You know you're a Catholic if

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You know what that fish symbol means on a cars bumper …


You don’t have to think twice about what the letters WWJD mean . …
You say Grace eating a Fish Fillet sandwich at McDonalds (Easter Season)

Every night you take your car keys, a rosary, and a prayer card out of your pocket before you go to bed

All your kids middle names are named after saints

you know the true legend of St. Patrick

You say God Bless You and no one has sneezed
Geeee! having read all those, I hate to brag but I must be Catholic!:whistle:
Slightly off point, for the oft-light-hearted tone of this thread, perhaps. But I teach, and when I occasionally hear a child use the Lord’s name in that manner, I turn serious and brusque and tell them directly: “I’d appreciate it greatly if you didn’t use my Lord’s name as a curse word.”

Sometimes, they didn’t realize they were doing that. And, they generally don’t do it again (at least in my presence). It’s a sad commentary that the pop culture accepts this practice as normal.
This one’s not funny but I am of a certain generation where the question “do you remember where you were/what you were doing when JFK was shot?”

My only clear memory of that day was my mother waking me from my nap (I was 5) to kneel down and say Hail Marys for the President.
Hmmm… I think there is a whole SPAN of generations that remember where we were when JFK was shot.

I and my brother and sister were sitting on the floor in front of our TV (black & white, of course, before there were any fancy color ones) when we saw it happen.

Mom wiped my hands from the PBJ sammich goo before she handed me my kiddie rosary.

I was five at the time.
Slightly off point, for the oft-light-hearted tone of this thread, perhaps. But I teach, and when I occasionally hear a child use the Lord’s name in that manner, I turn serious and brusque and tell them directly: “I’d appreciate it greatly if you didn’t use my Lord’s name as a curse word.”

Sometimes, they didn’t realize they were doing that. And, they generally don’t do it again (at least in my presence). It’s a sad commentary that the pop culture accepts this practice as normal.
I don’t teach, but whenever anybody uses the Lord’s name lightly like that, I say – with a wry smile and in *sotto voce * – “thanks for the compliment, but I’m not qualified for that God job!”

People generally don’t even really realize that they’ve done that. A few people have actually sincerely thanked me for pointing it out to them.

A couple of people asked me to remind them whenever they do that because, as far as they are concerned (too), it’s a bad habit to have gotten into and we don’t necessarily realize it when we’re doing it.

Any more, though, I just say “have mercy” in my mind right after they say “omilord!” or “God” or “Jesus Christ!” out loud.

and the Catholic part of this is that I offer it up for the Poor Souls in Purgatory. 🙏

Can’t waste a good opportunity for the PSP, right?
On medical questionaires when asked “How often do you drink?” you answer “Once a week on Sundays.”

Yes, I answered that on a medical question sheet once!

You GO girl!

You know you’re a Catholic if you’ve ever apologized for a mistake by striking your chest and repeating, “Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.”
You know you’re a Catholic if you’ve ever apologized for a mistake by
striking your chest and saying, “Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.”

Or get together at the KC Hall to celebrate “All Saint’s Eve”, instead.

Actually, for the past 20+ years, my parish has celebrated October 31 with a Rosary procession through town and/or a living Rosary on the town square.

This is a great thread.

One year for Halloween my son dressed as St. Edmund Campion and my daughter as St. Peter. She was in that period where she wanted to be a boy.

I had a dream years ago where for some strange reason a lion was chasing me, trying to hit me with a Monstrance. This dream was when I was probably 10 or so. I now 45.

The thing that makes me think I am Catholic now and always will be, I am thoroughly concerned because the diocese where I am now, the tabernacles are all off in other rooms, prayer rooms, that always seem empty.

If they want prayer rooms, why not have eucharistic adoration instead of the entire Tabernacle?

But, again, I rant. Sorry.
If, after hearing about 9-11, you went immediatly to the nearest Church, in order to pray, despite the fact that you would be over a half hour late to work, and called to the wall over the tardy.

If, after finding out that a co-worker is a fellow Catholic (who attends the neighborign parish), you rejoice for thier soul.

If you spend more on rosaries than you do on lunch. (OK, that’s an exaggeration…its about 50-50)
You know you’re a Catholic if you’ve ever apologized for a mistake by
striking your chest and saying, “Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.”
And you’re worried that you just took pride in claiming how much you were at fault… and maybe even rejoiced in being that MUCH (maxima) at fault… or even thought that NOBODY could EVER be AS MUCH at fault as YOU were for that mistake…

Ah! That good ol’ sin of pride strikes again!! :eek:

So you hurry to Confession at the first chance because you’re now worried about being or becoming too scrupulous!

…but would it be objectional to post a list of “You know you’re NOT Catholic if”

With such stuff as:

…you have to ask the pastor before making any large purchases

…you take up a second collection for ammunition and ordinance

…your pastor has a business card with his name on one side, and your churches catechism on the other

…just a thought…
I’ve been thinking about your suggestion. :rolleyes:

Um, my take on doing something like that would *very-much-probably * (that’s a “technical term”) be objectionable to at least one other person who doesn’t necessary catch all the humor on this board.

Maybe if the word “don’t” or “doesn’t” inserted in any of these might not be objectionable? 😛

Bottom line, though… my humble opinion is that whatever (Who-ever) nudged you to ask whether it would be objectionable did so for a reason.

Other than a laugh, there is NO good value to listing “you know you’re NOT Catholic if” stuff.

In my humble opinion…

T’anks for listenin’! and for askin’!
You know you’re a Catholic when you make your cat eat seafood on Fridays!

Go with God!
You know you’re Catholic if the electricity goes out in your house and you can’t tell the difference because of all the voltive candles are lit.

…when on your coffee table you have a copies of ‘This Rock’, National Catholic Register, Your Sunday Visitor, your Bible and two months worth of church bulletins.

you think it is very romantic to switch rosaries with your girlfriend.
Now that really is a nice idea! :love:

Oh yep, Catholic Nerd here! And proud of it! 😉

Oh dear- pride! 😦
…when on your coffee table you have a copies of ‘This Rock’, National Catholic Register, Your Sunday Visitor, your Bible and two months worth of church bulletins.
Don’t have a coffee table, but I’ve had to clean 2 months of church bulletins out of my car before. Does that count?
Dr. Colossus:
Don’t have a coffee table, but I’ve had to clean 2 months of church bulletins out of my car before. Does that count?
2 months??! I’m still tidying out bulletins from 2 years ago! (Seriously!) and even further back than that! I hate to throw them away!
When answering the question “What day of the week is it ?” You say “Monday 10th week of Ordinary Time”.
👍 You know you’re a Catholic if…

you think ten decades is a century,
and five decades is a rosary.
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