good one!
here’s more:
You know you’re a Catholic Nerd when…
you can rattle off the times for every Sunday and daily mass in town. **
you have a special place for all of your religious art “overflow”, since there are only so many images of the Virgin Mary one room can handle. **
you greet a friend with “Happy Feast Day!” because today is the feast of the saint whose name he took at his Confirmation. *
you have ever considered naming one of your possible children after one of the more obscure Fathers of the Church. *
you have ever referred to a saint not by his or her name, but simply as your patron or patroness.
you actually have a party on the feast of one of your favorite saints.
your most common phrase at parties starts with, “Well, the Catholic Catechism says…”
your emergency kit contains not just duct tape and food bars, but a bottle of holy water, rosaries all around, and medals and prayer cards. **
your dress shoes are all scuffed on the top of the toes from kneeling at church. **
you invite more priests to your wedding than you have attendants.
your children can pronounce and define “Transubstantiation”. *
when getting lost while driving, you dont get mad, you say, “Well, at least we got to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.” **
when problems at work (or in life in general) get out of hand, you go looking for a good novena. **
you have more pictures of saints than of relatives on your walls. **
you know which Eucharistic prayer is being used in 5 words or less.
you have a key rack that does not hold any keys but rather is full of Rosaries. **
your VCR is programmed to tape every episode of Fulton Sheen’s Life is Worth Living that airs on EWTN.
on a Friday night, you stay up with your friends until 1:30 am waitching EWTN.
when a solemnity falling on a Friday changes your normal Friday fare.
you remember the names of the apostles by going through your brothers.
you think it is
very romantic to switch rosaries with your girlfriend.
you know who JP2 is. **
you stay up all night reading various church documents instead of studying for finals. **
you have nightmares about defending the faith from angry, liberal Catholics.
you stop and bless yourself before going to a party. **
“offer it up” is in your vocabulary (extra nerdiness if you add “for the good of the Mother Church”). **
you know that if you became a priest you would wear a cassock 24/7/365…and if you became a nun, a habit.