Will America become socialist now that Biden has basically won?

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I just wish that people could see that that is exactly what’s happening now.
And which side, right or left, is in control of 95% of the information dispensing media? Oh, right…

…it’s the left.
It doesn’t matter who you get your information from, it tells the same story. The case in Pennsylvania now thrown out (the 34th case to be rejected). From Forbes:

'…the campaign did not provide any specific evidence of voter fraud in the lawsuit, and Giuliani specifically said during a hearing, “This is not a fraud case.”

U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann dismissed the case Saturday with prejudice and decried the Trump campaign’s “strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations,” which are “unsupported by evidence.”

The Trump campaign’s legal argument, “like Frankenstein’s Monster, has been haphazardly stitched together,” Brann wrote…’

Like I keep saying and as we keep seeing, there is no evidence.

And from Fox News, a comment by the same judge:

‘One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption…’

Obviously there was no compelling legal arguments or factual proof of corruption. How many more cases need to be tossed out before it dawns on you that they have nothing to present?
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Anything to segue to Trump bashing, eh?

Me: I have a cat.

You: It tells the same story…blah blah… Pennsylvania now thrown out… blah blah… unsupported by evidence…blah blah Frankenstein’s Monster …blah blah haphazardly stitched together…blah blah.

Me: It’s a little overcast today. Maybe some snow?
Will America become socialist? Hard to say for sure.

Will America implement socialist policies to the detriment of all? Absolutely.

The real question is, will it happen under Biden or under Harris once she gets him removed from office for having alzheimers/dementia and being mentally unfit for the office?
Nice to see there are at least some Trump supporters accepting the result…
We can now add ‘vote fraud denier’ to the list?

Hey, lighten up! It’s a joke, OK?

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I’m still holding out hope that Trump finds a way to pull it off in the courts. If not, I’m looking to the silver lining. After four years of implementing disastrous socialist and “woke” progressive policies, the democrat party will be dead. The majority of Americans will be voting Republican for the next 25-100 years.
The denial only started on Nov 3. Before that voter fraud was highly regarded as a thing in the Dem camp.
Goes back to 1960, when Cook County cemetery residents voted for John F. Kennedy. 1960, 2020 - both baptized Catholic. Hmmmmm…
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How about if you laugh at republicans and let republicans wait and watch the system play out? Win-win??
I would but it’s not funny. It’s more tragedy than farce.
Then cry. But quietly in a back room while you let this play out.

Seriously, it makes everything worse (including conspiracy theories, if you think conspiracy theories are going on) to try to suppress a conversation people think needs to happen, before those people believe it has happened.

There’s an easy end date on the theories (at least for the vast majority of people) and that’s on the formal certification date, after all court challenges have been allowed to happen, and have been formally wrapped up, and the public figures many believe to have new information (like Powell) have affirmed that whatever information they have, has been presented in a courtroom that has then finished ruling on it.

It is fundamentally counter-productive to try to suppress a conversation people want to see play through to the end. It almost inevitably extends the conversation, because it forces new energy and content into the conversation, in the form of “resisting” and “fighting back against” the people trying to suppress the conversation.

Seriously, the day after the election? It became glaringly obvious to me that the only mentally healthy and reasonable thing to do at that point was to check out, and to check back in only after the December certification dates.

I seriously recommend the manoeuvre.

The worst-nightmare scenario I can envision, for yonder country, would be that the process is not allowed to play out in the eyes of huge proportions of the public. Fortunately, I do believe the process will mostly play out (and incidentally I’m inclined to expect that Biden will still come out the winner, but whaddoIknow, and I’m open to surprise facts). I dearly hope that the process will play out before the standard certification dates. At the same time, any person perceived to have attempted to frustrate or block or delay the process will have added unnecessarily to the resentment and distrust felt by the ‘other side’.

It’s a national election. It should be the squeakiest, cleanest, most transparent process most people ever come across. That it seemingly isn’t is a nightmare already; no extra nightmare fuel need be added, please please please.

So sit back and mourn the “tragedy” quietly, would be my suggestion. Many of us are used to quietly mourning our pro-abortion relatives 24/7/365. You can quietly deal with thinking people are tragically deluded about politics for another few weeks. Just go hiking or something. Come back to the topic after something new has actually happened.
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The denial only started on Nov 3. Before that voter fraud was highly regarded as a thing in the Dem camp.
Goes back to 1960, when Cook County cemetery residents voted for John F. Kennedy. 1960, 2020 - both baptized Catholic. Hmmmmm…
Lewis’ democracy of the dead coming back to straighten out the oligarchy of the living.

