‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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TMC on the election results allegedly being done within 12 hours after the election . . .
Well, we will know in 12 or so hours.
Cathoholic’s response?
I’ll bet we don’t.

I would suggest to you that the leftists set this up purposefully for election chaos.

And I have been posting evidence of that here for months.
There ya have it.


TMC . . .
. . . all the Trump folks also seem to have unreasonable expectations about the outcome.
Yeah. We expect to have a fair election.
We did NOT anticipate a fair election though.

TMC . . . .
Don’t you think there will be a lot of disappointment on the Trump side when Biden comes in some where near what the polls say?
Sure. The “polls” were right-on weren’t they TMC?

To everybody else.

I am surprised there are still people that are not aware that “polls” are not used for “polling” anymore.
At least for the most part.

Polling is an evangelistic propaganda tool.

Polls are also meant to manipulate their money sources
(“I’m a winner but pour MORE MONEY into my campaign right now”).

If you could not see that from past elections,
perhaps you can see it now?

If you cannot see it now with how bad the polls stunk,
there is not much I am going to have to persuade you otherwise.

You will be destined to keep making that mistake.

Biden was alleged to be polling in double digits over Trump in PA just days before the election.

Biden’s INTERNAL POLLING knew the truth. That’s WHY they hit PA so hard to attempt to counter the Trump campaign.

I used to work on campaigns.

Look at their actions. Not just what they say.
Biden’s actions were desperate.

Trump hammered Biden in many of these states that Biden allegedly “won”.

We’ll see if a more honest result comes to light.

I’m glad Trump won a second term with the American PEOPLE.

Now we need to see if that translates into honest results or not.

Joe Biden (in my opinion) looks thinner, weak, and frail. I wonder if he has some serious health issues that he (and some of the Democrat insiders) already knew about?

Perhaps this is manipulation to catapault a Kamala into office that America would never vote for.

In my opinion though, America did not vote FOR Joe Biden either.

The left voted AGAINST President Trump in my opinion. And also my opinion, since the left could not win on that, they went to great lengths other ways, many other ways (I’ve been posting the for months) to assure a (stolen) victory.

Whether or not it worked, remains to be seen.

If it doesn’t, without significant election reform America is
going to be politically “Californiaized” anyway.

Slave wages, rampant homelessness, civic chaos and disorder, Government overreach, HUGE BUSINESS growth (while small businesses continue to be their victims) and rampant abortion and sexual deviancy.

Look at the businesses on your streets America.

If Californiaized, they will be soon replaced with Government and quasi-Government entities. And a “Green Line” will be close by to ship in the slaves that the leftists created, and get them away at night.
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Exactly.Is it too much to expect a clean and fair election? I know chicanery been going on for decades,however what we are witnessing now is beyond the pale.Just keep praying!🙏
Exactly.Is it too much to expect a clean and fair election? I know chicanery been going on for decades,however what we are witnessing now is beyond the pale.Just keep praying!🙏
The whole election is tainted now.

I want transparency, Biden or Trump, the one with the most electorals should win.
what we are witnessing now is beyond the pale
It certainly is. A President of the United States trying to de-legitimize an election because he doesn’t like the results. Absolutely beyond the pale.
Maybe we need to start over have 24/7 poll watchers validating every sing legal vote,then whatever the outcome we will all accept it because it will have been a fair and clean election
Maybe we need to start over have 24/7 poll watchers validating every sing legal vote,then whatever the outcome we will all accept it because it will have been a fair and clean election
You mean like we have now? Like the ones watching the vote right now in PA, GA, AZ and elsewhere?
A good read about the constitutional issue at stake here for PA:

It’s a decent read of the case that will go before the US Supreme Court again. Remember they only declined the motion to expedite the petition, they didn’t kill it entirely, it’s still there and they will still hear it.

The central point of the case here:
PAs’ high court expressly acknowledged that “the statutory provision mandating receipt by election day was unambiguous” and conceded the law was “constitutional,” but still re-wrote the law because it thought it needed to do so in the face of a “natural disaster.” It justified its right to do so under the Free and Equal Elections Cause of the PA State Constitution.
In other words, the PA SC essentially thumbed their noses at the US Constitution, saying the state constitution overrides it. There was no trying to get the legislature to rewrite the law because that is controlled by the Republican Party so this was a blatant attempt to get around that obstacle.

The conclusion from the article:
Again, translating this into common English, the US Constitution grants state legislators the exclusive right to prescribe the time, place, and manner of holding elections, and to direct the appointment of the electors.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court didn’t just say “Act 77 is unconstitutional.” It re-wrote Act 77 itself, by judicial fiat, creating new rules for time, place, and manner, of holding elections. In doing so, the State Supreme Court violated the US Federal Constitution.

And that’s the real case here. The US Supreme Court is going to rule that the State Supreme Court violated the US Constitution, the State Supreme Court’s ruling is going to be overturned, and the votes that arrived after 8 PM on election day will be discarded. On that basis, Trump will win Pennsylvania.
I mean clear all ballots across the board ,have every registered vote revote and have a very closely monitored counting process in place to ensure a fair and clean election.At this point ,considering voting day is essentially meaningless,we may as well have a complete,do over
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I mean clear all ballots across the board ,have every registered vote revote and have a very closely monitored counting process in place to ensure a fair and clean election.At this point ,considering voting day is essentially meaningless,we may as well have a complete,do over
None of this makes any sense. 140 million people should just vote twice? What makes the votes on election day meaningless - the fact that they must be counted?
You realize there are poll watchers involved at every stage of an election, right, so what would you do differently than our already very transparent system (other than hope for a different outcome)?
In other words, the PA SC essentially thumbed their noses at the US Constitution, saying the state constitution overrides it.
It had nothing to do with the U.S. Constitution, it was a state supreme court making a decision about the state constitution. SCOTUS doesn’t intervene in these cases, and won’t overturn the state court’s decision if it makes it back to them.
Right poll watchers that have been locked out,or kept at distances of 30 ft or more actually having to use binoculars to try and see the ballots
I want an honest and clean election.Not a fraudulent one that is playing out with brazen actions before our eyes.
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