I live in a parish which is experiencing some major turnover. It has a single priest for a very long time, who then retired. After his retirement and three priests in three years, we finnaly have a new permanent replacement.
Our new priest is very strict, and very by the book. He has removed all the “parish practices” from the mass (rituals or habits the parish has done over the years) and re-structure mass to be exactly like the Vatican’s mass.
He has also introudced more homilies about uncomfortable topics (abortion, birth control, and living a godly life for the sake of our eternal souls) that often make the congregation squirm.
He has told the attached grade school (which my 7 year old daughter attends) that Mass will now be mandatory weekly, instead of once a month, for the sake of the children.
He has taken over RCIA, from the Sister who ran it, and turned it into a much stricter, more formal set of education sessions.
He is very much a religious conservative. He plays by the book, and ONLY by the book. He enforces the laws of the church as laid down by the Vattican, and the Bishop.
And you should SEE the reams of hate mail he recieves…
But in all the things he does, he is really in the right. He believes we need a bit more “fire and brimstone, and worry about our souls” from the pulpit, because in the end, this mortal world is transitory, and it IS our soul we should be worried about. He also beleives that even if he makes people uncomfortalbe, that he should not avoid the important discussions.
I know more than one parishoner who has written letters to the bishop on him.
I added these comments really to make the following points:
- In this whole discussion we are only hearing one side of the story. While I will pray for the lady who origonaly posted, that her pain will subside, we also dont know the priest’s perceptions or otherwise. The priest was completely correct in his stance on RCIA. And if the priest thought there may be a reason she should not be a Eucharistic Minsiter, how can we judge that? There are probably facts there we do not know.
- As many have said here, lets not attack our priests. Our priest live in service to us. Its very rare that even a very good priest will make all his parishoners happy all the time. There will allways be hate mail. Its part of the job. And its a job I am thankfull they have the perseverance to do on my behalf.