But why are they always voting Democrat - the party of abortion, euthanasia and post-modern progressivism?

That is the single largest piece of evidence of voter fraud. Real dead people who followed established traditional norms and toiled all their lives to support themselves and their families would never vote Democrat today. I call fraud! Call Rudy!
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Well, even Alan Dershowitz states that justice will prevail if the evidence of fraud reaches the SCOTUS - and have no doubt it will. I can hear the progressive hysteria already. I agree with Warren Zevon from his song Splendid Isolation…

“I’m putting tinfoil up on the windows
Lying down in the dark to dream
I don’t want to see their faces
I don’t want to hear them scream”
How about if you laugh at republicans and let republicans wait and watch the system play out? Win-win??
I would but it’s not funny. It’s more tragedy than farce.
Then cry. But quietly in a back room while you let this play out.
I think you’re missing the problem here. If there has been evidence of fraud, then it must be investigated. If there is evidence of a central Democratic cabal organising systemic cheating then it will be the biggest story in political history, dwarfing Watergate. If there is evidence that Cuba and Venezuela and Russia are involved in altering the voting system to get Biden elected then everyone must know about it.

But there isn’t any evidence. Nothing has been presented. And I mean absolutely nothing. Just pages and pages of afidavits which are being rejected as fast as they are being presented. Even in the biggest case so far, the lead Republican lawyer has admitted in court that the case was not concerned with fraud.

But still Trump tweets that he has won. He still calls it a stolen election. He still tries to rally his supportes in believing that theyhave been cheated. And you think the best way to respond to this is to take a nice walk somewhere until it all blows over.

I’ve just been on Youtube and checked a far right news site called NTD. For whatever reason I can’t get a link to it, but just search on Youtube for them. Forget what they are reporting…just check the comments that are being posted. And then come back and tell me that a nice walk in the woods is the best response to what is being written. Some of the comments are calling for an armed response!

For so many of the people commenting there, it won’t matter if every other case is thrown out as have the last 34. It won’t matter that there will be shown to be no evidence. It won’t matter if it is shown that this election was won fair and square as the ballots indicate. They won’t care in the slightest. We are already passed the point where some of these people will accept anything other than a second term, despite the democratic process being shown to be fair and above board.

Trump really must know he cannot change anything. He really must. So ask yourself why this charade is continuing.

And while we’re asking questions, maybe anyone can chip in and tell us if the courts decide that there has been no fraud and the election stands, will they accept that decision? There are so many people out there that won’t. It would be comforting to know that people in this forum would.
Well since the Biden-Harris administration will basically throw the constitution out to transform the country into their globalist socialist pet project, can you really blame people for talking about an armed response? If they feel the very nature of their country is being threatened and going to be taken away, do you really think them irresponsible for calling for armed protest or resistance? Try to put yourself in their mindset. If the positions were reversed, and you saw your country as you know it disappearing, you might think differently.
Well since the Biden-Harris administration will basically throw the constitution out to transform the country into their globalist socialist pet project, can you really blame people for talking about an armed response? If they feel the very nature of their country is being threatened and going to be taken away, do you really think them irresponsible for calling for armed protest or resistance? Try to put yourself in their mindset. If the positions were reversed, and you saw your country as you know it disappearing, you might think differently.
So you would endorse an armed response to polical decisions with which people disagree. Honest elections just don’t cut it I guess.

At least you are honest about your position.
If this was just about people with differing opinions on how to move the same country forward, then no of course not. But what we have here are two vastly different world views. Republicans want to maintain our constitution and restore (at least under Trump) our founding fathers values in a return to that. Democrats want to radically change this country, throw the constitution out (at least the inconvenient parts that conflict with their agenda), abolish all public practice of religion, force all taxpayers to pay for abortions under any circumstances, sex change operations for any who ask for it, including children, etc. They will push their godless immorality on the country to appease their constituents who do not hold our God given morals and values at heart. So with America itself hanging in the balance? Sure. Preserving America is something I’d argue is worth fighting for.
I think you’re missing the problem here. If there has been evidence of fraud, then it must be investigated.
You seem to be missing your own words.
But there isn’t any evidence. Nothing has been presented. And I mean absolutely nothing.
Just pages and pages of afidavits which are being rejected as fast as they are being presented.
Do you not know what “evidence” is? It’s not synonymous with “proof”.

