Will Catholics who use artificial birth control go to Hell? ---POLL!

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Anna Elizabeth:
The popes warned that artificial contraception would lead to (are you ready?), more adultery, fornicaton of all types - read: homosexuality and beastiality - divorce, ABORTION and euthanasia. Sound familiar? :rolleyes:
That does show how of touch with reality the popes are! Yes those sound familiar but what sort of delusional thinking relates them to birth control?
Refreshing? I don’t think so…It’s same old, same old, Andrew Greeley, stirring up dissent as long as it gets him attention. I’ll grant you, it is depressing. 😦

Read someone else,
No thanks - when I find someone with ideas that truly make sense, I read more. I notice you don’t address any of the human social issues he mentions which were. of course, ignored by the popes. When people like popes who live unnatural lives (and life without sex is unnatural) make rules that make no sense, I’m not surprised that most Catholics dissent strongly.

That does show how of touch with reality the popes are! Yes those sound familiar but what sort of delusional thinking relates them to birth control?
No thanks - when I find someone with ideas that truly make sense, I read more. I notice you don’t address any of the human social issues he mentions which were. of course, ignored by the popes. When people like popes who live unnatural lives (and life without sex is unnatural) make rules that make no sense, I’m not surprised that most Catholics dissent strongly.

Perhaps the reference to those abominations are that with artificial contraception those who indulge in such aborations can seemingly ‘get away with it.’ Humans have trouble doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. Immoral contraception provides the cloak of deciept and gives the person the unGodly thrill of ‘fooling’ the Creator. In fact, they only fool themselves for their sins will find them out. I think the Popes were trying to equip us with Godliness to keep our lives pure and cling only to our spouses…lest we get caught with our pants down!

peace to all,
No thanks - when I find someone with ideas that truly make sense, I read more. Pat
Pat, Be a good sport and indulge my curiosity. If you find that Andrew Greeley truly makes sense, and that it is the writings of such people of whom you read “more,” do favor us with at least a small list of those authors who fit that description. Specific writings would help, too. :rolleyes:

After all, there may indeed be posters who are of a mind with you, and a few references from you might do them a kindness as well as satisfy my curiosity! 👍

Thanks in advance for your indulgence,

Ditto on the “no way of knowing” response. As is reiterated frequently on Catholic Answers, we cannot know who goes to heaven as that is God’s decision and how absurd for us to presume we know the workings of God’.

I do know that a person’s responsibility for their actions also depends on their awareness and understanding of those actions. For example, my Baptist friend does not understand and has not been taught the Gospel of Life so is not as culpable as I am who has a clear understanding of the connection between our intimate relationship in marriage and God’s relationship with us as “creator”. I would definitely be in danger of separating myself from God were I to engage in birth control. I don’t think she is held to the same level of accountability. To those where much is given, much is expected.

They say ignorance is bliss and education is a double-edged sword. I say, “God Bless the Fullness of Truth of the Catholic Church”.
I voted ‘No’ because I believe that some women cannot cope with too many children and they know it. I think it should be left up to peoples’ conscience. It is certainly better to use prevention than to have an abortion. In fact I argue that the existence of contraceptives should make abortion all the more intolerable.

Sometimes the situation makes laws inapplicable. Such as where there is a danger of catching Aids from your spouse. This is why some prominent Christian leaders like Anglican Archbishop(?) or Bishop Desmond Tutu criticizes the Catholic Church for causing the death toll from Aids to rise in Africa.

I think people have a conscience and know when they are being selfish and also know when the other choices are worse in effect.
The Church has not caused the death toll from AIDS to rise. Sex outside of marriage has. And if one has chosen to have sex outside of marriage (in old fashioned language and thinking, that was called “sin”) and become infected, one does not then have the right to infect one’s spouse. Given the failure rate of condoms of somewhere between 15% and 35%, using a condom is somewhat the equivalent of playing Russian Roulette - spin the cylinder and see if the bullet stops at the next shot.

