Good Morning!
But I think the higher order that we are asked by God to enter is a non-competitive, willing and working for the good of “the other.” This is the life lived in love, the life of Christ. The life of the saints.
Yes, Jesus calls us to the supernatural, to transcend our very nature. It involves being in touch with the Loving source underneath all that which seems like something less.
And, our consciences add a qualifier that all punishments must be proportionate to the crimes/offenses committed.
This is when our rational mind is engaged with the impulses coming from the gut. However, when the crowd hung Jesus, this rational proportionality was not engaged, even though their desires for justice were triggered. Arguably, the law allowing for blasphemy to be punishable by death was quite disproportional, but understandable in terms of human nature. Can you relate to it, “stand among” it?
Empathy-blockers do not lead to “thriving” as a human
Empathy being sometimes blocked leads to empathy itself surviving. Let’s say you have three tribes battling. Tribe 1 has empathy on, all the time, they want justice, but they are unable to inflict any harm because their empathy for the other is fully engaged. Tribe 2 has no empathy whatsoever, they are essentially a bunch of psychopaths. Tribe 3 has empathy on always, except when they see a threat, desire justice, or want something very badly. What happens? Tribe 2 easily slaughters Tribe 1, but eventually implodes in peace time because they cannot cooperate with each other. Tribe 3 also easily defeats tribe 1, and is even with Tribe 2 in battle. However, in the long run Tribe 3 is going to survive because empathy enhances cooperation.
It has been observed that chimpanzees also have this “empathy blocking” mechanism happening when they want justice. Thriving, in humans and species that rely on groups, happens through cooperation, and because individuals are
naturally self-preferring, the group has to mete consequences that are effectively harmful to individuals in order to enact cooperative behavior. This is not a cynical look at our nature, it is all a very beautiful
mechanism, and can be seen in other species.
And yet, we often enough go beyond this simplistic reading of our fellow men, don’t we? Our consciences work to move us beyond the simplistic read of “he is a bad man”…
Yes, with
awareness and maturity, the conscience can be thus formed. Can you respect that people are not
born with such awareness? Have you
always been able to move beyond the simplistic, or do you sometimes “stay with” the negative affect, i.e. not able to understand the other’s POV and are in some way harmed by the other with that POV?