It is absurd to believe the vast majority of God’s children are so diabolical they deserve eternal punishment.
I know how you feel. We cannot see our sinfulness apart from God’s grace, and so we look at ourselves and others and we think: “An eternal hell for THIS?! That’s rather disproportionate God!”
But there is a fundamental error here in the underlying thinking.
Salvation is a gift. It is purely GRATUITOUS gift. We don’t deserve it. Let me be more clear: Every single soul born into this world, born in the flesh, from the moment of Conception is, in Justice, unworthy of Heaven, and is indeed subject to the wrath of God and punishment for Original Sin alone. Now you may call this Protestant and extreme, but it is the Explicit teaching of the Church.
“3. If any one asserts, that this sin of Adam,–which in its origin is one, and being transfused into all by propagation, not by imitation, is in each one as his own, --is taken away either by the powers of human nature, or by any other remedy than the merit of the one mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath reconciled us to God in his own blood, made unto us justice, santification, and redemption; or if he denies that the said merit of Jesus Christ is applied, both to adults and to infants, by the sacrament of baptism rightly administered in the form of the church; let him be anathema: For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be [Page 23] saved. Whence that voice; Behold the lamb of God behold him who taketh away the sins of the world; and that other; As many as have been baptized, have put on Christ.”
-Ecumenical Council of Trent Session 5,
Again, Original Sin alone, that which we are born with and receive through Human propagation, by itself, and without any personal sin, is enough to Send one to Hell:
"“The souls of those who die in mortal sin or with
original sin only, however, immediately descend to hell, to be punished however with different [disparibus] punishments.”
-Ecumenical Council of Lyons II
I know how it feels to read this, to think: Are you implying an Infant can have no salvation without baptism?! How unfair!
It is not what I say, the church teaches there is no other way for them to be saved:
“The holy Roman church, founded on the words of our Lord and Saviour, firmly believes, professes and preaches that … With regard to children, since the danger of death is often present and** the only remedy available to them is the sacrament of baptism** by which they are** snatched away from the dominion of the devil **and adopted as children of God, it admonishes that sacred baptism is not to be deferred for forty or eighty days or any other period of time in accordance with the usage of some people, but it should be conferred as soon as it conveniently can; and if there is imminent danger of death, the child should be baptized straightaway without any delay, even by a lay man or a woman in the form of the church, if there is no priest, as is contained more fully in the decree on the Armenians. ”
-Ecumenical Council of Florence.
So we need to understand:
We are not OWED Salvation. We are OWED Damnation and eternal punishment. We are born under the DOminion of the Devil, the Sin and Guilt of Adam is in EACH PERSON as his own. There is no remedy for this other than baptism.
And instead of getting upset at God for making it hard for us, we should fall down and thank him for his great mercy! For in our darkness, he has shown forth his light! In our blindness, he has offered healing! Instead of souls being born today and damned tomorrow, he has offered us the waters of baptism for the healing of our soul!
Yes, the backdrop is dark, but it is the reality. Without acknowledging the reality of our sinfulness, and of the fact that humanity is a Mass of Damnation (As St. Augustine would say) We cannot comprehend fully the extent of his Mercy: That he bowed down the heavens and descended to US, to the sinners, to those born in darkness, worthy of only punishment and exile! How Great is his love for us! How great is his mercy!
And yet we complain, “Lord, you aren’t saving everyone! They aren’t all going to Heaven!” He never promised they would. He always assured us that the masses would be damned. He himself says so:
‘Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!’
Matthew 7:13-14
‘Lord, are they few that are saved? But he said to them: Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.’
Luke 13:23-24
‘For many are called, but few chosen.’
Mark 20:16
‘The perverse are hard to be corrected, and the number of fools is infinite.’
Ecclesiastes 1:15
As Pope St. Gregory the Great says: “Even the infant of a single day is not pure in his sight.”
So, let us be aware that we must submit. We are Catholics. We must bow our necks and submit our hearts to the Teaching Authority of the Church. We must be gentle and docile and accept the reality as it is presented, not as we wish to reinterpret it or explain it away. We cannot afford such mental fantasies and idols.
Unless we repent and are baptized, we will be condemned. He who does not believe is condemned already. That is why it is not unjust for any unbeliever in any life circumstance to go to hell, because condemnation is what we are born into.
May God be merciful to us and grant us a pure and limpid heart to gently and willingly accept the teaching of the Church.