I think Trump opponents must be in pretty desperate straights if they’re basing their hopes of getting rid of Trump on 10 year old infidelity allegations. He’s not going to be impeached over this and nobody is going to care about this in 3 years. If anybody does, it will probably be guys who are thinking they’d sure like to engage in inappropriate relations with a porn star too. Bill Clinton when he ran for President had a saying “it’s the economy, stupid”, and it will be the same way for Trump. If things are going well economically in 3 years, and the early signs are positive, he’ll be re-elected. If not, someone else will. All these prurient discussions seem to be about is Trump opponents attempting to signal their moral superiority over Trump supporters, and the truth is nobody likes uptight “Church Lady” types who live to signal their moral superiority, so I don’t think you’re helping your cause, but I certainly am not going to tell you to do otherwise.