‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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If there’s a violation of the U.S. constitution SCOTUS will intervene. There was no violation of the constitution here, the legislature set the rules for the election.
You keep forgetting that the petition is still open. All the US SC has done so far was decline a request to expedite the hearing. That’s it. Nothing more.
The legislature wrote the election laws and the state constitution’s election provisions. SCOTUS gives final word on state constitutions to state courts.
Then the US SC would have said as much and killed the petition on that basis. But they did not do that. They left the petition open. If this is as cut and dried as you say, why didn’t the US SC say so and refuse the petition entirely on that basis instead of merely declining to expedite it? That’s the conflict you cannot adequately explain. This will have to be decided by the US SC and that hasn’t happened yet.
But the current disagreement is not over that. It is over whether ballots cast or received by election day should be counted, isn’t it? There is no legal argument for not counting those ballots.
That’s not factually correct. The petition to the US SC is regarding the PA Supreme Court’s use of the Free and Equal Elections Clause of the PA Constitution to overtly rewrite the law passed by the PA Legislature in 2019. Reread the article I posted above. You can find it at post 76. Again, as stated above, the petition is still open.
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TMC thinks my reply was . . .
Absolute and unmitigated nonsense.
What was absolute and unmitigated nonsense was your wrong reply
about the election being over in 12 hours
when I have been putting up warnings for months about this kind of shenanigans occurring resulting in a president by cheating.

The three years of phony Russian collusion all turned out to be leftist projection by the national left including the leftist media.
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That’s not factually correct. The petition to the US SC is regarding the PA Supreme Court’s use of the Free and Equal Elections Clause of the PA Constitution to overtly rewrite the law passed by the PA Legislature in 2019. Reread the article I posted above. You can find it at post 76. Again, as stated above, the petition is still open .
What I said is correct. You are correct that the issue relates to the PA SC’s ruling, but it was not over counting ballots cast on election day, or received on election day. It was about the rules for mail ballots received AFTER election day.

The votes being counted right now are overwhelmingly ballots cast or received on or before election day. PA is segregating ballots received after election day, and that issue may end up being litigated. But there is no legal principal to not count votes cast or received on or before election day, which is what is happening now.
Who was running then? What happened?
Gore and Bush … Bush won … but Gore wanted limited recounts where he thought he would pick up the most votes

The recounts of the recounts showed that Gore would have done better [maybe won FL] of the recounts had included more areas … and the mistrust of our Elections began … due to the targeted assaults of both candidates … I will say Trump seems to be asking for statewide recounts … that is good IMHO if that is where this is headed

As a person who has personal experience with vote interference one year in Oregon a 100% mail vote state. Our issue involved the postal carrier. We filed a formal complaint - which was explained away as an innocent error by a substitute carrier - twice failing to deliver my daughters ballot to our address. And others were prevented or hampered here in the primary - where their registration was changed from Republican to Independent.
Right poll watchers that have been locked out,or kept at distances of 30 ft or more actually having to use binoculars to try and see the ballots
How many legal poll watchers have been refused entry? I only know of one instance, and that was due to an election official being unaware of a recent change in the law regarding poll watchers. That office did have poll watchers from both parties.
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You keep forgetting that the petition is still open. All the US SC has done so far was decline a request to expedite the hearing. That’s it. Nothing more.
I’m not forgetting anything. As I’ve said multiple times, if the case makes it back to SCOTUS they won’t overturn the state court.
If this is as cut and dried as you say, why didn’t the US SC say so and refuse the petition entirely on that basis instead of merely declining to expedite it?
Because the Court doesn’t make a habit of issuing emergency rulings on the merits. If it goes back for consideration to the Court they’ll either issue a per curiam decision upholding the state court’s ruling or they’ll hear arguments and issue a majority decision upholding the state court’s ruling with 1 or 2 of the more wingnut members dissenting.

In a guidance to her state’s counties dated Oct. 21, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar advised that a voter whose mail-in ballot was rejected would be eligible to vote in-person with a provisional ballot on Election Day as a way to “cure” their ballot.

Now, GOP Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly, state General Assembly candidate Joseph Hamm and four other plaintiffs are suing Boockvar over her guidance.

After some county election officials questioned the guidance, Jonathan Marks, deputy secretary of state for elections and commissions, clarified on Nov. 2 how the department of state wanted counties to handle the rejected mail-in ballots.

Marks advised county election officials to inform “party and candidate representatives” about the identification of the voters whose ballots had been rejected as a way “to facilitate communication with these voters.”

According to the lawsuit, the counties of Berks, Carbon, Blair, Clinton, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lycoming and Perry ultimately declined to implement the guidance. The suit argues that individuals who submitted rejected mail-in ballots shouldn’t have been given provisional ballots on Tuesday,

Just the News was able to reach representatives for Adams, York, Montgomery and Bedford counties, who said they were not familiar with the contents of the Oct. 21 guidance.

A spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Department of State told Just the News that every county in the state received the Oct. 21 guidance.

Pennsylvania Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman and Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati have called for Boockvar to resign over her handling of the rejected mail-in ballots. They argue that Boockvar “fundamentally altered” the way the state runs its elections.

