagination, since it is material, and they can see the images in it or put images into it.

They can only put stuff into the imagination which already exists in our memory, which is one of the reasons why it is so important for us to guard our eyes from evil things, such as impurity. The demons can access those memories and put them right back into the forefront of our imagination.
Because, God knows there is merit in suffering.
What kind of “merit” is there in the suffering of toddlers (baptized or not) when they are teething? An excruciating pain that serves no purpose.
Lets be clear. The devil wants everyone to believe it does not exist. So if you dont believe in its existence, its already won that battle with you.
Really? How would you KNOW that? Did you have a conversation with the devil at a five o’clock tea? Or you just repeat mindlessly what someone else said - who also has no idea what they are talking about?

You are funnier than a mediocre stand-up comic. I keep on laughing when you (in general) dare to speak authoritatively about these subjects. A huge dollop of humility would be in order.
I have encounter to Devils and I found them very strong. They could manipulate our thoughts and feelings. They could even control our mind if they wish!
Anyone who genuinely believes his thoughts are controlled by demons, aliens or the CIA may need psychiatric help and should see his doctor urgently.
Anyone who genuinely believes his thoughts are controlled by demons…
First, we are talking about Demons. Second, do you believe that they could **tempt **(something that we think we wish but it is what they manipulate) us? If yes, this means that they have access to our mind?
What kind of “merit” is there in the suffering of toddlers (baptized or not) when they are teething? An excruciating pain that serves no purpose.

Really? How would you KNOW that? Did you have a conversation with the devil at a five o’clock tea? Or you just repeat mindlessly what someone else said - who also has no idea what they are talking about?

You are funnier than a mediocre stand-up comic. I keep on laughing when you (in general) dare to speak authoritatively about these subjects. A huge dollop of humility would be in order.
Seems you have a problem with Truth.
Get behind me, satan!
I am curious. I never heard of a rational, skeptical atheist be bothered by the devil or a demon. Did some exorcist ever find an atheist being “possessed” by some demon? And if so, how did this possession manifest itself? Looks like the best “defense” against demons is the lack of belief. 🙂
Having not hear of such - does not mean they have not been.

Possessions rather happen to those who are not living the Christian life…or do not believe as Christians.

Living a Christian life actually is the “best defense” regarding such.
Having not hear of such - does not mean they have not been.

Possessions happen to those who are not living the Christian life…or do not believe as Christians.

Living a Christian life actually is the “best defense” regarding such.
How does that really help you?
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