I don’t consider these people scum at all. It’s the implication that people doing essential low paid work deserve to be in financial trouble because that I find quite sad. I don’t wish to speculate on the economy God wants but this doesn’t feel right.
If you must know my degree is science based, I had hoped to go into a related field, automation deskilled the job to the point where you don’t really need any knowledge of the science behind it. This meant a few skilled jobs and a lot of unskilled low paid ones.
I however have always worked full time, turned up on time, done my job well, shown committment and yes I do think in return for that effort I deserved a wage that I could live on.
The idea that people on the dole are all feckless and workshy is very simplistic.
Many areas have very poor job markets, the cost of relocating is unrealistic for someone out of work (landlords require huge up front deposits and guarantors), running a car is more expensive here due to taxes and public transport is poor.
Jobs are less secure. Zero hours contracts are increasingly common, as are jobs where you are employed on a self employed basis.
And to be fair maybe some are workshy because they have realised that low paid or insecure work isn’t a route out of poverty and it’s just a waste of their time.
Anne that idea of robot carers is interesting. There are shortages of carers due it being a difficult poorly paid job. I remember when my late grandad became unwell we couldn’t find any care agencies that covered his area. This could be an interesting solution. Of course the most wealthy could pay extra for a human.
If you must know my degree is science based, I had hoped to go into a related field, automation deskilled the job to the point where you don’t really need any knowledge of the science behind it. This meant a few skilled jobs and a lot of unskilled low paid ones.
I however have always worked full time, turned up on time, done my job well, shown committment and yes I do think in return for that effort I deserved a wage that I could live on.
The idea that people on the dole are all feckless and workshy is very simplistic.
Many areas have very poor job markets, the cost of relocating is unrealistic for someone out of work (landlords require huge up front deposits and guarantors), running a car is more expensive here due to taxes and public transport is poor.
Jobs are less secure. Zero hours contracts are increasingly common, as are jobs where you are employed on a self employed basis.
And to be fair maybe some are workshy because they have realised that low paid or insecure work isn’t a route out of poverty and it’s just a waste of their time.
Anne that idea of robot carers is interesting. There are shortages of carers due it being a difficult poorly paid job. I remember when my late grandad became unwell we couldn’t find any care agencies that covered his area. This could be an interesting solution. Of course the most wealthy could pay extra for a human.