Will America become socialist now that Biden has basically won?

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That’s right. I have no expertise in climate science. I do understand mathematics and correlation though.
Then you will be the first to admit that correlation does not mean causation. It can be shown that global temperatures are increasing, but I have not seen any proof that humans are causing it. Even the tax payer subsidized liberal PBS has many documentaries that reveal there have been many warming and cooling periods in history before humans were industrialized or even existed. The sun, volcanic eruptions and other acts of nature cause swings in global temperatures.

This all results in terrible ideas like the Paris accords. In typical liberal fashion other countries want to bash the U.S. while letting comunist/socialist countries be exempt.
Sadly, as we see, this is a very bitter red pill for most Catholics - probably 60+% of them. But, frankly, most self-proclaimed “good Catholics” will never make it into the Kingdom - per the prophecy of Christ Himself.
Just look at this thread and you will see the usual leftist Catholics putting aside and even ignoring what the Church teaches because they want to be “good progresives” who fit in at the cocktail partys. They call themselves Catholic, but I suspect they do so reluctantly and may even be embarrassed to admit it.

They remind me of the Pharisees and Sadducees
In the bible who thought they were so clever in applying their knowledge of law to circumvent and trap Jesus.
You should let climatologists know so they can adjust for that in their projections.
“Projections” are just estimates and are only as good as the data they use. Garbage in garbage out. And when you are being paid a lot of money for certain results the data can be manipulated.
don’t see any issue with this. We already have some public media: NPR, PBS, even Stars and Stripes for the military. We could use more media that isn’t driven by ratings and sensationalism.
PBS and NPR are reflexively liberal. There isn’t even a an attempt to be fair and balanced. I resent that even one dime of my tax money supports them.
Maybe facts are not reflexively liberal or conservative. Sort of like math. And God. And nature. Just some random thoughts.

Also, maybe most of us aren’t totally one or the other.
if you mean the “Five non-negotiables”, that list did not come from Pope Benedict, but from Priests for Life, an unofficial organization not part of the Church.
Pope Benidict said the following http://www.vatican.va/content/bened...s/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060330_eu-parliamentarians

I assume the organization you refer to got their list from the above. EWTN also listed the following
When I follow that link my browser returns “403 Forbidden.”
If you are a Catholic why would yo disagree with anything on the list? It’s very straight forward.
I don’t disagree with anything on that list. I object that there aren’t more things on that list. No item of Catholic moral teaching is negotiable, so why list only a few items?
Trump himself has not attended covid task force meetings for months, and I doubt he personally knows anything about covid. His reasons for refusing to cooperate are based on his toxic narcissism that refuses to believe that he lost the election. He care more about himself than the good of the nation
Why would he want to attend a meeting full of whiners who just want to bash him?
There are his own task force. If they are whiners, why did he appoint whiners? (And they are not whiners.)
Instead he started Operation Warp Speed.
He gave the thing people were doing anyway a cool name. That was the extent of Trump’s involvement. Although, I do have to hand it to him. It is a cool name!
It obviously worked since, as President Trump said, we have vacinees. Pfizer had a government contract for billions of dollars but yet they waited till after the election to annonce. It’s easy to see whose side they are on.
Any President with the least bit of sense would have done the same thing (except maybe not with such a cool name). As for the correlation with the election timing, as you point out later, correlation does not imply causation. (Hoisted by your own petard?)
It’s ridiculous to say President Trump doesn’t care about this nation. He is a patriot who served without taking a salary.
The salary is nothing compared to the money he made in his on-going businesses, which benefitted greatly from the prestige of his being President.
If you look objectively at his record he did more to raise the standard of living for the people of this nation than the egotistical Obama/Biden administration did
…all financed by running up the national debt. Trump has raised the national debt in four years more than any other four year period in history. Obama raised the debt too, but did it over 8 years at a slower rate. The biggest rise in the national debt was in his first four years when the nation was recovering from the housing market crash that started at the end of Bush II. So our grandchildren will be stuck paying for Trump’s “standard of living rise.”
Perhaps we could have lots of different scientists study the issue and publish their findings publicly so their methods, data and conclusions can be reviewed and critiqued. Then we could see if the body of evidence pointed strongly towards certain conclusions.
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I’d love to do a thought experiment and switch around the terms. Instead of Biden in the “lead” and all of the alleged voter fraud (dead people voting, more votes than voters, 134,946 ballots showing up after midnight which were 100% for Biden, poll watchers being shoved to 50 feet away, Dominion software being updated several days prior to the election and against the law, stopping voting and then starting up at 3am, and so on), with Trump.