In every murder trial (unless one side concedes in advance), both sides will submit “evidence” to support their case. Even the guilty or mistaken party will have evidence to submit.

It’s the court’s job to test and weigh that evidence.

You might think that the quality and balance of evidence will turn out to support one side over another (even, overwhelmingly). Nonetheless, do you literally want to drive people to last resorts, that you would deny the other side the right to present their evidence in court? This is the peaceable route. Let people walk the peaceable route. Help them as helpfully as you can to make the best legal case possible so they can feel the most confidence possible in the outcome even if it’s not the outcome they prefer.
But still Trump tweets that he has won.
I do not now, nor have I ever, cared about tweets. Not Trump’s tweets, not Kim Jong-Un’s tweets, not Nikki Minaj’s tweets. I think paying attention to Twitter is a sign of (or possible contributing cause to) some kind of mental illness (and I mourn that so many have bothered attending to it these past 4 years).

I’m not kidding when I suggest you go for a hike, turn off the news, turn off the news sites, turn off the Twitter. Certification day won’t come any faster if you watch the pot waiting for it to boil.

Shouting that one side’s court cases won’t succeed so they should abandon them, is guaranteed to build up more anger and resentment from others, than simply waiting for them to learn from comprehensive experience that none of their court cases have succeeded. If you try to force them to accept a result with even one serious court case still promised to them by a figure like Powell… I mean seriously, at that point I’d start to wonder if you’re trying to whip up violence in the streets. Because that is literally the opposite of what a pragmatic, trust-building response is to people suffering a crisis of suspicion and distrust.

If you keep calling it a “charade” before the people you consider fooled, agree that enough evidence has been examined to conclude this – you will not have earned credibility in their eyes. You will have sabotaged it.

I’m not anti-Biden (or anti-you) when I suggest just chilling out and going for a hike and waiting for people to learn from the reality check you clearly think is inevitable. If you think it’s inevitable, then the wisest thing to do is stop antagonizing people before it happens.
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For so many of the people commenting there, it won’t matter if every other case is thrown out as have the last 34. It won’t matter that there will be shown to be no evidence. It won’t matter if it is shown that this election was won fair and square as the ballots indicate. They won’t care in the slightest. We are already passed the point where some of these people will accept anything other than a second term, despite the democratic process being shown to be fair and above board.
In terms of scale, I simply disagree. I keep my eyes on various communities, including fairly far right communication hubs. And the general consensus is that the vast majority of even far-right-leaning people are willing to accept a 4-year Biden term, if the process can be shown to be clean. What people are angry about is that the process seems unclean. If things can be sorted out transparently, then the vast majority of people will roll with it.

Yes there will be fringe crazies (presumably) who don’t accept it. There were certainly multitude crazies who never accepted Trump.

But there are legal processes underway. I honestly don’t understand what pragmatic benefit someone imagines is to be had by further sabotaging the trust and goodwill of those who already feel suspicious and attacked, by trying to prevent them from following through on the measures they consider necessary to regain trust in the process.
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The denial only started on Nov 3. Before that voter fraud was highly regarded as a thing in the Dem camp.
Goes back to 1960, when Cook County cemetery residents voted for John F. Kennedy. 1960, 2020 - both baptized Catholic. Hmmmmm…
Lewis’ democracy of the dead coming back to straighten out the oligarchy of the living.

But why are they always voting Democrat - the party of abortion, euthanasia and post-modern progressivism?

That is the single largest piece of evidence of voter fraud. Real dead people who followed established traditional norms and toiled all their lives to support themselves and their families would never vote Democrat today. I call fraud! Call Rudy!
Interesting- the only dead peraon that I am as yet aware of who definitely voted in this election voted for Trump.

So cheer up, there seem to be just as many diverse political opinions among dead voters as the living! 😁
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Preserving America is something I’d argue is worth fighting for.
Yeah. You already said. If a democratically elected party puts forward policies with which you disagree then it calls for an armed uprising. Despite the majority of your fellow citizens voting them in. That’s clear enough. Thanks.
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