You know you're a Catholic if

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The Anabaptists were the forerunners of many of today’s “Evangelical” denominations. The name Anabaptist means “re baptizer”, because they accepted only the submergence mechanism of baptism and rejected infant baptizm. Thus, anytime someone came into their church, they had to be baptized by their specific clergy, even if the person had previously been administered baptizm.

I was thinking, since this effort of the Anabaptists was in objection to the Tradition of the Roman Catholic Church; of which both at least claim to be christian, were there ever any radical sects in Judiasm that demanded a similar reproach of their sacrament of initiation?

I mean has anybody ever heard of the Anacircumcisers? Or those who reject infant circumsion and demand that the rite be performed only on adults who are capable of making a confession of faith to the Jewish faith?

Just wondering.
JimG said:
You know all the words to “Tantum Ergo” …

Whenever we sing something from the hymnal using the “Tantum Ergo” melody, I find myself thinking, “OK, they’ve got the melody, how come nobody knows the words?”

You mean, the words AREN’T…

"Tantum ergo sacramentum
dum dum dum DUM I for GET! :whistle:
Dr. Colossus:
Bonus points if you’ve managed to find a poster of JPII *watching * a rock band!

Where do I get one of those! I still have some wall space left in the house…
My soul is shaped like a milk bottle? I don’t get tht one. Can you explain?
Milk bottle. Okay. It’s like this… This is a true story from my life when I was 5 years old, and starting to go to Catechism classes once a week.

When I was a little girl back in the days when the Milkman (“Mr. Milkman”) came to our house twice a week with a tray having milk bottles, and taking the tray that Mom & Dad had put the milk bottles from last week from which we’d already drunk the milk…

(yeh, I’m dating myself, I know… but hear me out 😛 please)

Mom was describing to me about my soul… using a clean milk bottle and a milk bottle that had everything drunk out of it and not yet rinsed to put back into the tray for Mr. Milkman to pick up the next day.

"See this milk bottle, honey? This bottle was your body. Your soul is inside. Everybody can see each other’s bodies, but nobody can see each other’s souls. I can see your body, but I can’t see your soul. You can see my body, but you can’t see MY soul.

"Because, honey, your (and my) soul is, after all not a physical thing. Like our bodies are.

“So, honey, sometimes we do bad things, and that makes the inside of us – our soul – get all dirty. Like this milk bottle, here (she said this holding up the milk bottle that had held milk until we’d drunk it all). You don’t want that, do you?”

(I nodded vehemently yes at this point, because Mom was shaking that dirty milk bottle that she was holding in one hand and the clean milk bottle – which she’d rinsed out in hot water – that she was holding in her other hand. Clearly (sorry for that pun! 😛 ) I wanted my insides to be clean!! Not like that icky, dirty leftover milk in that used milk bottle.)

Mom continued…

“Of course, you don’t, honey. Wanna say a rosary with me so we can ask Jesus’ mother to help us BOTH to not do bad things?”

Does that help?
I was laughing so loud, I woke the baby! LOL

How about this one…

You know you’re a Catholic if every time you hear a siren, you say a Hail Mary

Or this one…

You know you’re a Catholic if you purposely drive past Catholic Churches so you can do the sign of the Cross.

Ok, that last one wasn’t really funny.
Dear Mom26SoFar –

This thread is definitely both serious and funny… depending on the point.

No need to apologize, methinks, for that one that you apologized for… about it “not being funny.” It’s a very natural progression from “saying a Hail Mary when you hear a siren” to “doing a sign of the Cross” when passing a Catholic church.