Furthermore, promoting condom use as “safe” gives rise to the feeling that one is "safe elsewhere; which exacerbates the issue of sex outside of marriage.

If the Church is so wrong, then why si the death rate going down where abstinence is being promoted by the Church and adopted by the people?
A wife in the situation you describe is not sinning. She is not contracepting. The husband is the one contracepting. The wife can do nothing to contracept-- such as pill, IUD, sponges, etc-- but can “tolerate” the contracepting of the spouse in a passive way. The wife should continue to educate the husband and continue to press for no contraception. However, the wife does not have to refrain from relations
1ke you hit the nail right on the head. I wonder if anyone heard the sound…

You cannot coerce or force anyone into following the faith, that is immoral. You can only teach or correct someone to truth. Everyone has to follow their own conscience. This is one of the greatest gifts of love our FATHER truly gives us. Our own free will. If it were not true, there would be no patience, longsuffering, or mercy…Time is short…use this time wisely.

Trust in the teachings of the church, despite whether you believe its teachings to be right or wrong. It WILL save your soul. Other wise you are on your own.

All the excuses made for contraception only show us our own weakness of spirit and our lack of faith in GOD, not our strength of faith.
Remember, in weakness, there is always confession and penance while we work through the dilemma.
yes, they will spend eternity in a cry room with screaming toddlers, diapers being changed in the pews, smell of sour milk, with the vision of what is going on at the heavenly altar without being able to hear it or get close to it, up to their armpits in cheerios and goldfish crackers.

As a teacher and promoter of NFP this is difficult question for me. Am I doing more harm than good, if I bring to light that contraception is not a good thing; especially in case of chemical contraceptives, which can cause micro-abortions. Would these couples be better off in absolute ignorance. How much of a responsibility do Christians have in terms of researching information in either the Bible and/or Church teaching in order to understand if something is sinful? My wife and myself go to great lengths to understand and get educated in terms of issues like contraception, stem cell research, and fertility treatments, etc.

Any thoughs!
Actually, it is wrong in itself to think that any human can know who is going to hell. Therefore it is wrong to ask this question to begin with.
It’s wrong to say Mr. Smith or Mrs. Jones is going to go to hell, it is an obligation on us Christians to admit that certain actions are objectively evil and deserve hell. Birth prevention is one of these.
If you purposely kept the truth from someone to keep them invincibly ignorant wouldn’t you be complicit?

As a teacher you have a moral duty to teach the truth. As the Pope says “Do Not Be Afraid”.
Thanks Buffalo,

My wife and I always present the material and the reasons for not to contracept in a gentle and uncompromising way. The biggest resistance we encounter is making NFP pitches to the engaged in a Pre-Cana setting. In our diocese we have been experiencing a bit of a drop off in signups for the NFP classes, so it’s a little of a bummer considering that our promoters work hard to get the word out.

God Bless
Originally Posted by WhiteDove
I hear that most Catholic couples use artificial birth control and still take communion. If they die unrepentant, will they go to Hell? 🙂
White Dove,

I agree with Barbara who said:
What is it with this morbid fascination with deciding whether or not somebody else is going to Hell? You are not engaging in a harmless parlor game… this is a question of eternal life and death! Doesn’t the mere idea of anyone at all suffering eternity in the absence of God make your head swim and your stomach drop? Are any of you in tears over the thought of that loss? Are none of you in fear of judgement on yourselves? Stop it, already!
and with Greg who said:
Actually, it is wrong in itself to think that any human can know who is going to hell. Therefore it is wrong to ask this question to begin with.
but, I think the think that I find most repulsive about the posting of this thread was the addition of a smiley face at the end of a line of text that asks if people are going to hell. That, in itself, confirms for me what I generally suspect about your polls - to you, this is a game - to be the pollster queen - and it doesn’t matter to you whether the whole concept presented is itself blatantly judgmental and assuming a knowledge that is only God’s to have (e.g., speculating on the eternal state of someone’s immortal soul), outright frivilous, offering choices that are patently contrary to Catholic belief, or offering choices which reinforce commonly accepted errors of belief and, thus, reinforce wrong-thinking. And, I’ve seen you do each of those.

