‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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Not going to be a Biden win. FL is already good as gone, kiss that one goodbye.

Joe’s ground game was that this was in the bag so he could stay in his basement. That didn’t age well as we saw during the last couple of weeks when his campaign realized, likely too late, that they were in danger. If PA and MN were solid for him, why keep going back there?
I don’t think leaflets are permitted. The official ballots are usually explained weeks before the election in newspapers or by mail.
Excellent article Xystus.
. . . This is our polling place in NE Philadelphia. Already a violation in sight.

— A. Benjamin Mannes (@PublicSafetySME) November 3, 2020 . . .

. . . ILLEGAL campaigning INSIDE of a polling location in Philly. Man in blue is handing out DEM literature to voters IN LINE TO VOTE. This is why DEMS are keeping TRUMP WATCHERS OUT. They are STEALING it! This needs to STOP! . . .

. . . Getting texts from multiple PA folks I trust about shenanigans there. Poll watchers excluded from polling places, closed polls in specifically GOP-heavy areas, etc. Silence from the folks screaming that requiring ID or not allowing 10-day-late ballots are voter suppression. . . . .

. . . A poll watcher in Philly was just wrongfully prevented from entering the polling place #StopTheSteal . . .

Here’s the poll watcher’s certificate

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

It makes clear that it allows the holder to watch at any polling place in the city

. . . Oh look! A Democratic committeewoman in north Philly wearing a Biden mask not letting certified Republican poll watchers into a polling place… She ends with “that rule ain’t worth being followed” when someone says they should be allowed inside. . . .

. . . Certified Republican poll watchers are being kicked out of Mitchum Wilson Funeral Home, Wharton Rec Center, AND Greater Mt. Sinai Baptist Church. Watchers are told their certification doesn’t mean anything. @CouncilmemberKJ, what’s going on in your district? . . .

. . . MORE Bad things happening in Philly. Dem election officials have avoided transparency & accountability at every step. NOW they’re keeping our poll watchers so far from the counting tables there’s NO WAY to ACTUALLY observe. What are they hiding?? THIS MUST STOP!!! . . .

Troubling news in @Allegheny_Co,PA. Election officials blocking observation of absentee ballot processing. One official at site allegedly boasts the system is designed to block ballot observation. Source says observers fear integrity is compromise. . . .

Polls have been open for 2 hours in PA. Here’s what we’ve seen:
  • Several reports of locations closed.
  • 300+ people stuck in line.
  • Ballot harvesting.
  • Certified watchers being denied access.
But sure, Republicans are the party trying to meddle in elections ¯. . .

Polls have been open for 4 hours! So far, we’ve heard reports of:
. . .- Republicans (not Democrats) being denied provisional ballots.
  • Non-operational scanners statewide.
  • Voters separated into poling lines by party. . . .
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Did anyone honestly think this sort of shenanigans wouldn’t occur? Trump is lawyered up and this will go to the courts.Truth will out !🙏
Reports Of Election Interference Surface At Philadelphia Polling Locations
I see that one item of evidence that the article used is now labeled as “Manipulated Media.”

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Clicking on the “Manipulated Media” link shows the following.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Also, a alleged certificate attached to another piece of evidence in whihc a man was told his polling certificate was not good for that location has the location blacked out.
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

My question is which, if any, of the claims of improper action at the polls have been authenticated?
I agree muddy the waters so they can finagle a big cheat .Just keep praying.Ive said two rosaries already today and will say a third this evening:pray:🙏🙏🙏
You pray that Trump will win? That’s an interesting prayer.

You think God has a side?
ThinkigSapien . . .
“Manipulated Media.”
What is manipulated is the Republican poster put 2 photos up on one JPEG (or whatever format). Look at it.

THAT is appropriate.

What is “manipulated” is the warning.

There is no such evidence of “manipulation” in the sense that your source is attempting to say.
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ThinkingSapien . . . .
Also, a alleged certificate attached to another piece of evidence in whihc a man was told his polling certificate was not good for that location has the location blacked out.
It was “blacked out” because it was preceded by “residing at”. Look at it.

Read your own post.

If it wasn’t blacked out,
Twitter would just come up with other excuses to flush the post from Twitter.

They might claim the guy “doxing” himself with either his address or polling place is against the rules.
Or that he is potentially “doxing” someone else.

You don’t put up your (or someone elses) location on Twitter. You know that.

This stuff what’s going on in PA is not hard to figure out.


Also . . .

Just yesterday ThinkingSapien you were attempting to forge in the minds of the readers here that you saw a video of the certificate and the certificate only applied to a single polling location.

Here is exactly what you said . . .
I looked at the alleged poll watching certificate. It looks that the certificates are assigned a location. In the video, the people that denied him entry said his certificate was not for their location.
WHY did you say that ThinkingSapien?

Now that we can all see what the certificates look like, it is plain to see that. . . .
All caps original.

This JPEG of such a certificate is right from your own post today here . . .


The location being blacked out is appropriate. Especially considering it was going up on Twitter.


Yesterday you were telling readers here on CAF . . .
It looks that the certificates are assigned a location.
Now it is plain to see that:
Bold additions here mine in above two quotes.

WHY did you say that yesterday to the readers here?
Is there MORE information that I cannot glean from your posts?
Do they have separate “certificates” for the overseers?
Did you make a mistake?
Something else?
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  1. I don’t think that interfering with Trump’s poll watchers is ‘election interference’. That’s not stealing anything. At worst it is political interference.
  2. I think that few people change their vote based on what they see or hear within 100 yards of a polling place when they are going to vote.
  3. Distrust Breitbart. It is not a credible source.
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Perhaps because those who are watching are themselves “cheaters”? Today, it is difficult to find a truly independent non-partisan person who is in any way associated with politics, including Supreme Court Justices.

This is why, although I believe the Justices of the Supreme Court should consist of three Reps, three Dems, and three Independents, I realize the latter are probably not totally independent because they are also involved in politics as well as being human.
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Yesterday you were telling readers here on CAF . . .
It looks that the certificates are assigned a location .
It used to be the law in Pennsylvania that a poll watcher could only go to the ward to which he was assigned. That law was changed recently, and the election official at that particular ward was not aware of the change, and so wrongly denied entry. That poll watcher did go to another location and was admitted. So the charge is half-true. What is not true is that this incident represents a systemic problem.
LeafByNiggle. . . .
It used to be the law in Pennsylvania that a poll watcher could only go to the ward to which he was assigned.
So what?

I didn’t ask you LeafByNiggle.
I think you should let ThinkingSapien answer for himself.

He is the one who said he saw a video of a certificate.

Again. From ThinkingSapien . . . .
I looked at the alleged poll watching certificate. It looks that the certificates are assigned a location. In the video, the people that denied him entry said his certificate was not for their location.
Bold mine.

ThinkingSapien did not say “a certificate from many years ago.”

I want to hear ThinkingSapien’s answer,
then I will follow that up with asking for a link of that video where he drew that obviously wrong conclusion.

I want to see it myself.

It may be one of the FAKE news industrial complex groups are attempting to fool people again.

I want to see what @ThinkingSapien has to say about the question I directed to him.
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