Will Catholics who use artificial birth control go to Hell? ---POLL!

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I have a couple questions on this issue:

If a doctor prescribes bc for medical reasons other than preventing birth…Is it still a sin, since it’s still preventing the life of a child?

Are condoms considered birth control/ sin?

Are there any methods of birth control that are not a sin?

If I took birth control for a little while a long time ago, but at the time didn’t know it was a sin…is it still a sin?
Dear anjel

If you do not know something is a sin then you have not sinned, if you are without the knowledge that something is a mortal sin, you have not committed a mortal sin, but if you do know something is a sin, then you are conscious of it’s sinful nature and therefore have an informed conscience to avoid this sin at all costs, if you committ the sin then in full knowledge of it’s sinful nature against God, humanity, heaven and the whole world, then yes a knowlegdeable sin has been committed. If later you come to know that something you did in the past was sinful , that doesn’t mean that the act you committed in the past was a sin at the time, because at the time you did not know it was sinful, but if you acquire knowledge of something being sinful, you are then in possession of the knowledge of it’;s sinful nature, should you then committ this AFTER you are aware it is a sin in full knowledge with a will to seperate yourself from God, defy His laws knowing ALL the truth, then this is sinful and a sin has definitely been committed…however there are many factors that can render it not a sin (medical use of contraceptive for a medcial problem), I am not a Priest !! 😃 You would be better speaking to a Priest, if you feel compelled to confess something that at the time you did it you did not know it was a sin, then see your Priest and discuss it with him.

All forms of birth control (contraceptive) are a sin. Abstenance from sexual intercourse at times of fertility is not a sin, this is called Natural Family Planning and your Priest can put you in touch with information about the practice of this, so can your General Practitioner give you information on how to practice Natural Planning, you need to be well informed if you are to avoid intercourse at these times and it is most important you take medical advice about it if you do not wish to become pregnant.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

A local woman that I know had an after death experience. She died while on the operating table, but was resuscitated. When she regained her senses, she was frantic to speak to her husband because she said that she found herself before the judgment seat of God, and that both she and her husband were destined for Hell because he had been ‘fixed’. She was so frantic that they reverse the procedure that he thought that she had lost her mind and was considering getting her psychiatric help. She eventually prevailed upon him of the seriousness of their situation. He got the reversal surgery and they have become ardent advocates for the Church’s teachings concerning this issue. All of her sisters and their husbands, as well as many in the community, were converted to follow Church teaching about birth control.
Hypothetically, if someone knows the teachings of the Church, knows it’s wrong and is mortal, does it anyway, and dies unrepentant - yes, they go to hell by their own doing. .
If someone dies unrepentant, they go to hell? I sin more frequently than I can repent for. If someone “of faith” sins and then something causes them to suddenly die, you believe thay will go to hell?

Going to Hell or not going to hell is God’s ultimate decision, and it is important, of course, not to make it an easy “yes” for Him. Birth control may abort a child early in a pregnancy, therefore it should never be taken by someone who may get pregnant at any chance. Contraceptives are not permitted by the Church in any situation, so none should be used. Birth control is used for other medical conditions, but are risky in thier side effects, and should be avoided
If someone dies unrepentant, they go to hell? I sin more frequently than I can repent for. If someone “of faith” sins and then something causes them to suddenly die, you believe thay will go to hell?

The Church believes there are different kind of sins. Venal(sp?) sins are not mortal, and are forgiven in the act of contrition, or the prayer of the begining of most Masses. Mortal Sin, and birth control counts I’m sure, need to be confessed and absolved with a priest.
Will Catholics who use artificial birth control go to Hell?
Well if that’s the case practically every person I know is going to Hell, I know I shouldn’t laugh really but it sounds a bit - I don’t know.

Why can’t you use contraceptives though? I mean, what if you get married and you’re not quite ready for kids yet? Surely it’s up to the couple to decide. The whole rule sounds terribly sexist to me.
I was watching a documentary a few weeks ago and got really peeved off, mostly because it was about Southern Africa and the Catholic priest was standing there saying not to use contraceptives when so many people are dying because they are not using them!

Where does it say in the Bible we can’t use them? Where does Jesus say? Sorry to be crude but why did God allow sex to be pleasurable if it’s supposed to purely functional? What if you get married at 21, basically, your going to end up with about eight kids by the time you are thirty? What if you are a Chinese Christian with the one kid rule? What do you do?

Wasn’t John Paul I going to- shock horror!- allow contraceptives? Why do you think that it is?

So basically if you are a good person who tries hard to help other people and tries to bring their kids up good, you’re still destined to hell because your husbands had the snip?

Personally I think the whole contraceptives thing is outdated, the same way women can’t be priests because we have periods and because Augustine was a misogynist. The contraceptives reason is why many of my friends have turned their back on the R.C church. 96% of Catholic women admit to use contraceptives, so guess what? Only 4% of Catholics are actually going to heaven. It all makes so much sense…
  • Hattie
I have a couple questions on this issue:

If a doctor prescribes bc for medical reasons other than preventing birth…Is it still a sin, since it’s still preventing the life of a child?
Humanae Vitae 15

No, it isn’t a sin - primarily b/c you aren’t using artifical contraception then, you are using mediine that has the same ingredients and the intent is not there.
The last poster has it right.

If you do not “know” (at least in a general sense) that something is a mortal sin, it is not a mortal sin.

An example would be a couple who is contracepting because their priest told them contraception was OK if they followed their conscience. Well, we all know that only a moron priest would say something like that. But the couple may not know. Amd there are priests out there who say such things. The couple did what they could - they sought guidance from the church - and got bad advice.

