⚖ Proud Boys member Alan Swinney arrested on 12 charges

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The one you responded to in post #145
How is it relevant for the discussion?
How is it not?
The discussion has been around the antifascist idea and the white nationalist groups.
Actually, it was supposed to be around one particular member of Proud Boys, and apparently there is dispute as to whether he or the group fall into those categories.
Further, if they do, being able to clearly identify them and movements and ideologies like theirs, which I listed , as worthy of condemnation should join us together.
So you consider the Proud Boys to be which category?
To be honest, I don’t know much about them. If reports about them reflect reality (racist, fascist, white supremacist), then the fit into that list I mentioned above.

Here is their website

Here is their list.
Proud Boys ‘ values center on the following tenets:
Minimal Government
Maximum Freedom
Anti-Political Correctness
Anti-Drug War
Closed Borders
Anti-Racial Guilt
Pro-Free Speech (1st Amendment)
Pro-Gun Rights (2nd Amendment)
Glorifying the Entrepreneur
Venerating the Housewife
Reinstating a Spirit of Western Chauvinism
There’s nothing wrong in that list, per se, and if unattached to the group named, I have no problem with any of it.
The question is, is the list reality or a front.

If reality, all well and good, if a deception, them all the lies condemnable.
I’m anti-fascist, just not the fascistic Antifa version.
This seems to be the growing excuse of the left. “Well, we don’t really know what that term really means. “ or, “it doesn’t really mean that”.
Are you part of “the left” now? Or you just are allowed to use their excuses with impunity?

Antifa is not a well defined term. When Wray says it is an ideology, it is an affirmation that it is an idea, not group. Movement is similar, because it does not have a political structure.
It is more than an idea. They are remarkably well organized, have access to funding, and no qualms about violence.
Where do you get this? What organization? What funding? And they have chosen not to kill people, though one of their members abandoned that in August, so they have some qualms about violence.
Are you part of “the left” now? Or you just are allowed to use their excuses with impunity?
Not sure what you mean. I’m anti-fascist because it is in the very nature constitutional conservatism to be do.
Antifa is not a well defined term. When Wray says it is an ideology, it is an affirmation that it is an idea, not group. Movement is similar, because it does not have a political structure.
Well, again, watch what they do on the streets. If you can’t define their ideology beyond the blackshirt outfits and tactics, I guess that’s all we have to go on.
Do you support that?
Where do you get this? What organization? What funding?
They all remarkably show up at the same place at the same time. Their riot materials just happen to be where they are at just the right time.


Kin of answers your question.
The great thing shout free speech is you’re allowed to keep defending them.
I wonder what the brown shirts in 1930s German would have had on a website as “their list”. I suppose it would be similarly inoffensive.
Oh, goodness no. Their list would have sounded like -
Strong central government
Pro anti-semitism (racism)
Anti-free speech
Minimum freedom.
Vilifying the entrepreneur
Anti-gun rights

Almost like the American left today.
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I’m anti-fascist because it is in the very nature constitutional conservatism to be do.
I thought it was clear. You use the excuse Antifa does not mean anti-fadcist while accusing “the left” for saying “it does not mean that.”
If you can’t define their ideology beyond the blackshirt outfits and tactics, I guess that’s all we have to go on.
Do I condemn wearing black shirts? No.
Do i condemn violence? Yes, but we are talking about condemning Antifa apart from the violence.
Kind of answers your question.
The great thing shout free speech is you’re allowed to keep defending them.
I don’t see anything that answers the question in any way. Unless you are saying Holly Zoller is Antifa?
I thought it was clear. You use the excuse Antifa does not mean anti-fadcist while accusing “the left” for saying “it does not mean that.”
Where did I say that. They clearly claim to be anti-fascist. They just act and dress like they are fascists.
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Do I condemn wearing black shirts? No.
You’re good with those in the above pictures!
Do i condemn violence? Yes, but we are talking about condemning Antifa apart from the violence.
Is their violence not a reflection of their ideology?
I don’t see anything that answers the question in any way. Unless you are saying Holly Zoller is Antifa
Does she not present their ideology?
Don’t underestimate the ability of a group to lie to themselves as a way to have plausible deniability about the evil they do.
Could be. The same with Antifa snd BLM.
I think all of them are egregious, but I seem to be the only one.
Interesting that Biden refuses to condemn Antifa and BLM beyond the violence.
This is the comment we are discussing. I am trying to figure out what “Antifa… beyond the violence” means. The closest I have come is their blackshirts and their tactics. Do you mean something about their tactics other than violence? I will not condemn their blackshirts, though they are not very flattering.

So what are you asking Biden to condemn? It seems like a reasonable question to me.
This is truly sickening when you have people continue to defend and even praise the Proud Boys, and simultaneously condemning and bashing Biden every chance they get. It’s a definite truth that many of these people would wear those “I’d rather be Russian than Democrat” T shirts, and not ironically.
This is the comment we are discussing. I am trying to figure out what “Antifa… beyond the violence” means.
I suggest you look beyond what I’ve already shared if you’re not sure. They rather open.
The closest I have come is their blackshirts and their tactics.
That’s what I’ve seen, too.
Do you mean something about their tactics other than violence?
I think I explained this already. I
Even included a picture.
So what are you asking Biden to condemn? It seems like a reasonable question to me.
And one I’ve already answered. On the face of it, they claim to be anarchists. Is that something Biden should condemn? I think so, but if you’re concerned about a particular vagueness on the point, its true Of Proud Boys, too. I linked to their site.
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