So what about the person who IS good in their heart, they have no hate for anyone, always choosing to do good things in their life, never harming anyone, etc. BUT they do not go to church, receive the body and blood, not because they hate God or are evil, they just choose not to do those things…If God truly judges whats in their hearts, then only good will be found.When i say be their own God, I simply mean they do as they feel fit and not necessarily according to what they ought to do. Many people prefer to live their lives by their own designs or creations. That is what it means to be your own God. Of course, this is not true for everyone.
There is such a thing as moral ignorance and God does not judge ignorance. God judges the heart of man. In a sense God does not even judge wrong doing. In a sense God does not judge at all. Heaven is a gift that no evil can forfeit if by forfeit one means that God rejects his creation. You go to hell not because God takes away heaven for wrong doing, but rather we reject salvation in our wrong doing; we reject God. We bring judgment upon ourselves by acting against the good that sustains our very being in existence.
To worship God simply means to worship Love. If you live outside of what is good, and do not seek to make amends with the good, then God cannot save you from yourself. Your nature is not identical in nature with love and therefore you can only experience heaven by being in union with the nature of love. You put yourself in hell. Humanbeings are destroying themselves. Thats why one of the central themes of the bible is about mastering the flesh. The less you discipline yourself, the more you will sin, the more you sin the more you be possessed by that sin and the less likely it will be that you will repent with a true heart.
Heaven is not something worked for. If you do good it is because it is what you ought to do. It does not add or take away from the possibility of heaven or hell. It is not a work contract; it is simply what a truly good person would do. A Man can do evil all his life and then give true and honest repentance for his wickedness and still experience heaven despite all the evil done. In most cases a man is so possessed by evil that he never repents and some merely try to hoodwink God with shallow promises and good works not realizing that to worship God is essentially to have a relationship with the nature of Love. God merely asks for true repentance and a true relationship with love, not perfection, and those who cannot give true repentance cannot have God.
You cannot have your cake and eat it.