Now, even in that case contracepting is still sinful and will still hurt the marriage - but God would not send them to hell for that since they did not have full knowledge. Mortal sin requires full knowledge of the sin - a conscious decision to disobey God - on a matter of grave importance with full consent of the will.

Sexual sins are always grave. The only other issues are whether there is full knowlege and full consent.

One might lack full consent if she is contracepting because she is in an abusive relationship and her husband would beat her up if she did not contracept.
boy-I’m glad to hear that as I was told that very thing, but always questioned it. But aren’t we told to form our own consience and follow it about some things?
Unrepentance implies knowledge of the sinful nature of the act. Though we are not allowed to make such judgments on individuals, the general case stated is consistent with dying in a state of mortal sin.
If they do, hell will be crowded with lots of Catholics
Sorry if you didn’t mean this to be humorous as well, but this was just too much. I almost fell over laughing. Two thumbs up.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

But sad too.

boy-I’m glad to hear that as I was told that very thing, but always questioned it. But aren’t we told to form our own consience and follow it about some things?
In a word, “No”. As faithful Roman Catholic Christians we accept the authority of the Church in matters of faith and morals. We must form our conscience in agreement with the Church. In this example, the Church teaches that, on the moral issue of contraception, contraception is intrinsically evil and in all ways sinfull.

Now there are issues that the Church does not specifically address, such as should you go to a specific R rated movie. You have to use your well formed conscience to determine if you should go to the movie. Another example is our recent election where you had to determine the best candidate based on their position on moral issues. The Church did not tell you who to vote for, but a well formed conscience is able to properly discern the right course of action.

So, where the Church decides we obey. Where the Church is silent we discern.
So what happens to the “Catholic” physicians that prescribe birth control (the ‘pill’, vesectomies, tubal ligations, etc.) knowing the teachings of the Catholic faith?
So what happens to the “Catholic” physicians that prescribe birth control (the ‘pill’, vesectomies, tubal ligations, etc.) knowing the teachings of the Catholic faith?
I hope for the sake of their souls that begin to feel the “heat” of their actions and begin to have a change of heart. 😦
I voted ‘No’ because I believe that some women cannot cope with too many children and they know it. I think it should be left up to peoples’ conscience. It is certainly better to use prevention than to have an abortion. In fact I argue that the existence of contraceptives should make abortion all the more intolerable.
Hello laywoman, some things are always wrong to choose by virtue of their object. For example, fornication is always wrong to choose - It is a concretely sinful act regardless of a persons intention or circumstance, fornication can never be a moral act.

The same holds true for contraceptives. Contracepting is always wrong to choose, and regardless of ones intention or circumstance, contracepting can never be a moral act.

Peace be with you.
So what happens to the “Catholic” physicians that prescribe birth control (the ‘pill’, vesectomies, tubal ligations, etc.) knowing the teachings of the Catholic faith?
When we councel or command someone to sin, we participate in that sin, and therefore are guilty of it.
We must pray for holy doctors.
I’m only in RCIA, but I think I know the answers (in blue).
Regardless of your reading these answers, please make an appointment for councelling with your priest about this topic.
I have a couple questions on this issue:

If a doctor prescribes bc for medical reasons other than preventing birth…Is it still a sin, since it’s still preventing the life of a child?
No. Not a sin. But you must discuss it with your priest and he may suggest seeking a second medical opinion (Catholic doctor) or he may have other instructions for you.

Are condoms considered birth control/ sin?
Yes. Especially so. And I notice that Jewish teaching is actually very similar to Catholic teaching when it comes to condom usage. See jewfaq.org/sex.htm “It is well-established that methods that destroy the seed or block the passage of the seed are not permitted, thus condoms are not permitted for birth control.”

Are there any methods of birth control that are not a sin?
Abstinence. It is my opinion that abstinence for this purpose must be desired by the wife, and it is best if it is mutually agreed upon.

If I took birth control for a little while a long time ago, but at the time didn’t know it was a sin…is it still a sin?
Not a mortal sin because you didn’t know.
= = = = =
It seems obvious to me that one important Jewish reason behind the mitzvah to be fruitful and multiply is this: that the messiah is coming.

Read of Moses in the bulrushes – and how young male babies were killed in Egypt. And read about how King Herod had all the young boys killed in Bethlehem.

I suppose any baby born to Christian parents is a big threat to the devil.
The key to this whole discourse is whether or not the person understands what is the teaching of the Church on this subject. It is the responsiblity of the one involved to form his/her conscience according to the teachings of the Church. You just can not rationalize, justify, and interpret on your own. To be mortal sin, the action must meet the requirements for grave sin. And, repentance is the key issue.
How did everyone manage to not notice the question stated the person was UNREPENTANT?

This implies that they know about Church teaching, since one cannot be sorry for something they didn’t know was wrong!

Doesn’t seem too difficult to me…
I have a couple questions on this issue:

If a doctor prescribes bc for medical reasons other than preventing birth…Is it still a sin, since it’s still preventing the life of a child?
If you aren't being chaste...yes. It is possible (but questionable) that you could use NFP and only have sex during the natural infertile time periods.
Are condoms considered birth control/ sin?
YES. Contraception is intrinsically evil and a mortal sin.
Are there any methods of birth control that are not a sin?
personally its possible NFP but the true unquestionable way is through marital chastity.
If I took birth control for a little while a long time ago, but at the time didn’t know it was a sin…is it still a sin?
yes but the level of culpability is less. Go to confession and repent.
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