Bdien is leading and in blue states and then Republicans tell Democratic poll watchers to go outside. Hundreds of thousands of Trump ballots “just show up”. Dead people voting for Trump.

It’s that people HATE Trump so much, they can justify this in their minds. And of course there has never been any proven voter fraud because all of the big tech companies are all Democrats and have blocked any information from reaching the voters that is anti-Biden. Of course, they are the experts, because tech companies call elections and have fully investigated the fraud where it happened and did the actual steps to review it???!!! Of course not. They use “fact-check” sites that fully support the Democrats. You think I’m going to believe the fox who is right outside the henhouse with 3 hens missing telling me he didn’t do it because he checked Google?

Part of the reason the health care system is a mess is because it is so federalized already, and that the lobbyists are all from big pharma who are pushing to make it so the laws benefit them. It’s crony capitalism and I hate crony capitalism. There are also so many regulations it is near impossible to do anything cheaply, while still maintaining some safety. I work in pharma, so I’m right there in front of it.

Stop tying health insurance to a job. Let people shop across state lines (bring competition)! Stop frivolous law suits. Tax credits for health savings account expansion and more options.
Stop tying health insurance to a job. Let people shop across state lines (bring competition)! Stop frivolous law suits. Tax credits for health savings account expansion and more options.
What percent of US healthcare costs are due to frivilous lawsuits?
How will being able to buy across state lines increase competition and not just let the major insurers register in a single state with the most lax laws?
Don’t HSA’s already have triple-tax benefits?
It’s about values Freddy. Republicans, or at least their base, want to preserve America according to its founding principles and the Constitution. Democrats want to shred the constitution and turn this country into a globalist pet project for socialism. It would spell the end of this country.
I’d love to do a thought experiment and switch around the terms.
Impossible to do. You’d have to have an election for President between Trump and a Democrat using the exact same election processes and having the same spread of electoral votes but for Trump this time. And hey, maybe we could test how the Democrats would react if he actually got less of the popular vote. That should get them all riled up.

No way would they accept that. They’d never concede.

“Last night I congratulated Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country,” she said. “I hope that he will be a president for all of our country. "
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Too bad that you are in the minority in your party. You will all get a taste of buyers remorse once you see the damage Biden and Harris will be doing. But, God willing, Trump will still pull this off with the courts and expose voter fraud. If there isn’t any voter fraud, well, then I have to look to the silver lining, which I mentioned above. They will do such a horrendous job that no one will vote Democrat for the next 25-100 years.
It’s about values Freddy. Republicans, or at least their base, want to preserve America according to its founding principles and the Constitution. Democrats want to shred the constitution and turn this country into a globalist pet project for socialism. It would spell the end of this country.
Yeah. You already explained that. You gave the reasons for armed action as opposed to any democratic process. I get it. No need to keep expounding. You’ve made your point.
But you’re missing the point. This isn’t about two parties that both want the best for the country. This is, quite literally, a battle between good and evil. And while I don’t pretend that Republicans ought to be raised on the altars as the party of God. I think that would be ridiculous. But it “is” fair to say the democrats have made themselves the party of satan with their pro lgbtq, pro abortion, anti religious freedom platform.
Democrats want to shred the constitution and turn this country into a globalist pet project for socialism.
I am a Democrat and I want to do nothing of the kind. Just sayin’.
Democrat here, also want nothing of the kind and would appreciate if we could tone the rhetoric down a bit. Democrats elected literally one of the least left leaning candidates out of the pool. This is the same as when Republicans are labeled racist en masse. It’s just as absurd. Expanding social safety nets and immigration reform are not going to dismantle the country as we know it.
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But you’re missing the point. This isn’t about two parties that both want the best for the country. This is, quite literally, a battle between good and evil. And while I don’t pretend that Republicans ought to be raised on the altars as the party of God. I think that would be ridiculous. But it “is” fair to say the democrats have made themselves the party of satan with their pro lgbtq, pro abortion, anti religious freedom platform.
Why on earth are you persisting with this? You’ve made your postion abundantly clear. Just to remind you:

‘If they feel the very nature of their country is being threatened and going to be taken away, do you really think them irresponsible for calling for armed protest or resistance?’

So armed action is not irresponsible as far as you are concerned. Even against a democratically elected government, as I suggested.

We get it. You have been crystal clear. No need to explain further.
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