‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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I want an honest and clean election.Not a fraudulent one that is playing out with brazen actions before our eyes.
That is what everyone wants. I see no evidence that is not what we are getting.
It had nothing to do with the U.S. Constitution, it was a state supreme court making a decision about the state constitution. SCOTUS doesn’t intervene in these cases, and won’t overturn the state court’s decision if it makes it back to them.
The US SC chose not to intervene. But that’s it, one cannot read anything more into that because they did not kill the petition. All they did was decline to expedite the hearing. That’s it, the petition is still very much open.

Ultimately, this is a critical issue and it has everything to do with the US Constitution: the US SC will have to rule on whether the PA Constitution can override the US Constitution in a manner that is outside the proscription of the US Constitution.

US Constitution Article 1, section 4, clause 1 says:
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof.
US Constitution Article 2, section 1, clause 2 says:
Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
These clauses are very specific regarding the delegation to the state legislatures. So specific that the US SC will have to hear the petition to decide whether said delegation can be extended to the state courts.
These clauses are very specific regarding the delegation to the state legislatures . So specific that the US SC will have to hear the petition to decide whether said delegation can be extended to the state courts .
SCOTUS gives the final word on state constitutions to the state courts. The U.S. Constitution gives authority over the election to the Pennsylvania legislature. The legislature set the date, but the legislature also ratified the state constitution. The constitution includes a provision about elections, and the state court interpreted that to allow for an extension of the dates for ballot accepting. As I said, if this makes it back to SCOTUS they won’t overturn the state’s constitution, which was written and amended by the legislature.
The US SC chose not to intervene. But that’s it, one cannot read anything more into that because they did not kill the petition. All they did was decline to expedite the hearing. That’s it, the petition is still very much open.
To be clear, that petition has nothing to do with what is happening now. The petition was about how many days after election day a mail-in ballot can be received and counted (and under what circumstances). There is no legal argument against counting the ballots currently being counted, and no chance any court will say that they should not be counted.
I watched it! The counter casually looks around to see if anyone is watching him do the dirty deed. lol
I have no idea but clearly he pulled out a ballot and filled it out
SCOTUS gives the final word on state constitutions to the state courts. The U.S. Constitution gives authority over the election to the Pennsylvania legislature. The legislature set the date, but the legislature also ratified the state constitution. The constitution includes a provision about elections, and the state court interpreted that to allow for an extension of the dates for ballot accepting. As I said, if this makes it back to SCOTUS they won’t overturn the state’s constitution, which was written and amended by the legislature.
But if a state court overrides the state legislature in direct contradiction to the wording of the US Constitution, what then? That’s the issue that has to be determined at the US SC level. You cannot simply rub your hands and say abracadabra the issue is moot because of the delegation to the state courts. Not when it comes in apparent conflict with the US Constitution.
To be clear, that petition has nothing to do with what is happening now. The petition was about how many days after election day a mail-in ballot can be received and counted (and under what circumstances). There is no legal argument against counting the ballots currently being counted, and no chance any court will say that they should not be counted.
There is a legal argument to be had about whether a state court can override a state legislature in apparent conflict with the US Constitution’s specific delegation to the state legislatures. Which presumably reflect the will of the people a bit more closely than do the courts.

In other words, who writes the laws?
But if a state court overrides the state legislature in direct contradiction to the wording of the US Constitution, what then?
If there’s a violation of the U.S. constitution SCOTUS will intervene. There was no violation of the constitution here, the legislature set the rules for the election.
In other words, who writes the laws?
The legislature wrote the election laws and the state constitution’s election provisions. SCOTUS gives final word on state constitutions to state courts.
Yes these are certified ballot watchers being denied access.Additionally did you wTch the video with the dude accepting ballot,opening the envelope and filling it out?
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Yes, what you mention is important. Alan Dershowitz was mentioning this on Newsmax. This state legislator, state law, etc. It’s a bit detailed to really get into.
There is a legal argument to be had about whether a state court can override a state legislature in apparent conflict with the US Constitution’s specific delegation to the state legislatures . Which presumably reflect the will of the people a bit more closely than do the courts.

In other words, who writes the laws?
Yes, that is the conflict, but not just over who writes the laws, but also over who interprets the laws, including the state constitution, and possibly whether the relevant portions of the PA constitution conflict with the US constitution (or whether the PA SC’s interpretation does.)

But the current disagreement is not over that. It is over whether ballots cast or received by election day should be counted, isn’t it? There is no legal argument for not counting those ballots.
TMC . . .
Yep, you were right about timing.
But it wasn’t a “hunch” or a “guess” on my part
concerning being right.

I have spent months here posting evidence that this was coming.
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TMC on ballots . . . .
no chance any court will say that they should not be counted.
Which is part of the reason WHY the left NEEDED the disguise of the mail-in ballot frenzy.

Saving people from Corona virus was a bogus distraction regarding voting and the national leftists knew that.

That’s part of WHY the national leftist politicians
as the end of the election drew near,
were admonishing their people to vote IN PERSON.
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