**In the 70’s at a teen retreat at my parish the deacon thought it would be groovy to ditribute communion to the teen recipiants by saying “Wanna hit?” instead of “Body of Christ” **
We had canned music in the early 80’s during Mass… unsure if this could be labled abuse, but it was tacky.
We had an extremely liberal RCIA instructor who gave all kinds of wrong information ie. “you don’t really have to go to Mass every week” and “holy days are just extra, you don’t have to go” it was mainly because of her that I thought birth control was OK. It was no secret that she wanted to be a deacon because she would argue the cause with ppl. She once gave the homily while the priest and deacon sat idly by. She was also “pro-choice” and supported Bill Clinton because of this. At the same time, our priest was openly pro-choice and also supported Clinton, verbally to parishoners, if I recall once he verbalized this during a homily… but it could have been after Mass.
The liturgical dancers were wild women during the 80’s at this parish.
They acted like hippies on acid. really strange!
We had a movie about giving money to the church in place of the homily several times when i was a kid.
The worst one to affect my life was that the deacon who married my husband and I, told my husband at our pre cana interview that because he had such a solid belief in the true presence of the Eucharist that it would be OK for him to take communion as long as the priest (at our new parish where we were moving to in another state) didn’t know he wasn’t Catholic. Don’t ask, don’t tell kinda thing. It took us years before we found out this was wrong. My husband and I felt like fools when we realized. We were unknowingly participating in a liturgical abuse ourselves, because of this misinformation!:crying:
We had canned music in the early 80’s during Mass… unsure if this could be labled abuse, but it was tacky.
We had an extremely liberal RCIA instructor who gave all kinds of wrong information ie. “you don’t really have to go to Mass every week” and “holy days are just extra, you don’t have to go” it was mainly because of her that I thought birth control was OK. It was no secret that she wanted to be a deacon because she would argue the cause with ppl. She once gave the homily while the priest and deacon sat idly by. She was also “pro-choice” and supported Bill Clinton because of this. At the same time, our priest was openly pro-choice and also supported Clinton, verbally to parishoners, if I recall once he verbalized this during a homily… but it could have been after Mass.
The liturgical dancers were wild women during the 80’s at this parish.

We had a movie about giving money to the church in place of the homily several times when i was a kid.
The worst one to affect my life was that the deacon who married my husband and I, told my husband at our pre cana interview that because he had such a solid belief in the true presence of the Eucharist that it would be OK for him to take communion as long as the priest (at our new parish where we were moving to in another state) didn’t know he wasn’t Catholic. Don’t ask, don’t tell kinda thing. It took us years before we found out this was wrong. My husband and I felt like fools when we realized. We were unknowingly participating in a liturgical abuse ourselves, because of this misinformation!:crying: