‘The Steal Is On’ in Pennsylvania: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations

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This is what a REAL stolen election is looking like (in my opinion).
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Funny how the Democrats were clever enough to steal the Presidency but completely forgot to steal the Senate and additional House seats.
LeafByNiggle. . . .
It used to be the law in Pennsylvania that a poll watcher could only go to the ward to which he was assigned.
If you wanted a private answer only from ThinkingSapien you should have sent him a private message. But public posts may be addressed by everyone.
He is the one who said he saw a video of a certificate.

Again. From ThinkingSapien . . . .
I looked at the alleged poll watching certificate. It looks that the certificates are assigned a location. In the video, the people that denied him entry said his certificate was not for their location.
Bold mine.

ThinkingSapien did not say “a certificate from many years ago.”
There is nothing unusual about that. Even though the law was changed, poll watchers are still assigned a nominal ward. It is important that every ward have a poll watcher from each major party. If poll watchers were not assigned a nominal ward, there might be some wards without any poll watchers from some party. That would not be good. The law now says that official poll watchers can enter any ward, but they are still assigned a nominal ward.
I want to hear ThinkingSapien’s answer,
then I will follow that up with asking for a link of that video where he drew that obviously wrong conclusion.
There was no obviously wrong conclusion.
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It will get squared away,Trump is a fighter,he won’t roll over
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

What this means I do not know. It may be normal. There may be an explanation but one can see here. From Real Clear Politics.

To other things, Trump wins Ohio but these adjacent states seem questionable? Someone brought that up. Same can be said for Iowa.
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Chicanery ,how can there be more projected votes then registered voters’ ?🤨
FiveThirtyEight.com :

NOV. 4, 4:00 PM
And just as I wrote that, two more batches of Pennsylvania vote were reported: 23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden, and about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden. Trump’s lead in the state is now just below 6 points, with 83 percent of the expected vote in.
So, another block of votes, “all for Biden”, could be legit but we need to get a handle on this situation. It seems odd to have blocks like this.
Check this out too, the steal is on… definitely, a coup.
What conservatives fail to mention is that the incidence of voter impersonation (the only thing affected by voter ID) is so low as to be almost unheard of. Fraudulent counting of votes is more prevalent but seldom actually changes an election result, except in municipal races.

So, all the news reports about dumped ballots or burned ballots or suspected chicanery really are irrelevant and just rhetoric to make the public believe that the contest results cannot be trusted. You know, sour grapes.
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Notice how all of these instances of shenanigans involve key battleground states ?
I"ll be the first one to say, these sources are not always the most reliable but the info is out there:

WATCH: Suitcases and Coolers Rolled Into Detroit Voting Center at 4 AM, Brought Into Secure Counting Area​

The website reports that “other images appear to show suitcases and coolers moving in and out of the secure area where mail-in ballots were being counted during a shift change at 4 a.m.”

Also, antifa as a general term, out on the streets tonight, yes, I have seen video from Denver, NYC and maybe one of the Northwestern Cities. Pretty outrageous.

I wondered about voter fraud a few months ago. Would they really need to have observers, teams on the ground to see what was happening.

And I think the above is not the only news out of Detroit. If they were really treating some poll watchers, kicking them out of precincts, how can these votes be counted as reliable?

It’s almost like a mockery of our system. So, I’ve swung back and forth a few times, to just accept it to something is up. Everybody keep cool emotions.
LeafByNiggle . . .
If you wanted a private answer only from ThinkingSapien you should have sent him a private message.
Good grief.

OK. Link me to the video HE saw (and did not link to) so I can see it myself.
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No surprise in one sense, but terribly dissapointed in another.

If this is the only one CAUGHT, there are probably ten other groups that we will never know about.

I expect Youtube to take this down for who knows why. They will invent a reason.

I knew this was coming months ago and have been posting multiple warning threads on this type of thing.
Victoria33 . . .
23,277 votes in Philadelphia, all for Biden, and about 5,300 votes in Luzerne County, nearly 4,000 of which were for Biden.
Very dishonest.

I knew all the Russian collusion narrative and electioneering complaints the last several years were mere leftist projection.
Wesrock . . . .
Funny how the Democrats were clever enough to steal the Presidency but completely forgot to steal the Senate and additional House seats.
Tell that to John James.

The authoritarian mindset displayed by the left, is mainly concerned about what they see as a quasi-dictatorial position–the office of the presidency.

But they have not stolen the presidency yet. But they sure seem to be trying.
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