Do not be afraid… our Lord knows what you meant. :yup:

your sister in Christ,
Veronica Anne
When someone curses using the Lord’s name at work or elsewhere in public, you fimmediately and instinctively ollow up in your own mind with “save souls.” :eek:

And think that it might NOT be a bad thing if you said that immediate “save souls” out loud! :rolleyes:

And then do a just as immediate examination of conscience :tsktsk: because you’re afraid that you’ve been judging them! 😦

I’ve actually done all three of these things! Must be I’m Catholic! 😃
Some nights when it’s difficult to fall asleep, in bed you close your eyes and do one of the following (in this order) until you fall asleep:
  1. Say one of the mysteries a rosary
  2. Say the other two mysteries of the rosary.
  3. Remember that we have a fourth mystery of the rosary, so you say THAT one, too! Even though it’s the Luminous mysteries and you need the room dark to go to sleep, it’s not a problem because your eyes are shut.
  4. Sing the Divine Mercy to either of the tunes (weekday or Saturday) they use at EWTN’s Divine Mercy program.
You’re thrilled to find out about that t-shirt with JPII on the front, with the words “On a Mission … from God!”. And on the back, says “Man, Myth, Legend” with a list of his many occasions of serving (# of saints canonized, # of counties visited, worldwide population count of Catholics, almost 25 years as Pope, etc.)

And you get the “current edition” of that t-shirt that replaces the words on the back that list the with the current numbers that have increased since the “first edition” of the t-shirt came out.
You spend the first 10 minutes of your day untangling your scapular from your miraculous medal.
You scream out loud when you lean back after a few minutes in a suana as your miraculous medal hits your chest.
The book by your sun lounger on the Caribbean cruise is" Blessed is the poor" by Father Dubay.
You are the only one in a fish and chips queue on a friday feeling holy.
You compare your suntan by the white rectangle on your chest,where your scapular normally rests. 😉
  1. When someone at work says “Jesus Christ” or “Oh God” you look round and say “Where?”
  2. When someone at work says “Oh my God” you say “Hey that’s great, he’s my God too!”
(I have done no.1, much to the amusement of several other colleagues. I haven’t done no.2 yet - maybe I’m not as Catholic as I thought!)
  1. You count all the lapsed Catholics you know and say a one-liner prayer for each one, instead of counting sheep when you can’t get to sleep at night.
(I have done this before and it works - unfortunately I usually get to about 40 or 50 before I actually fall asleep though:sleep: )
I’m doing that now too!
Boy am I a Catholic Geek! LOL


Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever!
Hmmm… this stuff about listening to Catholic radio or watching EQTN simultaneously to reading this board all seems to give a new meaning to the term “Communion of Saints”!

Veronica Anne:
Hmmm… this stuff about listening to Catholic radio or watching EQTN simultaneously to reading this board all seems to give a new meaning to the term “Communion of Saints”!

Thank you!

when you watch the preview channel to see what is playing on EWTN

when you arrange your day around the Journey Home, Life on the Rock, and the EWTN news thing w/ Ray Arroyo

when the local Catholic bookstore people know your name and point you to the new materials that they know will interest you
I cut out the ones that don’t apply - but do you have a channel watcher set on my TV? Have you been talking to me wife? How did you know this about me? :rotfl:
If you automatically wear a red shirt or dress to Mass on Pentecost, and wonder why others haven’t?
…well, I don’t know that it’s funny… :confused: don’t most people plan their day/night around all our favorite EWTN programming?

That’s why I have TIVO! I know I’m a geek because I have more EWTN shows recorded than the rest of my family’s shows all together… 😃

…well, I don’t know that it’s funny… :confused: don’t most people plan their day/night around all our favorite EWTN programming?
That’s why I love my TIVO…I never miss a show I love on EWTN ever! I know I’m a geek because I have more EWTN shows recorded than all of my family’s shows put together. 😃 😃

You know you’re a Catholic if every time you hear a siren, you say a Hail Mary
Our priest will turn 40 next month. (That’s years old–not years as a priest). Last year I rode with him to a meeting. As we were pulling up to the building, an ambulance went by on the cross-street behind us. As it went by, he made the sign of the cross. This bumped up my already high opinion of him several notches.
On medical questionaires when asked “How often do you drink?” you answer “Once a week on Sundays.”

Yes, I answered that on a medical question sheet once!

This one’s not funny but I am of a certain generation where the question “do you remember where you were/what you were doing when JFK was shot?”

My only clear memory of that day was my mother waking me from my nap (I was 5) to kneel down and say Hail Marys for the President.
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