Bringing up criticisms to the priest, or the music/liturgy director, or the director of religious ed, ought to be seen as an offer to volunteer.Will you?
Not in a demeaning way, or critical way though that is the definition.
I’m referring to constructive criticism and giving him feedback on a particular subject.
I’ve heard some homilies where the priest was trying to make a point but he didn’t hit the ten ring. He was close but hit the 9 instead. Had he carried the statement another 45 seconds he would have nailed it. So would you write him a note the next week and suggest that to him, maybe take him out for coffee, etc. to point out your thoughts?
I know people say to pray for priests and nothing is wrong with that but I think maybe they need some feedback as well.
How involved are you on a personal level with your priest? Is it a comfortable relationship, a casual relationship or just someone you see once a month that he may recognize you on occasion?
If I’m not willing to put up the time or money to change what I think needs changing, I try my best to keep my mouth shut.