You need to stop trying to be clever.

Many years,

Here are a few facts to keep in mind in any discussion of this type:
  1. God’s limitless love for us. We cannot begin to comprehend how much HE loves us. For any of us to try to understand God totally is like trying to pour the ocean into a bucket.
  2. God sends no one to hell. It is we, whose actions and selfish attitudes turn our backs on God throughout our lives, we send ourselves to hell.
  3. We need an attitude of gratitude to God for his Divine Mercy. We are all sinners; even the greatest of saints believed they were the worst of sinners. 🙂
  4. My wife and I have taught Natural Family planning for many years…AND IT WORKS! 😃
God love you!!
Using contraception is a mortal sin and you could go to hell for it.

Taking communion unworthily is a mortal sin and you could go to hell for it.

Will a person who rapes and murders a small child go to hell??

I have no way of knowing that is up to God alone.
But any mortal sin that you die of without repenting could separate you from God forever.
who are we to know the mind of God, and who or who will not go to hell. my personal opinion, lead a good life, love God, do right by him and your family, be charitable, kind, and humble, confess and repent and you’ll be just fine. God forgives, its in his nature.:blessyou:
I have enough work keeping myself in line; I don’t have time to meddle in other peoples’ business.
Dear friends

I believe in a merciful God who doesn’t throw anyone into hell, we ourselves put ourselves there by unrepentance and creating hell for oursleves, by this I mean the life lead here and the heart reflected here is reflected in all eternity, so a person sins, this doesn’t make them a target, nor lesser than those who are less of a sinner, much store is set by the repentant heart in faith. Faith matters most to God, belief and faith, repentance even more as all of heaven rejoices over the repentant sinner, this is not just the one who comes back or to the church, this is every person who walks into the confessional…yes the law is paramount, if the law is not observed where are we to go from thus? But there is also the Spirit of the law deepened in Christ Jesus, that the gravity and every action of life is serious.

The sin therefore is a symptom of seperation from God, sin is forgivable once a soul unites from seperation of God.

Cast no-one into hell by presumption as no-one knows the heart of another and by the grace of God alone you do not go their path before them, you do nothing by your own admission, your graces to keep from sin are God given and given in love, those who commit sins that are not the sins you commit are differing of nature but none is totally free from sin and all therefore are culpable, perfection cannot be attained in this life, so should we not fall into gloating of our own achievements, we should give thanks and praise to God and admit our own sinfulness and say ‘God I am a sinner forgive me’ or we are nothing but a gloater and proud

God bless you and much love and peace to you

I agree with many of the replies on this thread… I agree witht he ones that say we can’t know who is going to hell and who isn’t. God forgives all sins, for some reason, He loves us a lot ❤️ and also…He is just that cool!
I have a couple questions on this issue:

If a doctor prescribes bc for medical reasons other than preventing birth…Is it still a sin, since it’s still preventing the life of a child?

Are condoms considered birth control/ sin?

Are there any methods of birth control that are not a sin?

If I took birth control for a little while a long time ago, but at the time didn’t know it was a sin…is it still a sin?
Contraception is a sin, and i assume mortal. But we can’t say “Catholics who use contraception go to hell”. We don’t know who will go to hell.

But, if it is mortal, it is thus a damnable sin - one that would put u in hell (assuming u had full culpability on ur part). Hypothetically, if someone knows the teachings of the Church, knows it’s wrong and is mortal, does it anyway, and dies unrepentant - yes, they go to hell by their own doing. However, some may be ignorant or w/e the case may be - so, none of us can say that “all Catholics who use contraception go to hell”.
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