You know you're a Catholic if

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You know who G.K Chesterton is.

You listen to Father Groeschel’s audio taped conferences for fun!

You own Anything written by Saint Thomas Aquinas (you don’t have to have read it, just own it and mean to read it some day).
you might be Byzantine Catholic if

-the only thing you want on Easter Sunday is MEAT!

-when in a new town you look for onion domes and three bar crosses

-you know the names of icons

-you know what the meaning of icon is

-you have to buy new shoes and pants after venerating the shroud

-you know what season it is by the scent of the incense
After reading this thread I’ve come to realize: I’m not crazy! Nor am I a weirdo! Whew However…everyone in this public computer lab sure must think that I am since I keep busting up laughing out loud.

I have a friend from India that came to borrow my vaccum cleaner the other day. He walked in, took a look around at all of my holy cards, pictures of Mary, dangling rosaries, and statues. Then he took a look at the new Mary grotto I just built at the end of my bed and he blurted out, “I didn’t know you lived in a church!!!”

(I guess I qualify as a Catholic nerd.)

The bad thing: I don’t get EWTN up here in Fairbanks because I can’t afford to buy the big cable package. (I don’t want to wate my money on tons of trashy secular TV stations.) I used to be an EWTN-aholic when I lived back home in MA but now I’m suffering withdrawls.

"You know you’re a Catholic if you’ve ever apologized for a mistake by striking your chest and saying, “Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.” Hahahahaha! Snort

I thought I was the ONLY one with the toes of my shoes worn down and scuffed up from kneeling. Now I don’t feel so bad. I just feel like a Nerd hehe
Sorry, Michelle…you’re weird!

You’re posting here!

Step 1 is embracing your weirdness and understanding that Catholic geekdom is just something you cannot avoid.

We are like trekkies without the stupid outfits 😉
We are like trekkies without the stupid outfits
Careful now…nerds of the Catholic variety can be prone to more traditional forms of nerdliness as well. Live long and Prosper!!!
I dunno…some of my modest clothing could qualify as a “stupid outfit”. It’s nearly impossible to find nice, quality, fun modest clothes these days!
Hey, I remember seeing a lot of these on the Catholic Nerd blog. Are you the author of that blog? I loved it, but it seemed to go inactive a while back.

ROFL!! :rotfl: good one!

here’s more:

You know you’re a Catholic Nerd when…

you can rattle off the times for every Sunday and daily mass in town. **

you have a special place for all of your religious art “overflow”, since there are only so many images of the Virgin Mary one room can handle. **

you greet a friend with “Happy Feast Day!” because today is the feast of the saint whose name he took at his Confirmation. *

you have ever considered naming one of your possible children after one of the more obscure Fathers of the Church. *

you have ever referred to a saint not by his or her name, but simply as your patron or patroness.

you actually have a party on the feast of one of your favorite saints.

your most common phrase at parties starts with, “Well, the Catholic Catechism says…”

your emergency kit contains not just duct tape and food bars, but a bottle of holy water, rosaries all around, and medals and prayer cards. **

your dress shoes are all scuffed on the top of the toes from kneeling at church. **

you invite more priests to your wedding than you have attendants.

your children can pronounce and define “Transubstantiation”. *

when getting lost while driving, you dont get mad, you say, “Well, at least we got to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.” **

when problems at work (or in life in general) get out of hand, you go looking for a good novena. **

you have more pictures of saints than of relatives on your walls. **

you know which Eucharistic prayer is being used in 5 words or less.

you have a key rack that does not hold any keys but rather is full of Rosaries. **

your VCR is programmed to tape every episode of Fulton Sheen’s Life is Worth Living that airs on EWTN.

on a Friday night, you stay up with your friends until 1:30 am waitching EWTN.

when a solemnity falling on a Friday changes your normal Friday fare.

you remember the names of the apostles by going through your brothers.

you think it is very romantic to switch rosaries with your girlfriend.

you know who JP2 is. **

you stay up all night reading various church documents instead of studying for finals. **

you have nightmares about defending the faith from angry, liberal Catholics.

you stop and bless yourself before going to a party. **

“offer it up” is in your vocabulary (extra nerdiness if you add “for the good of the Mother Church”). **

you know that if you became a priest you would wear a cassock 24/7/365…and if you became a nun, a habit.
you might be Byzantine Catholic if…
Good ones, diaconate!

Here are a few more…

You might be a Byzantine Catholic if…

-yours is the only Catholic kid in his kindergarten class who’s already been confirmed

-other well-meaning Catholics ask you why you make the Sign of the Cross backwards

-you have at least one Crucifix on the wall of your home with what appears to be a pussywillow sprouting from behind it

-you’ve ever wondered what a “Ninth Tone” would sound like, if there were one

-Father’s back looks just as familiar to you as his face

-folks think your chotki is something you grabbed out of your kid’s playpen

-visitors to your Church will often say something like, “Seriously man… like, where’d you guys hide the pews??”

-…and then something like “How much longer??”


a pilgrim
I walked across the street and entered into a Eastern Catholic Church… then I woke up…
Quick!! Go back to sleep, my brother… you’re gonna miss the best part!!


a pilgrim

…and an Eastern Catholic!
a pilgrim:
Good ones, diaconate!

Here are a few more…

You might be a Byzantine Catholic if…

-yours is the only Catholic kid in his kindergarten class who’s already been confirmed

-other well-meaning Catholics ask you why you make the Sign of the Cross backwards

-you have at least one Crucifix on the wall of your home with what appears to be a pussywillow sprouting from behind it

-you’ve ever wondered what a “Ninth Tone” would sound like, if there were one

-Father’s back looks just as familiar to you as his face

-folks think your chotki is something you grabbed out of your kid’s playpen

-visitors to your Church will often say something like, “Seriously man… like, where’d you guys hide the pews??”

-…and then something like “How much longer??”

Glory be to Jesus Christ my fellow brother Byzantines.
I really started
when I read the one about the pussywillows and the ninth tone. My brother who is visiting me tonight wondered why I was laughing. (He is a Roman Rite priest). I pointed to my crucifix with the pussywillow in it and it IS in my living room!

Thanks for joining the posts and hope you post more often!

Go with God!
Edwin, my brother, it’s an absolute joy to be here! Thanks for the “welcome!”

a pilgrim
You know you’re a Catholic if:

You have a rosary hanging from your rear-view mirror instead of a garter.

Your customized license plate reads: AVEMRIA, JMJ, HLYSPRT, SANCTUS, etc.

You have palms from Palm Sunday in your cubicle at work.

In the cafeteria you make the Sign of the Cross, pray over the meal, and include your co-workers sitting next to you.

You tell a colleague you placed a statue of Mary outside on their wedding day because you KNOW Jesus would never allow it to rain on His mother!

You tell the truth to the police officer who pulled you over for speeding because the ticket is easier to take than the penance!

You correct a colleague who just said “bless you” to a sneeze by saying “GOD bless you”.

You walk in file with a measured cadence to this day, just like you did at parochial school, and your penmanship is still better than anybody else’s.
<snip, snip>
The bad thing: I don’t get EWTN up here in Fairbanks because I can’t afford to buy the big cable package
<snip, snip>
Have you tried listening to it on the Internet? There are times that is the only way I can get it (too many women in this house - and they all want the TV). You don’t get all the programs that are on EWTN-TV, but you do get a lot of them, plus some (like CA) that are only on EWTN Radio (not TV).

robin hood:
You spend the first 10 minutes of your day untangling your scapular from your miraculous medal.
Oh yes… this one stands out for me! Many many mornings!
…Your name is Kirsten but you wished your parents had named you Philomena

…You’ve ever thought the Swiss Guard guys were cute

…Your dog retrieves old Scapulars while digging up your backyard

…You’re not quite sure where “Colossians” is, but you’re pretty sure it’s somewhere after “Exodus”

…You’ve debated which to put higher up on your flagpole: the US flag or the Vatican’s

…You’re a mother with 5 kids and regularly fantasize about being a cloistered nun

…You’ve ever been too mad at your spouse to speak directly to them…but you’ll deliver a message via his guardian angel
You know you’re Catholic if you light Votive candles when the electricity goes out.

You light colored votive candles instead of Christmas lights during the Christmas season.

Your parents hope for you is to go into the religious life …my brother did! 🙂

Go with God!
When asked by her daddy what kind of cereal she wanted for breakfast, our 3 year old responded, “Pro-Life Cereal”!! (for Life cereal)
…you secretly feel guilty because you look forward to Lenten fish fries
Laugh out loud! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL!

Lisa Lavadores (first post!)
You Know you’re Catholic if…
You pay special attention to sports teams whose names are:

Padres-San Diego
Cardinals-Arizpna and St. Louis
Saints-New Orleans

(and yeah, I don’t live anywhere near them!)

Go with God!
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