“The Department changed the rules again on November 2 when they provided last-second guidance directing counties to provide information to help voters whose mail-in or absentee ballots were incorrectly completed so those voters could vote on a provisional ballot,” Corman and Scarnati wrote in a joint statement.

“The late release of this ‘guidance’ resulted in inconsistent application across the counties — some of whom contacted voters as directed and some who did not,” the state senators added. “There is no basis for this guidance in current law. The Secretary created this new process out of thin air.”
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So, another block of votes, “all for Biden”, could be legit but we need to get a handle on this situation. It seems odd to have blocks like this.
It is not “legit”.

There is no question.

It is utterly dishonest when thousands of votes pour in all for the same candidate (not to mention the media, social media and Hollywood lending support to all of this terrible self-destructive scourge we are bringing upon ourselves here).

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
(Screenshot of FiveThirtyEight from Mark Dice via Youtube)

As I have been warning here for months, it will be very hard to prove (which is WHY you do the vote correctly in the first place (in-person, Voter ID, etc.).

The leftists have now done their best to destroy our democratic process of this Republic.

This is what leftists do everywhere they get control politically. Authoritarian banana republics.

Pray fervently for the Lord God to deliver us.
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I’ve said it before, if this is not dealt with now, this can happen in 2024, 2028 and it just may have happened with:

Scott Walker 2 years ago or so, so you can’t say that’s all about mail voting because people were afraid of COVID.

Maybe have happened in MN with Al Franken being elected.

I vote in person. Yes, COVID is out there, wasn’t too big of a deal to stand in line and vote a few days ago.
Victoria33 . . . .
Scott Walker 2 years ago or so, so you can’t say that’s all about mail voting because people were afraid of COVID.
You are absolutely right Victoria33.

It is NOT MERELY about mail-in fraud.

That was only part of the fraud-forumla that is very evident. (But almost impossible to prove.)
(Biden 23,277, Trump 0
that later pops up after Trump was ahead
by approximately six percentage points.)

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
(Screenshot of FiveThirtyEight from Mark Dice via Youtube)

There has to be securing at the booth personally too. Voter ID will play a part.

Either we secure our elections, or we will never have a valid election again. At least in the presidential sphere.
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For a first world country, it is shameful that our elections have devolved into third world banana republic affairs. Glenn Greenwald has a brilliant article one can find over on Zero Hedge.

Money quote:
The richest and most powerful country on earth — whether due to ineptitude, choice or some combination of both — has no ability to perform the simple task of counting votes in a minimally efficient or confidence-inspiring manner. As a result, the credibility of the voting process is severely impaired, and any residual authority the U.S. claims to “spread” democracy to lucky recipients of its benevolence around the world is close to obliterated.
And the conclusion?
No matter what the final result, there will be substantial doubts about its legitimacy by one side or the other, perhaps both. And no deranged conspiracy thinking is required for that. An electoral system suffused with this much chaos, error, protracted outcomes and seemingly inexplicable reversals will sow doubt and distrust even among the most rational citizens.

The next time Americans hear from their government that they need to impose democracy in other countries — through wars, invasion, bombing campaigns or other forms of clandestine CIA “interference” — they should insist that democracy first be imposed in the United States. An already frazzled, intensely polarized and increasingly hostile populace now has to confront yet another election in the richest and most technologically advanced country on earth where the votes cannot be counted in a way that inspires even minimal degrees of confidence.
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There has to be securing at the booth personally too. Voter ID will play a part.

Either we secure our elections, or we will never have a valid election again. At least in the presidential sphere.
And I’ll add to that; some Americans have said that their friends from other countries are amazed that we have such lax election procedures; that we allow people to just send in a ballot by mail, with no identification.
What we have here is third world banana republic style election processing.
If the process isn’t reformed, tens of millions of people will never trust another election again.

Glenn Greenwald said it best:
No matter what the final result, there will be substantial doubts about its legitimacy by one side or the other, perhaps both. And no deranged conspiracy thinking is required for that. An electoral system suffused with this much chaos, error, protracted outcomes and seemingly inexplicable reversals will sow doubt and distrust even among the most rational citizens.

The next time Americans hear from their government that they need to impose democracy in other countries — through wars, invasion, bombing campaigns or other forms of clandestine CIA “interference” — they should insist that democracy first be imposed in the United States. An already frazzled, intensely polarized and increasingly hostile populace now has to confront yet another election in the richest and most technologically advanced country on earth where the votes cannot be counted in a way that inspires even minimal degrees of confidence.
These big Democrat cities are corrupt cesspools run by immoral, cheating thugs. Those thugs in Philadelphia and Detroit should have been taken away in handcuffs for defying the court order mandating Republican poll watchers be allowed to monitor the vote counts. Also all the votes should be thrown out. Those Philadelphia thugs have been cheating and stealing elections for years.
It is not “legit”.

There is no question.
Just curious - do you know the process they are using in Philly? Step by step, where do tranches of ballots go? Are they segregated by presidential candidate? Did they presort them earlier by presidential candidate?

Do you know how they are releasing numbers?

If not, then you have no basis to criticize.
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