Would you let a homeless gay drug addict in-law brother stay at your house?

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I do not think I could due to safety. Main reason is drug addiction didrupts the brain, as we all know. From where I am, when there are heinous crimes such as combined rape and murder, the culprit is almost always a drug addict. Not saying all addicts do that, but there is an increased risk.
Wow, lots of relies. Thanks for all the comments. We didn’t let him stay the night as my wife and I both worked today. She got really mad at me because its her brother.

I like the guy, but yes, he sometimes has drugs on him, and has come over high a few times. He’s never stolen from us yet, but I know drug addicts steal 100%.

Last week he was here, at night my wife and I both witnessed a hord of demons flying all around our bed. I’ve NEVER in my life experienced this. Like invisible dark shadows fling around. We prayed spiritual warfare prayers and they left. He left a day later, but there was like a dark shadow over our house for a few days.
it just enables them.

its not the right thing to do either. Sometimes tough love is the only love to give.

i would forget the gay, the atheist, bro in law labels atm.

The only label that is relevant is drug addict. And the addict has to want to get clean. It cant be forced
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No, that sounds like it could affect your family. Could he steal money? Do you have cameras installed in every room and outside your home to see if he/his friends might steal or if his possibly drug using friends might enter your home while you are gone? And if you have children-NO! Definitely no! What if the kids got ahold of the drugs or watched or heard something inappropriate.
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I’d probably weigh the situation up carefully.
Eg:if he was watching porn/living gay lifestyle and abused drugs because he was sexually abused as a child then I would like take a more patient and compassionate approach.

If that wasn’t the case though and he just watched porn etc because that is his value system,then I very likely wouldn’t let him live there because after 10 years,this is unlikely to be doing either one of you any favours.

His relationship with Jesus or religion or non relationship would not factor any way into my decision.
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If I weren’t at home to watch over then no, but I’d pay for lodging somewhere else, try to find a more suitable place for him. If there are small children in the house, then not just no, but hell no.
Please pray for him everybody. I took him to our Priest about 3 weeks ago for confession. He ended up worse and hospitalized. Last week he did look better, but its been the same game over and over 10 years now.

In my Pentecostal days, I’ve seen every form of addictions broken in Jesus name, except one. The gay lifestyle. Not sure why that sin addiction is so impossible to break. I’ve even seen heroin addicts cured.
Your wife experienced a demonic visit while her brother was there. Still, a few days later she wants him back?

I would get off this forum and make an appointment at your parish now. You and your wife need spiritual counseling immediately. God bless you.
Well I know usually how to deal with demonic spirits. Jesus has given us authority over them. But this last time he came I’ve never experienced so many demons attached to him and attack us at night.

Oddly, last night after we told him no, I was trying to sleep, and a demon came over me with what felt like a large book pressing on my head. I couldn’t move. I yelled out to my wife who laid hands on me and prayed to cast it off. I told her, her brother probably sent that demon on us for not letting him stay. Not sure if he’s involved in the occult now.

If it happens again I might have to get our Priest to come bless the house. I have Holy Water and I blessed our whole house last week after he left.
I think the best way to ask this question is to pretend you’re asking it to Christ.

Start from there.
If he were in need then yes I would allow him to stay temporarily in my home under strict guidelines. My goal would be to attempt to convince him to change his ways. If that did not work and I could afford it I would be willing to pay for a room elsewhere and meals for him.
Define “drug addict”.

My advice for a guy who is going to shoot smack in the living room is different that for the guy who smokes a joint.

As for watching porn on your computer, don’t give him access to your computer! That is what passwords are for.
I agree with this. Take away all his options, and leave him with no choice but rehab.
Chances are high that this man has no medical insurance.

Contrary to how it looks on TV, rehab is not free. Rehab is very expensive! Charity run rehab has long waiting lists IF there is one in your area.
Only priests with special permission from the Bishop can “cast off” demons. Don’t play around with this DIY stuff.
Yet, my emphasis really was that it is of serious concern that your wife is willing to welcome her brother again after this attack. She really needs guidance, please bring her to see Father.
This is something new that just started in the last 10 years of him going down the path of destruction.

The last time I was physically attracted by a demon violently was around 2004, the night before a Billy Graham crusade. I was wide awake in my bed when it happened. The demons grabbed both my arms really hard to where I couldn’t move them. Then when I went to command then to leave in Jesus name, another demon put his hands over my mouth so I couldn’t speak. Eventually I was free. The next day I still took our Pentecostal youth group to the crusade.
The demons grabbed both my arms really hard to where I couldn’t move them. Then when I went to command then to leave in Jesus name, another demon put his hands over my mouth so I couldn’t speak. Eventually I was free.
This is a natural phenomena called “sleep paralysis”. For people with religious beliefs, there is almost always a supernatural “feeling” when it happens. Perfectly normal!

Only priests with special permission from the Bishop can “cast off” demons. Don’t play around with this DIY stuff.
Your talking about performing explicitly exorcisms. Yes, that is very dangerous for us to do on a possessed person.

For Spiritual Warfare in our own lives and homes, Jesus has given each and everyone of us authority to battle demons. We need to exorcise this authority given to us in Jesus name.

Mark 16:17-18 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: by using my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes in their hands,[a] and if they drink any deadly thing, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
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This is a natural phenomena called “sleep paralysis”. For people with religious beliefs, there is almost always a supernatural “feeling” when it happens. Perfectly normal!
Trust me was demonic in nature.
Christ was speaking to the Apostles and their successors, our Bishops.
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