Everyone has problems:You are right. I have joined a new parish and try to be extra kind to the priests there. I give them gifts and pray for them everyday because they are a gift to us.
You should concentrate on healing and improving
your spiritual life and prayer. Keep a low profile for years, concentrate on your healing. Then when your in a secure position in life with a significant part of your healing done. Then join some ministries.
It would appear? that you are a person that makes everyone aware of what you’ve been through.
This means you are still full of the hurt. Its too early, and you do not present yourself as a likely person to be involved with Church ministries.
If these priests you give gifts to at the new Church, if you’ve told them your problems, the exact nature, and what you’ve been through then your likely to repeat the same pattern that you went through at the other church.
Specifically these are communication, social and anger problems. Not everyone has a perfect or pleasant personality and some of us unintentionally manifest our anger repeatedly when we interact with others, or display some other inappropriate emotion.
You need to spend time healing and not trying to preen and present yourself as a holy person to the church. You are not ready for that.
What would Dr. Laura Say